twkmax said: Plan 3 but have no additional focus (or you can choose one if you want) Expand
Pk thanks, i still find it pretty insane that no training at all makes their Physicals grow more than anything you would think maybe even 1 Overall Physical session would do more
Based on the data the best training strategies are either Strategy 17 (1 in the previous version) or Strategy 21 (2 in the previous version). Atm I prefer Strategy 21.
To apply this to the game do as follows: 1. Use Plan 1 or 3 for the u18s (2 years, age 15/16-18) 2. when they age out move to B Team where you should use the opposite of what you used for u18s 3. Then when either CA high enough or Pace/Acc high enough (depends which way round you did it), move to senior squad. I stop actively training Pace/Acc when both are >16 4. When in senior squad remove Quickness additional focus
HOWEVER, I have some questions:
In the image I compare the growth patterns for the 2 different strategies (Note: Strat 1=Strat 17, and Strat 2=Strat 21, they just have different starting parameters). 1. When comparing Strat 1 vs Strat 2 something is wrong with your data @harvestgreen22 . Strat 2 has a much higher final CA, but overall has lower attributes, even when taking attribute weighting into account. 2. Additionally, when comparing Strat 17 vs Strat 21, Strat 17 appears to be slightly better. Which makes me question the CA values in the initial Strat 1 vs Strat 2 test even more.
Thanks again, @harvestgreen22 . Hopefully this is useful for everyone. Expand
Ok and then what schedule do you use for the senior squad?
harvestgreen22 said: If I am in a relatively high level league, I will choose Growth strategy 2 in all of them ( main team , U18, U21 ), which maybe relatively general and convenient
If I am in a relatively lowest ranking league and the players' PA is very low (for example, 50-80PA), then I will choose Growth strategy 3, giving up technical attributes and maximizing physical attributes Expand
Growth Strategy 2 is plan 3 for 2 years then plan 1 for 2 years correct?
AideNGomiinaM said: Hey, thank you for your work. I have a question : For the S8 training program, how do u setup 3 match practice in one week because im limited to 2. I really wanted to try this program. Thanks mate Expand
When you create your schedule have a Match Practice session on Monday & Tuesday then put a match on Wednesday, once you load up the schedule that match will turn into a Match practice session thus giving you 3 MP in a week
kvasir said: The position a player trains in doesn't matter much as long as they're natural (light green) in the position they're playing. What you want to avoid is playing a player in positions they aren't natural in, as this will use up some of their Current Ability (CA) to learn the new position.
For example, if you have a natural Winger and play them as a Striker where they aren't natural, some of their CA will be spent learning the Striker position instead of improving their attributes. However, if you have a defender who is already natural in both CB and LB positions, it doesn't affect their development whether they train or play in either position, since they won't spend CA learning a new position.
In your specific case: If those wingers/strikers and CM/CAM players are already natural in both positions they can play in, don't worry about where they train. The fact that one trains as a striker while playing as a winger, or trains as CM while playing as CAM, won't harm their development. You only need to be concerned if they're training/playing in positions where they aren't natural.
That's my understanding at least from browsing through the forum over the last couple of years. Expand
OK yes that does make sense thanks, i was just wondering more about the attributes they will be improving in, the Match Practice session trains "individual roles" and therefore the attributes specific to their role so i was thinking if they are training in a different role position to what i play them as or want them to play as they might be improving in some attributes that aren't as necessary compared to attributes that are? to be honest some of this does all confuse me at times lol
I have seen in lots of your posts about training not to assign youth players a Position/Role/Duty ​but Something i have noticed with youth players if you don't set a Position/Role/Duty they don't train in the position they are playing, for example i have 2 players who can play as wingers and striker and im playing both as wingers in the u23 team all season but they are still training as a "striker" by default and a player who can play both CM or CAM and all season he has played in the CAM position for U23 but he's still training as a "CM" But with the first team if you consistently play a player in a certain position their training will default to that position, do you have any thoughts on this? Makes me think maybe i should set all the U23/U18 players pos/role/duty to the position they are playing
babasalat said: I have 2 schedule: 1 Game on Saturday: Monday and Tuesday full Rest, Wednesday 2x Offensive, Thursday 1x Matchpractise, Friday Quickness - Saturday is Matchday and Sunday on last Slot rest again. 2 Games Wed and Sat: Monday Matchpractise + Offensive + Rest, Tuesday Quickness, Wednesday is Matchday, Thursday 2x Rest, Friday Offensive + Rest, Saturday Matchday and Sunday full Rest.
After matchdays is enough time for the players to rest. I use this for all my teams.
If you wanna try to get 20 Pace and Acc players dont do any training in schedule. Just individual Training - Quickness Double Intensity when high or full condition. But the other stats will go down then. Expand
Ok thanks, is yours in German? Is offensive the same as Attacking in English?
idek0k said: I started a save to test this out, in a real club in real conditions. Im the dominant club in the league and we've been doing pretty well. Im in January now, and almost none of my players improved. Most of them had a decline in a lot of attributes with no growth. Is there a reason for this? I followed everything precisely.
EDIT: I forgot to mention the schedule. Im using this one [Quickness]+[Attacking Shadow Play]+[Recovery]x7+[Addtional Focus Quickness] Expand
You got to give it longer than half a season bud no one's attributes significantly increase or decrease in 5/6 months
So for me both u18 & u21 im just using X8 and for the 1st team im rotating V7 & S8, S8 when it is only 1 match week or none and V7 for more than 1 match a week, only thing im wondering is for the 1st team would you still use a Match Review to help with Tact Familiarity or is that a waste because with S8 the MP x3 gives plenty of Tac Famil?
I might be a bit confused but since you have done an update excel on December 26 would you now say F19 (Quickness + Match practice + Attacking + Recovery x7 + Double intensity + Add focus) is the new best schedule???
Pk thanks, i still find it pretty insane that no training at all makes their Physicals grow more than anything you would think maybe even 1 Overall Physical session would do more
Based on the data the best training strategies are either Strategy 17 (1 in the previous version) or Strategy 21 (2 in the previous version).
Atm I prefer Strategy 21.
To apply this to the game do as follows:
1. Use Plan 1 or 3 for the u18s (2 years, age 15/16-18)
2. when they age out move to B Team where you should use the opposite of what you used for u18s
3. Then when either CA high enough or Pace/Acc high enough (depends which way round you did it), move to senior squad. I stop actively training Pace/Acc when both are >16
4. When in senior squad remove Quickness additional focus
HOWEVER, I have some questions:
In the image I compare the growth patterns for the 2 different strategies (Note: Strat 1=Strat 17, and Strat 2=Strat 21, they just have different starting parameters).
1. When comparing Strat 1 vs Strat 2 something is wrong with your data @harvestgreen22 . Strat 2 has a much higher final CA, but overall has lower attributes, even when taking attribute weighting into account.
2. Additionally, when comparing Strat 17 vs Strat 21, Strat 17 appears to be slightly better. Which makes me question the CA values in the initial Strat 1 vs Strat 2 test even more.
Thanks again, @harvestgreen22 . Hopefully this is useful for everyone.
Ok and then what schedule do you use for the senior squad?
If I am in a relatively lowest ranking league and the players' PA is very low (for example, 50-80PA), then I will choose Growth strategy 3, giving up technical attributes and maximizing physical attributes
Growth Strategy 2 is plan 3 for 2 years then plan 1 for 2 years correct?
I have a question : For the S8 training program, how do u setup 3 match practice in one week because im limited to 2. I really wanted to try this program. Thanks mate
When you create your schedule have a Match Practice session on Monday & Tuesday then put a match on Wednesday, once you load up the schedule that match will turn into a Match practice session thus giving you 3 MP in a week
For example, if you have a natural Winger and play them as a Striker where they aren't natural, some of their CA will be spent learning the Striker position instead of improving their attributes. However, if you have a defender who is already natural in both CB and LB positions, it doesn't affect their development whether they train or play in either position, since they won't spend CA learning a new position.
In your specific case: If those wingers/strikers and CM/CAM players are already natural in both positions they can play in, don't worry about where they train. The fact that one trains as a striker while playing as a winger, or trains as CM while playing as CAM, won't harm their development. You only need to be concerned if they're training/playing in positions where they aren't natural.
That's my understanding at least from browsing through the forum over the last couple of years.
OK yes that does make sense thanks, i was just wondering more about the attributes they will be improving in, the Match Practice session trains "individual roles" and therefore the attributes specific to their role so i was thinking if they are training in a different role position to what i play them as or want them to play as they might be improving in some attributes that aren't as necessary compared to attributes that are? to be honest some of this does all confuse me at times lol
1 Game on Saturday: Monday and Tuesday full Rest, Wednesday 2x Offensive, Thursday 1x Matchpractise, Friday Quickness - Saturday is Matchday and Sunday on last Slot rest again.
2 Games Wed and Sat: Monday Matchpractise + Offensive + Rest, Tuesday Quickness, Wednesday is Matchday, Thursday 2x Rest, Friday Offensive + Rest, Saturday Matchday and Sunday full Rest.
After matchdays is enough time for the players to rest. I use this for all my teams.
If you wanna try to get 20 Pace and Acc players dont do any training in schedule. Just individual Training - Quickness Double Intensity when high or full condition. But the other stats will go down then.
Ok thanks, is yours in German? Is offensive the same as Attacking in English?
Show us a screen shot of some of your players attribute changes
EDIT: I forgot to mention the schedule. Im using this one
[Quickness]+[Attacking Shadow Play]+[Recovery]x7+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
You got to give it longer than half a season bud no one's attributes significantly increase or decrease in 5/6 months