CBP87 said: @Zoro I assume you are playing the game because you're in 24/25 season, can you share your team please so I can get a sense of the type of players you are using?

I'm sorry, I got mad, I deleted it, and I'm working on a new team again
NoManArmy said: Wow. That has to be the lowest result in the history... You sure you uploaded the correct version? Seems by your screeshot that it should work much better.

Haha, that's weird. I'll make it properly again I'm sorry:cry:
It's optimized for both fun and ingenious strategic attacks and defense:D
Questions are always welcome:D

ZORO-ORIZINAL This is the basic tactic that the original uses the most.
ZORO-ATTACK Attack tactics are used when you're losing
ZORO-DEFENSE Use defensive tactics if you are winning.