The basic tactic is Brazilian box OVLP
I added:
-floated crosses
-hit early crosses
-be more disciplined
Decent results with Luton.
Super 415 DM 2AM Wide
Ok results with Luton.
tested with bvb. decent results.
Tested with Lecce. Interesting results.
similar to 41212 Re-Cookie VI
I changed:
dm - rpm
am - ap
This tactic is similar to 42112A Blaulicious
I changed:
- vol(at) - mez(at)
- wb (su) right - iwb (su)
Tested with Nottingham on holiday.
Leeds test
Nottm Forest test
This tactic is similar to 424 Structura VII and 442 Sambo or Jiu Jitsu 99% pressure 9% doom.
What I changed from 424 Structura VII:
dm(de) - vol(su)
vol(at) - vol (su)
iw(at) aml/amr - iw(at) ml/mr
I tested it on holiday with Nottingham Forest.
The tactic is similar to Wide Diamond 41212 v1 but I changed 3 positions:
iwb support - iwb attack
dm support - dm defend
am - ss
The tactic we started from is 424 RE-dulillah XII. I added "Be more disciplined" and "Fairly narrow".

I tested it for a season with Nottm Forest on holiday.
My tactic Home
Tank 4-1-1-3-1
I won Campions League in sezon 2.
The tactic we started from is 424 RE-dulillah XII. I added "Be more disciplined" and "Fairly narrow".

I tested it for a season with Nottm Forest on holiday.
One of my defenders is the team's goal scorer.
Test with Man City on holiday.
The basic tactic is 424 Alhamdulillah II 0.8
I ONLY MODIFIED THE PLAYER INSTRUCTIONS. I tested it for 2 seasons, during the vacation, Director of Football made the transfers.