Why isn't this tactic #1?? It's the same points (57) but has a better Goal difference.
ZaZ said: You can probably normalize by multiplying the weight of all attributes for some X factor. I'll give an example using the case @lordus used:
"For example, if I create a player with 20 in all attributes, a winger gets 120% and a FS gets 109%."

In this case, X factor would be 1.0 for winger and 0.90 for fast striker (120% is 1.0, 109% is X, basic rule of three). Then you multiply all weights from winger by 0.9, and they will now have a normalized rating. You can do the same to all roles, based on the position with lowest rating (since all others will be reduced to reach similar level).

I am new to this... What exactly does the weight coefficient do in Genie Scout?
The values ​​there are exactly the values ​​you get when generating a player with 20 in all attributes for a specific position. For example FS is 109% and the weight in Genie Scout is 109 (based on "ykykyk balanced" ).
First of all good work! I love meta-analyses like this!
If you compare within a position, that's great! But if I want to find out which position a youth player should play in the future, the result is usually Winger or FB. For example, if I create a player with 20 in all attributes, a winger gets 120% and a FS gets 109%. Or do I just normalize the result to 100%? Is it even possible to decide in this way which position is the best for a player?