tweak of this: https://fm-arena.com/thread/13581-ef-25-4231-fr-p103-ac/

-Mark specific pos. to AM (DMC)

-Take less risk to SK

Added dribble more to AF

-Added mark specific pos. to AM (DMC)

Ochre Reindeer said: Player instructions for console please

SK - Tackle Harder
FB - Takes more risks, tackle harder, stay wider, cross from byline, cut inside
BPD - Dribble more, tackle harder
Vol - Take more risks, tackle harder
Anc - Tackle harder
IW - Sit narrower, tackle harder, mark specific position **Right IW on LB and Left IW on RB**
AM - Take more risks, hold up ball, move into channels, tackle harder
AF - Take more risks, tackle harder, roam from position
-Added more direct pass to AM

New formation with new roles

-AF to CF
-PF sup to PF Def
-FBr removed cross from byline
-DMs take more risks

-IF hold up ball
-AM to SS

-SK Def to SK sup

-dribble more to all players
-SK def to SK att
-AM to SS

-TI Positive
-Slighly higher tempo
-High Tempo

-Positive TI
-FBs to WB
-DMs hold pos.
-AM and IFs and AF Roam from pos.
-Slow pace down TI

-TI Slightly Higher Tempo
-TI Higher Defensive Line
-Removed Dribble more from FBs
-Added take more risks to DMs and AF

-No dribble more on FBS
-Take less risk to SK
-Roam From Pos. to AF
-Take More risks on DMs and AF

tweak of: https://fm-arena.com/thread/12049-4-2-3-1-finalshot-akutac-mk23/

-Removed overlaps
-Removed dribble more from FB

tweak of: https://fm-arena.com/thread/12667-god-of-chaos-v1/

-FB run wide with ball
-Removed invite crosses

tweak of: https://fm-arena.com/thread/13158-4-2-3-1-comeback-akutac-mk9/

-Removed shoot less often from FB