Dear Chanho,
I just created this account to thank you for all your effort to develop Buldak Park. I´m completly new to fm. I started playing 2 month ago even if I´m not in football at all. I was just looking for a complex game to enjoy (usually I play games like factorio, Europa Universalis and so on). That said it is clear that I am not able to develop a tactic on my own because of my lack of knowledge about football. To put it straight: I have a blast with fm and your tactic. I learned a lot here around and through some other websites and yt but your tactic is my main source of joy. I started in German 3rd Bundesliga with a small club as I was overwhelmed with the big clubs at first. Now I´m in season 29/30 in 1st Bundesliga and play CL succesfully as well. I thought it may be nice to know for you that you gifted so much joy through your effort. Again, thank you and all the best.