Good luck surviving the 4000!
Can the best tactic be a normal, generic one after all? no more building staircases with your formation?
BEASTanganga said: 4-2-4 deformation dethroned well done

Well with how the positional play works its kind of a 4-2-4 in disguise...
dzek said: You have 2 options:

- Run multiple times normal season on the 5 biggest leagues in the world.
- Create one database.

Is there a database i can get on fm-arena that is considered high quality? i'm guessing if i test on the big leagues the results might not be as scientific as if i were to do the test on a custom database
If i wanted to make my own test where would i have to go to download a database and stuff like that?
I would love to test this formation with an inverted fullback instead of the right wingback