as a Como supporter, I can't wait to follow your steps!

here's my attempt to merge all infos gathered from all tweaks tested on this site.
Full credit to Delicious, since this file is clearly based on his work with 424 Dulillah.

I hope this is enough to have it tested :)
I know it's totally off topic but... an italian song?
How come?
Just curious :)
Mornon said: First of all, I hope your wife is recovering from the surgery.

About your career, I'd suggest to start in an european country like Greece or Norway from 2nd division and try to hire only player with your country nationality.

About the tactics, maybe you can avoid to use the same role twice for adjacent players (for example BPD, CC, VOL, CA) just to make it more realistic.

ops I didin't realized you had already picked your team, nevermind :)
First of all, I hope your wife is recovering from the surgery.

About your career, I'd suggest to start in an european country like Greece or Norway from 2nd division and try to hire only player with your country nationality.

About the tactics, maybe you can avoid to use the same role twice for adjacent players (for example BPD, CC, VOL, CA) just to make it more realistic.
Shouldn't be also a connection (maybe my logic is weak) between passing directness and the "passing into space" instruction?

Of course I'm not implying that testing this extra instruction is needed because it would add a huge number of combinations, I'm just curious what your thought about it is.
that's really interesting...

great work, incredibly helpful!
In order to improve your scoring chances, have you tried to change the AM to SS?
Or maybe it does create too much gap between midfielders and strikers?
Nikko said: But let's say you're Norwich and you lead by 2-3 goals vs Liverpool and in this case I really don't want use anything "light" and I'd rather to use something "rock solid" and "time wasting"

I'd suggest to avoid "waste time" unless you're in the last 10 minutes in the game, if you abuse it seems like the game punish you someway :)
Here's my test result
Probably because of the SS? Maybe the IW role is better in a 442/433 tactics
ZaZ said: Thanks! I'm now testing IF-Su instead, and the difference doesn't seem to be big. IW and IF really got some improvement in performance.

After the second run W version seems still better than the IW one.
Third run in progress.
ZaZ said: I'm testing this right now, Blue 4.0 with IW-Su. Initial results are pretty good, so I would be happy if anyone could also test and tell me how it compares to Blue 4.0 in your testing leagues. Thanks in advance!

I'm testing it right now, I'll let you know once I completed 3 tests for each version
I completed 3 runs on a testing database, which is more or less the one used on FMBase with two team, one CA165 and the other CA140.
I used FMRTE editor to freeze all staff members and players.

Here's the result, 80 games each run
I'm going to test this tactic later in the morning, looks promising :)
Milakus said: @ZaZ, what is Light version?

From OP: Light Blue 3.0 is a tactic to save energy and avoid bookings. It's supposed to be used when you have a comfortable lead, like at least two goals of advantage. It has worse performance than Blue 3.0, but it can save enough energy for you to dominate again with Blue 3.0 in case your advantage is reduced. It will also make your condition better for the whole season.
@ZaZ one day you'll run out of color, you know? :D
Asstem said: Do you update this for 21.4?

yes, I removed all the "tight marking" Instructions.
4222 strikerless Mornon DLP.fmf
Downloaded : 233 times
Uploaded : Apr 16, 2021
ZaZ said: Thank you for the tests! 4-2-2-2 looks nice. Have you tried it with DW instead of W?

P.S.: I was actually sidetracking to other ideas. I didn't run the double RPM yet.

P.S.2: I tested the 4222 here and it didn't give better results for my method of testing. Maybe it will be very good in fm-base or even here, but in my way of testing, Blue 3.0 is better.

Oh you updated your post while I was afk :D
Yeah, it really depends a lot on the way you test the tactics.
The idea to use two Ms instead of CMs just came out while playing my career, I just found myself with 4 strong Ms in my roster and so I said: why not? :P
ZaZ said: Thank you for the tests! 4-2-2-2 looks nice. Have you tried it with DW instead of W?

P.S.: I was actually sidetracking to other ideas. I didn't run the double RPM yet.

Running the first round of testing with DWs right now, I'll let you know :)
Funny thing my 4222 tactic which is essentially based on your playing style only scored 6.4 here :)