CBP87 said: The Final Data Update for Football Manager 2024 is now available across all platforms*.

Including recent transfer activity in the USA and China, as well as significant non-transfer events, this Update includes more than 400,000 database changes as well as minor gameplay fixes.

All gameplay adjustments will be effective immediately in existing careers, although new save games are required for you to play with the latest player and team data.

Changes to FM24 (PC/Mac) in the 24.4 update include (but are not limited to):

Gameplay, UI and Technical

Crash fixes and general optimisation
Save game compatibility optimisation
Fixed an issue when users manage a German club and cannot process the game past June 
Fixed issue where user managers who are over 70 years old and unemployed can’t get a managerial role
Fixed homegrown status not displaying for players that play in non-European nations and clubs
[Your World Mode] Adjusted the club's budget in the first transfer window

Competitions and Rulegroups

Points deduction updated/applied for applicable English, Scottish and Welsh clubs*
[Japan] Fixed a rare issue where users can only select squad numbers 1-25
[Turkey] Removed 'the match squad cannot have any players aged over 33' rule in the Turkish Cup
Foreign player match and registration rules updated for Chile, Peru and Uruguay
Fixed issue where ‘U21-players trained in the nation do not have to be registered’ rule wasn’t working in Singapore and Chile 
Database 24.3**

~400k database changes since database 24.2, including China and MLS***

[Pre-Game Editor] Fixed issue where fixture files can’t be imported
Updated licenced assets

As a result, the tactics are no longer valid?
When will the tactic reach 4,000 please?
Why not create a tactic with Midfielders
Why not create a tactic with Midfielders?
Hello, excuse me for bothering you. Why don't try to create a tactic with central circles please?