Very interesting information as i always struggle to compare tactics to my saves.

@zippo Would you elaborate more on what you mean by "buffing" or "nerfing" a team? Getting better players than you would in a testing league or is it something else?

Thanks in advance
ZaZ said: He is probably right about Resistance over Physical. However, the difference is marginal, and Physical is clearer than Resistance, because the description of Resistance doesn't match the results (most likely an unintended bug). If I used Resistance, there would be lots of people asking why I don't use anything to train quickness.

Thanks for the answer! Keep up the good work
ZaZ said: Yes. If you set up training and resting for youth and reserve, they grow much faster.

Hello ZaZ, im curious about the use of Physical instead of Resistence blocks as Evidences points out its kinda better because its not as demanding but equally good in growth, wanted to know what are your thoughts about it. Cheers