smigler said: LB and LW have PI that are posted in the Grimlock screenshot
RB and RW have only PI that I posted nothing more

Thank for your service, bro👍🏻
smigler said: RB - Stay wider, Tackle harder
RW - Sit narrower, Tackle harder

Sorry.. but, it's the same as the PI in the Grimlock's comments, isn't it?
I wonder if there's a difference of PI between left and right, as TurtleKing said.
TurtleKing said: LW and LB has different PI's than RW and RB.

What's the difference? Please tell me, bro🥲
Wowwwww PI for console please thank you:)
PI for console please thank you:)
My savior, Thank you so much
PI for console please thank you:)
PI for console please thank you:)
Grimlock said:

Thank you so much:)
PI for console please thank you:)
Grimlock said:

so kind thank u
PI for console please thank you:)