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Feb 20, 2022
latest patchPatch 22.4.1
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Patch 22.4.1 tests
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Test #1
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #2
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #3
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #4
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #5
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #6
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #7
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #8
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #9
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #10
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #11
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #12
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #13
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #14
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #15
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #16
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #17
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #18
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #19
Date: 25.02.2022
Test #20
Date: 25.02.2022

Blue 4.0 is a high intensity tactic based on the successful Blue 3.0 from FM21.

When in possession, inverted wing-backs cut inside to become midfielders while shadow striker becomes a third striker. Roaming playmaker is one of the most important players, covering the entire midfield to offer a short option for passing. The tactic scores goals from inside the box and distributes them evenly between advanced forwards and shadow striker, with assists distributed evenly between middle and flanks.

Use Focus Play Down the Left/Right whenever you have an advantage on that side (when your opponent has a weakness on that side, or when one of your flanks is clearly stronger than the other). Do not use Focus Play Through The Middle, as it does not give any benefit even when your opponent has a weak midfield.

Use Solid Blue 4.0 when you want to hold a score. It concedes around 15% fewer goals than Blue 4.0. It's also a good idea to use Solid in the first half of matches against hard teams, to unsettle them, then change back to Blue during the second half, when their players are getting nervous.

You should use Light Blue 4.0 when you want to rest your players and avoid bookings, thinking about the rest of the season. I recommend using it anytime you think a match is under control, like two or three goals of difference. If your aim is to hold a score, use Solid Blue instead.

Green 5.0 (Blue Transition) is an alternative to Solid Blue 4.0 to hold a score. It changes the left AF and the SS to CM, becoming very efficient once you train those players on that position (don't worry with tactical familiarity for position/role/duty, the effect is minimum). A good strategy is to start matches with Blue, then switch to Green when you have a one goal lead. The other strategy is to start with Green, then switch to Blue if you concede a one goal lead, or if you have a draw after half time. Either of those strategies allow you to make full use of the advantages of Blue (high attack) and Green (high defense), maximizing your chance of winning.

Light Green 5.0 (Blue Transition) is an alternative to Light Blue 4.0 with the shape of Green 5.0, which has higher focus on defense.

Keep in mind that Solid Blue 4.0 is just Blue 4.0 with cautious mentality. That means you don't need to train Solid Blue if you already train Light Blue, since it already has cautious mentality. In that case, just changing mentality during a match will be enough for the team to keep maximum tactical familiarity.

Instructions For people in consoles, below are the screenshots of team and player instructions.

Set Pieces Set pieces were optimized in collaboration with FM-Arena. Takers should be the best available. For throw ins, give preference to wing-backs of respective side, and for corners, give preference to wingers of respective side (unless someone has way higher corners, then leave it to better taker).

Training After some experimentation with training, I found the training schedule below to be the most efficient for player growth (for the whole year, including pre-season). Set players to rest automatically when condition is not excellent. The schedule is attached to this post. (Credits to this guy for testing the effects of each individual training session.)

For additional focus, goalkeepers train reactions, wing backs and defensive midfielders train endurance, and all other players train quickness.

Keep in mind that some players might be unhappy with the training schedule, complaining of lack of technical training, excess of quickness or something like that. Just ignore them!

Important Attributes Please, check the FM-Arena table for attributes ratings and this thread for Genie Scout ratings.

I'll post below the study of ykykyk05251, from a basketball manager development team, about the most important attributes for each position in Blue 3.0 RM (aka Blue DM). Keep in mind that not everything might translate to other tactics, but it's only natural that a good part of it actually does. Great thanks to ahstzl1989 for translating the entire text from Chinese. If anyone wants to see the original post, visit this thread from a Chinese FM forum.

Basic description.
1, we are a basketball manager game development team, the development process reference study a lot of FM settings, including the game engine.
    We have learned a lot about the game from the bursting shed, and the purpose of this post is to give back to the community

2, in order to analyze the mechanism of FM's game engine, as well as the degree of science, we designed a system for measuring the degree of influence of each player's attributes on the final victory or defeat in FM.

3. gives a preliminary test of the relationship between player attributes and wins and losses in FM2021 and FM2022, which is of some reference value and inspiration for our work
    However, as it is only the non-professional work of amateurs, from the point of view of rigour, there are the following problems
    1) It only gives the results of which attributes have a greater and lesser impact on winning and losing for all players, but in reality, the key attributes are obviously different for different positions, and the results of the test clearly show that only those attributes that are important for all positions will be more important, while those attributes that are important only for certain positions will be less important in the test. For example, its test results show that shooting has almost no effect on winning, while explosive power has a big effect on winning and losing.
    2) Its test sample is insufficient, its test for each attribute was only carried out for about 900 matches simulated, but for a normally randomly distributed sequence, in general it needs to be randomized at 10,000 times before it converges relatively well to the mean.
    (3) The effect of attributes on wins and losses is non-linear, and the test only deducts 4 points from the attribute to investigate whether it has an effect on wins and losses, but sometimes, just because 4 points have no effect does not mean that 8 points also have no effect, and it is also possible that 2 points have an effect that is close to 4 points.
    4) There is a correlation between the impact of attributes on wins and losses, and its test of only changing one attribute at a time to test the impact on wins and losses can be interfered with by the correlation. For example, a breakthrough can lie on the ball to change direction and accelerate past a player, relying on physicality but not on discography, or it can rely on discography. If a player is good at both physicality and discography, then reducing his discography will not significantly affect his breakthrough effectiveness, as he can accelerate past people with a lie-back change of direction instead of discography.
    5) Different tactics require different attributes for each position of the player, and it is not rigorous to talk about which attributes have an impact on winning or losing away from specific tactics.

4, we use artificial intelligence to conduct attribute importance research, artificial intelligence technology used a deep neural network similar to Go Alpahgo.
    We fixed the tactic as the strongest tactic on, ZaZ-Blue DM, for this experiment in order to analyse which attributes of players in each position have a greater impact on wins and losses under this tactic.
    We built an artificial intelligence system and trained the AI to design the best attribute assignment for each position's performance with the same CA for each player in the whole team.
    The approximate process was as follows: first, each attribute at each position was assigned the same value, then the neural network would try to change the value of certain attributes at certain positions (keeping CA constant) to see if the change had a positive or negative impact on wins and losses, and thus iterate over the multi-layer network to know what the AI thought was the best combination of 11 players.
    We obtained the convergence results by training roughly 140 machines for 3 weeks and simulating 40 million games.

5. To verify whether the best 11-player attribute allocation given by the AI is really the best, we conducted another result validation test
    Three groups of teams were designed, one with evenly distributed player attributes, another with the best 11-player attribute assignment given manually by experienced players based on their gaming experience, and the last group given by the AI. Put into a test league for 100,000 games, the AI's solution was significantly better than the human players' solution and far superior to the even distribution.

For the ZaZ-Blue DM tactic, for each position we obtained the following levels of importance for the attributes (the values were normalized by 5 for ease of viewing, which should be sufficient accuracy for the game).

* Thanks @Mark for translating the table and @thegr8 for the formated spreadsheet.

Significance of use.
1, players can get the key attributes of each position according to the above table, 100 is the most critical attribute, while 1 is the least critical attribute, so as to guide the selection of materials.
2. The values in the above table can also be used as attribute weights to calculate the weighted average value of the attributes and then calculate the "Tactical True CA"
    Tactical True CA = Weighted average value of attributes * 20 - 121
    If the Tactical True CA is higher than the Player CA it means that the player is a good fit for the ZaZ-Blue DM tactics, the higher the Tactical True CA the better the fit.
    This is used for player selection
    For the convenience of future players playing in this way, the table we have given above is arranged according to the order in which the attributes are displayed in the player's interface, even if you don't write the program, you can also get the "Tactical True CA" in excel after quickly and manually entering the values of the attributes in three rows
3. For guidance on training, the attributes take up CA, so in order to train the players with the highest tactical true CA, we can train the attributes with the highest cost effectiveness
    The cost effectiveness of each attribute for each position can be measured by the attribute Tactical True CA Weight / Attribute CA Weight, the higher the value, the higher the attribute will make the player's attribute Tactical True CA higher if it increases the same CA.

Main limitations.
The current experiments are costly and non-replicable, engine versions are changed, tactics are changed, and the AI needs to be retrained without migration learning, so our next phase will focus on migration learning, where the results obtained from iterative training in the case of a certain version of a certain tactic are used as the basis for a new engine and a new tactic, and rapid iterations are made to obtain results in a new environment.

A FM Genie Scout rating based on the findings of the study can be downloaded here

Suggested Players Below is a post of @Mark on the best players for this tactic.

You should note that all saves will vary slightly with the attributes for players so it may not be the same in your game save. I will be using the ykykyky balanced ratings file and doing offsets for the positional ability of 2.5% for each point below the optimum 20 points which closely aligns with the FM Arena findings on the Playing Position Attributes Table.

I took about 200 with the best ratings and added a few from below that to pad out some of the Blue positions. Ended up with around 250 of the best players using the ykykyky balanced ratings file. After downloading all the ratings for all the positions I then manually added all the Playing Position ratings for all those players, but only if they were at least 15. I probably should have only used 18 and above but hey it is all done now. I have arranged it into the top 20 for each position. I also decided to add non ZaZ Blue positions for people not using ZaZ Blue tactic. Just remember these numbers may be different for each persons game. I have split the results into 2 sections, first for defenders and second for attackers.



I also selected the best from each position and put them into the ZaZ Blue structure. Here is what the best team would look like.

The team rating is 90.9 which is more than 4 points clear of the best side at the start my game save.

These rankings should work with any tactic even though they were originally designed for ZaZ Blue. Notice that in the main there aren't big margins at the top of the lists. If you were using ZaZ Blue you could easily drop a fair way down and have no noticeable impact on performance.

Preferred Foot Difference is minimal even for wing backs or wingers.

Role Ability Ignore role ability, or the stars showing how good a player is in his role. It's just cosmetic, showing the opinion of your assistant manager based on current ability and the role attributes. It's always gonna be low for IWB using the same foot as side, or DW with low defending attributes, despite making no difference in performance. In the end, what really matters is position rating, which should be at least accomplished (dark green).

Remember, the important attributes are not the ones highlighted in a player's role, but those that actually affect performance.

Player Traits Use player traits that promote player instructions. For example, if a role has "Move Into Channels", consider getting the trait with the same name. Avoid getting contradicting traits, like "Stays Back At All Times" or "Comes Deep To Get Ball" for players with the instruction "Get Further Forward". Traits without corresponding instructions, like "Plays One-Twos", are optional and should use common sense based on player attributes.

Opposition Instructions Empty. Change if you know what you are doing, but don't listen to your assistant manager.

Squad Management To be successful in football manager, you need to manage your team's playing time, which affects happiness, match sharpness, fatigue (can only see with sports scientist) and condition. Manage happiness and sharpness by making sure each player is getting enough minutes, and fatigue and condition by avoiding giving more minutes per week than they should play. Note that you can use friendlies and reserve matches to keep players sharp, but those matches have no effect on happiness.

My suggestion to manage the squad properly is to add two columns to selection info: "fitness and injuries > fatigue" and "stats (general) > general > games missed in a row". You can do that by right clicking any column name in squad screen, e.g., name, position, and selecting insert column. Make sure you don't use players with high fatigue and don't let any player reach too many games missed in a row (between 3 to 5 depending on your squad size).

To keep players fresh during the season and avoid injuries, I also recommend setting automatic training intensity to rest all players below excellent condition, as in the picture under "Training" section.

Morale is another characteristic that needs management. The easiest way to increase morale is by winning, but you can also praise last (official) match, recent form (last 5 games) and training level, as well as criticize the same things. For last match and training level, threshold rating for increasing morale is 8.05+ for praising and 6.3- for warning. For recent form, you can safely praise anyone with rating 7.5+.

Finally, you also need to manage complacency and anxiety. Do that through team talks and shouts. The effect is based on players' hidden status and match odds, but some talks and shouts are usually more positive than others. For example, praising a winning team with shouts usually gives a positive response, as well as encouraging your team when not winning (losing or tie).

For team talk, I usually prefer to relieve pressure by telling them to play their natural game, then tell them individually that I have faith in them. At half time, I praise them if winning by at least two goals, otherwise I tell them I'm not happy. After match, I praise them for victories, tell them I'm unhappy when we don't win and sometimes warn against complacency after big wins. Keep in mind that you should be a little lighter with your team when playing against stronger opponents.

If one of your players gets a yellow card during a match, it might be a good idea to change his player's instruction to Ease Off Tackles to avoid being sent off. To do so, click on the player card by the bottom of match view, then click player instructions. You can also do the same for exhausted players if you run out of subs, as well as reducing his individual pressing trigger, to avoid injuries.

Bad Results It's very common for some people to have a series of poor results during a season and think the tactic stopped working. Below are ten reasons your team might stop winning for a while.

1. Complacency: When a team wins too much, players take victories for granted, not giving their best. To avoid that, you must motivate them with team talk, shouts and media handling.

2. Pressure: When playing against stronger teams, your players might feel pressured and perform worse. To avoid that, you need to relieve pressure on team talk, shouts and media handling.

3. Fatigue: When a player has high match and training loads, he builds fatigue. It's not the same of condition or match fitness and you need a sports scientist to see it in the medical centre. To avoid that, you need to rest from training and rotate your squad.

4. Morale: When you lose matches or certain events happen (like player getting unhappy), players lose morale. It is one thing that affects performance a lot, so it can create a bad spiral if not managed properly. To avoid that, praise and warn players based on last match score, form (last 5 matches) and training. You can also increase morale with team talk after matches, team meetings and other forms of interaction.

5. Poor form of players: Sometimes, strikers can get into a poor form that lasts a long time, like ten matches without scoring or more. I am not sure if there is an internal mechanic for that, but it certainly happens fairly often. If both your strikers get into poor form at once, it can get really hard to win matches. To avoid that, I believe you need to score to avoid the poor form, but it might also be just RNG.

6. Injuries: It is fairly common to have injuries by the mid of season, forcing you to use worse players or play in lower condition. To avoid that, you need good physios, lighter training during season, rest and rotate players.

7. Condition: By the middle of season, you usually have several championships being played at once, forcing you to play 2 or 3 matches a week for several weeks in a row. That can force you to rotate to players of lower quality or use players with lower condition. To avoid that, you need to rest players from training and build a balanced squad to rotate.

8. Match fitness: Injuries and lack of rotation can make your players lack match fitness, decreasing their performance. That can cause your team to suffer when you are forced to rotate because of injuries or tight schedule. To avoid that, either rotate your squad or use those players in reserve friendlies.

9. Hidden attributes: There are hidden attributes like consistency and important matches that make your players not have maximum performance during some matches. There are other attributes like injury proneness and dirtiness which can harm your chances of winning some matches. You cannot avoid that unless you hire players with better hidden attributes.

10. RNG (or randomness): Sometimes, your luck is just bad during certain matches. There is no way to avoid that, just keep playing and results should normalize eventually.

Custom Testing League My testing league is set to include only english competitions and english teams. All players from English Premier League and Sky Bet Championship are set to have maximum consistency, important matches and natural fitness, while having minimum injury proneness. The editor data can be downloaded here.

There are eight teams being tested, with each run using two teams from Premier League and two from Sky Bet Championship, simultaneously. Preview odds picked teams, having the best and worst odds of each league, as well as best and worst from middle ten odds. The teams from Premier League are Manchester City, Arsenal, Southampton and Norwich, and the teams from Sky Bet Championship are Bournemouth, Blackburn, Barnsley and Derby.

I tested tactics in holiday mode, three times for each group of teams, with results ranked between all tactics tested.

Changelog Blue 4.0
- Final set pieces.

Blue 3.3
- Improved set pieces.

Blue 3.2:
- Default throw-in attack routine.
- Force Opposition Outside.

Blue DM differences to Blue 3.0 (FM21):
- IWB-Su > IWB-At.
- CM-At > SS-At.
- SS-At (x2) > AF-At (x2).
- DLP-Su > RPM-Su
- Minor changes in set pieces.

Leave a comment below if you liked the tactic and make sure to share your results. Enjoy!

Downloaded : 1,651 times
Uploaded : Sep 10, 2022

I used these formations before. If you train your CM-DLP to Come deep to get ball he will cover a wider range and perform better than DM. Also a lone RPM is very weak defensively because he will roam from zone 14 too often and leave your CBs unprotected.


FMAdept said: I used these formations before. If you train your CM-DLP to Come deep to get ball he will cover a wider range and perform better than DM. Also a lone RPM is very weak defensively because he will roam from zone 14 too often and leave your CBs unprotected.

interesting insight :D


FMAdept said: I used these formations before. If you train your CM-DLP to Come deep to get ball he will cover a wider range and perform better than DM. Also a lone RPM is very weak defensively because he will roam from zone 14 too often and leave your CBs unprotected.

I tried DLP as DM too and it performed as well as RPM, so I decided to keep RPM to make the versions more different. About protection to CBs, I gave up on that long time ago when I noticed the current match engine favors attack over defense.


ZaZ said: I tried DLP as DM too and it performed as well as RPM, so I decided to keep RPM to make the versions more different. About protection to CBs, I gave up on that long time ago when I noticed the current match engine favors attack over defense.

I think you should develop a 2nd tactic for 60-70+ min. Cuz I realized that there're a lots of goal concede in that time.


ZaZ said: I tried DLP as DM too and it performed as well as RPM, so I decided to keep RPM to make the versions more different. About protection to CBs, I gave up on that long time ago when I noticed the current match engine favors attack over defense.

I think you should develop a 2nd tactic for 60-70+ min. Cuz I realized that there're a lots of goal concede during that time.


ta2199 said: I think you should develop a 2nd tactic for 60-70+ min. Cuz I realized that there're a lots of goal concede during that time.

Try changing from  "Counter-Press" to "Regroup" around this time, seems to help for me.


ta2199 said: I think you should develop a 2nd tactic for 60-70+ min. Cuz I realized that there're a lots of goal concede in that time.

I'll think about defensive tactics later after new patches.


I too thought of this idea , you can make a match plan as well to adjust tactics in certain situations ( like when 3 ahead ) to conserve energy. I don’t like it that my 17 stamina CM-A always is red health at 70-80 mins fe. Don’t know how to implement this on a holiday save though as I cba testing it playing it myself all the time.


Fio: predicted 8th - finished 4th


ta2199 said: Fio: predicted 8th - finished 4th

Thanks for testing! It's at least better than average.


ZaZ said: Thanks for testing! It's at least better than average.
For this ME offense is better than defensive so Underdog is not going to have great result.
Moving SS to Vol(At) and DLP to Vol(At) doing the work for me right now. Although It seem a lil bit like Red


ta2199 said: Moving SS to Vol(At) and DLP to Vol(At) doing the work for me right now. Although It seem a lil bit like Red

Moving SS to AF is going well here. Gonna post it later if results are confirmed. Gonna test Vol again right after.


ZaZ said: Moving SS to AF is going well here. Gonna post it later if results are confirmed.

Looking forward for it


So, DM+CM (default) > CM+AM > DM+AM, for Blue.


@ZaZ I did some changes here. Can you check it ?

Low intensity but still great result. I change DW to W cause I remmember from last FM Winger work better with Striker than DW

Zaz-Blue 0.1.fmf
Downloaded : 440 times
Uploaded : Nov 25, 2021

ta2199 said: @ZaZ I did some changes here. Can you check it ?

Low intensity but still great result. I change DW to W cause I remmember from last FM Winger work better with Striker than DW

Gonna test it here, thanks! I see the changes in pass into space, ease off tackle and slow pace down. I will tell you how it compares in my tests.

P.S.: Results are promising, gonna keep testing to see which of the instructions are really making the difference and then upload it. Does someone know if Stay On Feet has effect on players with Ease Off Tackles? I heard it also affects pressing intensity.


ZaZ said: Gonna test it here, thanks! I see the changes in pass into space, ease off tackle and slow pace down. I will tell you how it compares in my tests.

P.S.: Results are promising, gonna keep testing to see which of the instructions are really making the difference and then upload it. Does someone know if Stay On Feet has effect on players with Ease Off Tackles? I heard it also affects pressing intensity.

Not sure about the Stay On Feet team instruction but It helped lower the mentality a little bit so I did added it.
Pass into Space definitely helped the team when attacking.
I also tried pulling 1 ST to AMC but the result doesn't seem as good as 2 ST


End of season: All cups

I think It's very promising


ta2199 said: Not sure about the Stay On Feet team instruction but It helped lower the mentality a little bit so I did added it.
Pass into Space definitely helped the team when attacking.
I also tried pulling 1 ST to AMC but the result doesn't seem as good as 2 ST

Yeah, it definitely seems promising. I'm testing with and without stay on feet to see if there is much difference, then I'll test with and without pass into space, then with distribute quickly instead of slow pace down. This last one is because I believe slow pace down rests both teams at once, and since this tactic has lower intensity, it might benefit from not allowing the opponent to rest.


ta2199 said: End of season: All cups

I think It's very promising

I took the freedom to upload your version together with mine, I hope you don't mind. In my experiments, pass into space and stay on feet didn't perform as well for strong team, but performed better for weak team, so the only way to know which one is better is testing here.


I always choose the weaker team, and the opponents in almost every match are stronger than my team. So for me, I prefer blue tactics.


ZaZ said: I took the freedom to upload your version together with mine, I hope you don't mind. In my experiments, pass into space and stay on feet didn't perform as well for strong team, but performed better for weak team, so the only way to know which one is better is testing here.

Might run another test with other team to see how things go. After that I will create a new thread for it. Maybe this patch not favor Positive, but who know what will come in next patches. Honestly I don't want to use very attacking mentality because It will "kill" players very fast.


ZaZ said: I took the freedom to upload your version together with mine, I hope you don't mind. In my experiments, pass into space and stay on feet didn't perform as well for strong team, but performed better for weak team, so the only way to know which one is better is testing here.

As far as I know the "Pass Into Space" TI just adds "Take More Risk" PI to all the positions and that's all but usually, the "Take More Risk" PI is already present so adding "Pass Into Space" TI won't have any effect.

As I already said the RNG of 2 runs ( 304 matches ) can be as high as 7.5% so when you make a very small change or a change that doesn't make any difference then the RNG can easily send you in a wrong direction and I think it's very important to understand that.


Zippo said: As far as I know the "Pass Into Space" TI just adds "Take More Risk" PI to all the positions and that's all but usually, the "Take More Risk" PI is already present so adding "Pass Into Space" TI won't have any effect.

As I already said the RNG of 2 runs ( 304 matches ) can be as high as 7.5% so when you make a very small change or a change that doesn't make any difference then the RNG can easily send you in a wrong direction and I think it's very important to understand that.

Then it makes sense that I got inconclusive results, since the TI is doing absolutely nothing. Thanks for the clarification!


ZaZ said: Then it makes sense that I got inconclusive results, since the TI is doing absolutely nothing. Thanks for the clarification!

We'll test the new versions you upload but I just don't want you to be misled by the RNG


Zippo said: We'll test the new versions you upload but I just don't want you to be misled by the RNG

No, if it's like you say, it doesn't even make sense to test. Should I remove it?


ZaZ said: No, if it's like you say, it doesn't even make sense to test. Should I remove it?

No, it's too late. They are under the test already.

Btw, I might be wrong about the Pass Into Space TI but I'm 99% sure that what I said is correct. Yeah, I'm sure we all wish FM to be more transparent about how the things work.


Zippo said: As far as I know the "Pass Into Space" TI just adds "Take More Risk" PI to all the positions and that's all but usually, the "Take More Risk" PI is already present so adding "Pass Into Space" TI won't have any effect.

As I already said the RNG of 2 runs ( 304 matches ) can be as high as 7.5% so when you make a very small change or a change that doesn't make any difference then the RNG can easily send you in a wrong direction and I think it's very important to understand that.

Nice to know this. So basicly what we got now is, Ease Off Tackle wont affect much to Positive Tactic and Pass into space when translate to PI is Take More Risk. So the only changes going to be tested is formation and W effective compare to DW.
Still worth for a try though.

Look like I have gone the wrong way then @ZaZ. Time for something new.

P/s: Wow seem like Pass into space actually improved the tactic a little bit


@ZaZ  Just downloaded Blue 2.0 it seems to be working well after a handful of games, i was getting destroyed this season but this has seem to steadied  the ship, i have attached two images the first was pre Blue2.0 and the section highlighted in red is when i stated using blue. I'l finish the season this weekend between work and let you know how it gets on.

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