Fudge ball (Asymmetry 4-2-2-2)
Fudge ball (Asymmetry 3-4-3.ver4)
Delicious said: @Fudge you need to put tactic screen on main page
Just move this screens shot https://fm-arena.com/find-comment/18209/ here https://fm-arena.com/thread/3207-fudge-ball-asymmetry-3-3-2-2/

Why isn't this tactic tested? ㅠㅠ
Delicious said: @Fudge Hey! Can you share the tactic screen, i am really curious about it
This is an asymmetric 3-3-2-2 tactic.
As a switching tactic using 'No-Nonsense Full-Back',

it is characterized by the organic change of the 3rd and 4th backs.
and One Volante also shows enough defense.

Why I introduce this tactic
It's because I'm tired of seeing the common 4-back-2-defense tactics, and I share it in the hope that you will enjoy a fun passwick with this tactic

The following result is the result of a full holiday, and the result of winning the Champions League with Wolverhampton.

FMARENA's tactics test has also been completed on its own, and the results are comparable to other tactics, so it is shared.
This is an asymmetric 3-5-2 tactic.
As a switching tactic using 'No-Nonsense Full-Back',
it is characterized by the organic change of the 3rd and 4th backs.
GF 269 / GA 179 / 199 victory points were obtained.
This is an asymmetric 3-4-3 tactic.
As a switching tactic using 'No-Nonsense Full-Back',
it is characterized by the organic change of the 3rd and 4th backs.
GF 268 / GA 169 / 189 victory points were obtained.
This is an asymmetric 3-5-2 tactic.
As a switching tactic using 'No-Nonsense Full-Back',
it is characterized by the organic change of the 3rd and 4th backs.

Wolverhampton's first season full vacation results are attached.
GF 91 / GA 51 / 82 victory points were obtained.

Surprising results of defeating both Liverpool and Man City are attached.
This is an asymmetric 3-4-3 tactic.
As a switching tactic using 'No-Nonsense Full-Back',
it is characterized by the organic change of the 3rd and 4th backs.
Tottenham was selected as the Second season's recruitment ban setting,
GF 116 / GA 28 / 96 victory points were obtained.

I am attaching the pass map, activity map and expected goals and conceded data for you.
Thank you!
This is an asymmetric 3-5-2 tactic.
As a switching tactic using 'No-Nonsense Full-Back',
it is characterized by the organic change of the 3rd and 4th backs.
Tottenham was selected as the first season's recruitment ban setting,
GF 119 / GA 33 / 98 victory points were obtained.
This Tactics received a good review from FMkorea, the largest FM community in Korea, and share it with Arena. The corresponding link is below.