Thank you for your interest in our research results.
It is necessary to make some supplementary explanations to the research results so as not to be misleading.
Stamina, in our system, we keep the players full in every game, and all players play the entire game. In the actual game, for those substitute players who occasionally play, stamina should not be as important as the results indicate. In a dense schedule, the stamina of the key players may be more important than the research results. Of course, it is related to the team's rotation strategy.
Strength and Aggression, in order to simplify the entire training process, we actually discarded the injury game. Higher aggression will make the players more likely to get injured. This negative factor is not included in our experiment. In addition, our research has found that strength has the effect of avoiding serious injuries to a certain extent, so the importance of strength should be higher than that on the table.
Punching, in fact, this attribute shows some negative effects in our research, and the weight in the table should be a negative number. However, due to a bug in our system, there are some problems with the processing of negative attributes, so accurate weight values ​​are not obtained. 0 is manually set.
Leadership, since each player is in the best condition, the morale factor before the start of the game is not taken into account in the system. We found that leadership helps the team maintain better morale after the game, so the actual role of leadership should be greater than the table.