This question comes up a lot on the forum. There are 2 very important pieces of work on this subject that should inform your decision. The first is the attribute testing done by @Zippo This shows the testing of each attribute in FM22 and the impact of reducing the attribute score has on results. The limitation of this work is that it is not positional. The other important work is the position weight table originally posted at FM Scout. This gives a sense of the value of each attribute for each position.
I have used these pieces to calculate values or weightings for the Genie Scout tool. You can use these filters for comparison of players when you are buying players or to determine the best player for each role in your tactic from your squad.
Here is the download link to my updated ratings file for Genie Scout.
You should save the standard FMGS ratings file before loading and changing this file so you can reload the default if you are not happy with my ratings.
The standard place for Genie Scout ratings files is C:\FM Genie Scout 22g\Ratings. If you did a custom install it will be in a folder called Ratings under the FMGS install directory. Once you have copied the file to the correct location you should be able to select my ratings file by clicking on the GS symbol in the top left of the screen, and then clicking Ratings in the drop down menu, and then MDW22 from the sub menu.
I have adjusted the weightings this year to try and align all the positions, as previously the ratings were skewed with Wingers having a much higher rating.
A reminder here that Genie Scout doesn't take into account the positional ability of players in their ratings calculations. Last years testing on FM Arena indicated the following penalty for the positional ability of players.
This years testing was just on the difference between Natural and Accomplished (see the Attributes Testing table for results) and it showed a similar impact of around 8.5% penalty this year.
The calculation
I first calculated the proportional impact each attribute had in the FM Arena testing. For example Acceleration - default PPM was 1.648, reducing Acceleration by 4 points resulted in 1.039 PPM. The calculation was 1-(1.039/1.648) or 36.95%. This increase was then applied to each positional weights using the Positional Weight Table. Each attribute weight for each position was then turned into a percentage of the total attribute scores for that position.
Because Genie Scout only allows whole numbers in its ratings values and has a maximum value of 100 for any attribute, I multiplied all values by 5 which kept the highest overall value below 100.
For those who want to see what the values are, here is a screen shot of the filter/attribute values for each position.
I hope this helps someone.
Original Default GS Ratings file
Here is my copy of the original default ratings file
After looking at the percentage impact in the FM Arena Attributes testing table for Playing Position Rating over the last few years, it worked out to be very close to 2.5% per point or 1/40th. Then I calculated what Genie Scout uses for a reduction, which is quite a minor adjustment. I took a download of around 1000 wingers and looked at the differences in ratings against their positional ratings out of 20. Moving from 1/40th to 1/46th was the nearest to the adjustment.
Here is the formula for Excel =A1*(1-(20-B1)/46)
In the formula A1 is the location of the rating you want to manipulate and B1 is the location of the position score out of 20.
This is about 2.17% reduction for each point under 20.
In summary, you will need to allow for the adjustment for their positional rating out of 20 ie you need to multiply their GS Rating by 100% minus the difference between 20 and their positional rating multiplied by 2.17%. For example if their GS rating is 50% and their positional rating is 19, it is 20 - 19= 1 multiplied by 2.17% is 2.17%. Take this off 100% = 97.83% multiplied by 50.00% is 48.91%.
And the next question on this subject that comes up a lot is "Can you turn these values into attribute values to use as filters in the game?". This seems like an easy question, however when you think about it, its totally dependent on your save and what league you are playing. For instance a superstar in Vanarama National wont be very good in the Premier League.
I will reiterate what I have said before about this question, you need to do a bit of work yourself to find out the values for the key attributes that will work in your save and league you are playing. If you go to your Squad page in the game and then to Analyst Report and Comparison, you can see how your current squad compares to others in your League on each Attribute. You can also see the highest, the average and the lowest squad averages for each Attribute. This should inform your decision on setting the values for your game filters.
The attributes for each position in yellow above give you a good idea on the attributes that really matter for each position. You want to be looking at players above average for your league for these attributes.
hey! amazing stuff! Just one question... in FM-ARENA testing table it shows that some attributes has very less impact like "Off the ball" or "Finishing" but in that Fmscout attributes table it shows that these attributes actualy very important for striker role... so where is the truth?
Wigo said: hey! amazing stuff! Just one question... in FM-ARENA testing table it shows that some attributes has very less impact like "Off the ball" or "Finishing" but in that Fmscout attributes table it shows that these attributes actualy very important for striker role... so where is the truth? Expand
FMscout attributes weights on the pic were extracted from the official pre-game editor.
Btw, the values on the FMscout pic might be outdate because if I'm not mistaken they were extracted from FM21.
Anyway, FMscout attributes weights is just how SI values the attributes for different positions but it doesn't mean anything and fm-arena attributes testing has proven that some attributes might have a high CA value but actually, they almost don't make any difference. If you ask then I'd trust the actual test result.
Wigo said: hey! amazing stuff! Just one question... in FM-ARENA testing table it shows that some attributes has very less impact like "Off the ball" or "Finishing" but in that Fmscout attributes table it shows that these attributes actualy very important for striker role... so where is the truth? Expand
It is somewhere in between. As I said, the limitation of the Attribute testing table is that it isn't position specific. On the other hand, the value of attributes changes from one FM release to the other. So I have attempted to blend these to get to a result that we can all use.
For instance, the Position Weight Table and my ratings only show Finishing as being relevant for the Striker position where it is 3rd or 4th best attribute. Whereas Acceleration and Pace are relevant to almost all positions and mainly top two for most positions.
Assuming that the attributes table results are the same for all positions is not correct. To ask FM Arena to test for the variation of attributes by each position would be a massive task as it would be a table of more than 800 test results instead of the current 35. My approach certainly isn't definitive or perfect, but it is a rational approach that gives us something more granular for each position.
well i had general idea about how some attributes are more important then others, but different people talking different things and it makes confuse... for me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference :/ same as in my opinion other one of most important thing in football is DESITION making... test again shows that is not important attribute in FM... head skreching stuff... but in other hand if someone can test and find properly what attributes really makes difference and which ones not... it could be revolutionary! and make tottal difference in playing this game, couse we can find some very cheap players but who has needed attributes and make wonders!
Wigo said: well i had general idea about how some attributes are more important then others, but different people talking different things and it makes confuse... for me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference :/ same as in my opinion other one of most important thing in football is DESITION making... test again shows that is not important attribute in FM... head skreching stuff... but in other hand if someone can test and find properly what attributes really makes difference and which ones not... it could be revolutionary! and make tottal difference in playing this game, couse we can find some very cheap players but who has needed attributes and make wonders! Expand
In FM21 there was some guy on Korean FM forum that won EPL with only 1 CA players. He did a test and set all the "unimportant" attributes ( according to the attributes rating table ) to 1 and few important to 20 and he easily won the EPL. He did a huge post about it on the Korean FM forum. So the attributes ratings table is real deal.
I've been picking players with accordance to the attributes rating table for long time and it's been working like a charm to me.
Wigo said: for me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference Expand
Many times in FM we've had corners exploits, long throw-ins exploits, strikerless tactics were doing much better than anything else and you say that it surprises you to find out that there's some weirdness in the attributes...
Bogeyman said: Many times in FM we've had corners exploits, long throw-ins exploits, strikerless tactics were doing much better than anything else and you say that it surprises you to find out that there's some weirdness in the attributes... Expand
Rince said: In FM21 there was some guy on Korean FM forum that won EPL with only 1 CA players. He did a test and set all the "unimportant" attributes ( according to the attributes rating table ) to 1 and few important to 20 and he easily won the EPL. He did a huge post about it on the Korean FM forum. So the attributes ratings table is real deal.
I've been picking players with accordance to the attributes rating table for long time and it's been working like a charm to me. Expand
thats what i am talkin about! ok will start test tomorrow just i am concerned that for me FM22 is very random... i was testing some tactics and how some positions works so it was very random... like in test AML performs amazing and AMR not really and in test2 it was vice versa... so maybe these attributes not aquirred as well... i dont know :/
Wigo said: Sofor me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference :/ Expand
It makes a difference but the difference is very small, especially, if you compare it with some other attributes such as Acceleration, Pace, Dribbling, Anticipation and other.
when you're choosing between 2 strikers, one has Acceleration 20 but Finishing 5 and other had Acceleration 5 but Finishing 20 then pick the first one, you'll get much better results
Rince said: In FM21 there was some guy on Korean FM forum that won EPL with only 1 CA players. He did a test and set all the "unimportant" attributes ( according to the attributes rating table ) to 1 and few important to 20 and he easily won the EPL. He did a huge post about it on the Korean FM forum. So the attributes ratings table is real deal.
I've been picking players with accordance to the attributes rating table for long time and it's been working like a charm to me. Expand
I do recall that experiment. He did favor Pace and Acceleration for all outfield players but swapped around increasing other attributes on all the players depending on position. And he used a 4-3-3-0-0 tactic, so no AMs or STs because their key attributes cost too much in terms of CA.
I am not a fan of changing player attributes to win games. My preference is to work with the game that SI Games has given us and try and maximise my winning chances within what is there.
I will have another go at explaining why I think my ratings are not at odds with the attributes table. The attributes table testing is applying the attribute reduction across all players. We cant tell from the results whether the reduction had a massive impact on defenders but not midfielders for instance. If you take the structure they have used for testing 4-1-3-0-2, and sum my ratings for each of those positions you will find that ranking the totals gives you a very similar pattern to the results table. However the important attributes by position vary.
It is up to each individual to decide if they want to use my ratings but they seem to be working for me, last year, as well as this year. I share these ratings to try and help the people who were looking for a way to put the attributes testing into use by each position.
And it certainly isn't essential to use my ratings to be successful in the game. Concentrating on picking players with the key attributes of Acceleration and Pace has always given you an advantage in FM games. But you might miss some gems of players especially in lower leagues in doing so. These are the ones I am interested in.
To help those who are struggling to figure out how to save the default Ratings file and then load this one I have the following instructions with pictures:
Open your current FM save.
Download FM Genie Scout if you don't already have it. I recommend the g version which requires a small donation. I like to keep such helpful tools going.
Make sure you have downloaded my Ratings file called MDW22.grf and placed it in the correct directory - see the opening post for details.
Open Genie Scout and load your game into the tool.
Open up Edit Player Ratings.
A dialogue box will open up with the ratings information. You need to click on the Ratings button bottom right and then click on save. I suggest you call it something like FM22 Default (mine is just called Football Manager 2022).
Then load my rating file.
Now your Genie Scout should show ratings as per my calculations.
If you simply drop the file in the Ratings folder, you can simply click "Rating" in Genie Scout and the file will be there to select. No need to Edit and save as your own file name.
saycarramrod said: If you simply drop the file in the Ratings folder, you can simply click "Rating" in Genie Scout and the file will be there to select. No need to Edit and save as your own file name. Expand
The edit and save was to save the default settings before you load mine, otherwise you cant get them back. I have a copy so can make it available if anyone forgets and wants it.
Yes. These files seem to be able to be used across games. Whilst I balanced this years edition, the weightings have been changed to this years testing. I suspect they will be fine for last years game but I haven't tested it. Let us know how it goes. At some stage I intend to complete last years save.
Mark said: Yes. These files seem to be able to be used across games. Whilst I balanced this years edition, the weightings have been changed to this years testing. I suspect they will be fine for last years game but I haven't tested it. Let us know how it goes. At some stage I intend to complete last years save. Expand
i would be interested to see how this works out too
I have also redone my assessment of attributes that can be be improved for each position through training for this year. And the winners are (drum roll please):
These are in order. You should check each of your players to see where the best improvements can be made and then set their individual training focus. These attributes are not always easily identifiable. In individual training focus they are sometimes hidden eg Decisions for a DC is Defensive Positioning. Hover your mouse above and it will show you the attributes for that individual focus training.
This is based on the cost and importance of each attribute. I am not convinced about the Acc for GKs but time will tell.
I'm gonna take the freedom to add the filters I use. They are mainly based on FM-Arena performance tests, dividing players in three groups: - Defense: central defenders. - Transition: wingbacks and defensive midfielders. - Attack: wingers, central midfielders, advanced midfielders and strikers.
Goalkeepers are also there, but they use my personal feelings instead of any tests, since it's hard to evaluate the most important attributes for goalkeepers.
ZaZ said: I'm gonna take the freedom to add the filters I use. They are mainly based on FM-Arena performance tests, dividing players in three groups: - Defense: central defenders. - Transition: wingbacks and defensive midfielders. - Attack: wingers, central midfielders, advanced midfielders and strikers.
Goalkeepers are also there, but they use my personal feelings instead of any tests, since it's hard to evaluate the most important attributes for goalkeepers.
Link here, since I can't upload as attachment. Expand
Ohh please can you upload as FM suited files??? that would be fantastic from you! (same as your tactics )
It's for Genie Scout. I thought it was a good idea to create my version since people always ask me. Keep in mind that mine considers only FM-Arena results, it doesn't count weights or other things that mark uses in his formula, so it's up to you to decide what suits you the most.
Wigo said: Ohh please can you upload as FM suited files??? that would be fantastic from you! (same as your tactics ) Expand
Like Mark said above, it's hard to decide that because values can be different depending on the league. Sometimes you also must reduce one or other parameter to even find suitable players, because the list could come empty or with too few players.
ZaZ said: It's for Genie Scout. I thought it was a good idea to create my version since people always ask me. Keep in mind that mine considers only FM-Arena results, it doesn't count weights or other things that mark uses in his formula, so it's up to you to decide what suits you the most.
Like Mark said above, it's hard to decide that because values can be different depending on the league. Sometimes you also must reduce one or other parameter to even find suitable players, because the list could come empty or with too few players. Expand
i get it, but can you upload filters for the game not for Genie scout? in link its only GRF file :/
Wigo said: i get it, but can you upload filters for the game not for Genie scout? in link its only GRF file :/ Expand
There isn't much what to do there. Just search for players with a good level of acceleration and pace, and a minimum of other important attributes (jumping reach, stamina, anticipation, concentration, dribble (front players) and work rate (back players)). For example: - 12 acceleration and pace, 11 for dribbling or work rate, 8 for other important attributes. - 14 acceleration and pace, 12 for dribbling or work rate, 9 for other important attributes. - 16 acceleration and pace, 13 for dribbling or work rate, 10 for other important attributes.
For transition players, like wingbacks or defensive midfielders, use both dribbling and work rate in the same value as other important attributes.
P.S.: That's just my setup, Mark could very well be much better.
Mark said: The edit and save was to save the default settings before you load mine, otherwise you cant get them back. I have a copy so can make it available if anyone forgets and wants it. Expand
Mark said: This question comes up a lot on the forum. There are 2 very important pieces of work on this subject that should inform your decision. The first is the attribute testing done by @Zippo This shows the testing of each attribute in FM22 and the impact of reducing the attribute score has on results. The limitation of this work is that it is not positional. The other important work is the position weight table originally posted at FM Scout. This gives a sense of the value of each attribute for each position.
I have used these pieces to calculate values or weightings for the Genie Scout tool. You can use these filters for comparison of players when you are buying players or to determine the best player for each role in your tactic from your squad.
Here is the download link to my updated ratings file for Genie Scout.
You should save the standard FMGS ratings file before loading and changing this file so you can reload the default if you are not happy with my ratings.
The standard place for Genie Scout ratings files is C:\FM Genie Scout 22g\Ratings. If you did a custom install it will be in a folder called Ratings under the FMGS install directory. Once you have copied the file to the correct location you should be able to select my ratings file by clicking on the GS symbol in the top left of the screen, and then clicking Ratings in the drop down menu, and then MDW22 from the sub menu.
I have adjusted the weightings this year to try and align all the positions, as previously the ratings were skewed with Wingers having a much higher rating.
A reminder here that Genie Scout doesn't take into account the positional ability of players in their ratings calculations. Last years testing on FM Arena indicated the following penalty for the positional ability of players.
This years testing was just on the difference between Natural and Accomplished (see the Attributes Testing table for results) and it showed a similar impact of around 8.5% penalty this year.
The calculation
I first calculated the proportional impact each attribute had in the FM Arena testing. For example Acceleration - default PPM was 1.648, reducing Acceleration by 4 points resulted in 1.039 PPM. The calculation was 1-(1.039/1.648) or 36.95%. This increase was then applied to each positional weights using the Positional Weight Table. Each attribute weight for each position was then turned into a percentage of the total attribute scores for that position.
Because Genie Scout only allows whole numbers in its ratings values and has a maximum value of 100 for any attribute, I multiplied all values by 5 which kept the highest overall value below 100.
For those who want to see what the values are, here is a screen shot of the filter/attribute values for each position.
This question comes up a lot on the forum. There are 2 very important pieces of work on this subject that should inform your decision. The first is the attribute testing done by @Zippo This shows the testing of each attribute in FM22 and the impact of reducing the attribute score has on results. The limitation of this work is that it is not positional. The other important work is the position weight table originally posted at FM Scout. This gives a sense of the value of each attribute for each position.

I have used these pieces to calculate values or weightings for the Genie Scout tool. You can use these filters for comparison of players when you are buying players or to determine the best player for each role in your tactic from your squad.
Here is the download link to my updated ratings file for Genie Scout.
You should save the standard FMGS ratings file before loading and changing this file so you can reload the default if you are not happy with my ratings.
The standard place for Genie Scout ratings files is C:\FM Genie Scout 22g\Ratings. If you did a custom install it will be in a folder called Ratings under the FMGS install directory. Once you have copied the file to the correct location you should be able to select my ratings file by clicking on the GS symbol in the top left of the screen, and then clicking Ratings in the drop down menu, and then MDW22 from the sub menu.
I have adjusted the weightings this year to try and align all the positions, as previously the ratings were skewed with Wingers having a much higher rating.
A reminder here that Genie Scout doesn't take into account the positional ability of players in their ratings calculations. Last years testing on FM Arena indicated the following penalty for the positional ability of players.
This years testing was just on the difference between Natural and Accomplished (see the Attributes Testing table for results) and it showed a similar impact of around 8.5% penalty this year.
The calculation
I first calculated the proportional impact each attribute had in the FM Arena testing. For example Acceleration - default PPM was 1.648, reducing Acceleration by 4 points resulted in 1.039 PPM. The calculation was 1-(1.039/1.648) or 36.95%. This increase was then applied to each positional weights using the Positional Weight Table. Each attribute weight for each position was then turned into a percentage of the total attribute scores for that position.
Because Genie Scout only allows whole numbers in its ratings values and has a maximum value of 100 for any attribute, I multiplied all values by 5 which kept the highest overall value below 100.
For those who want to see what the values are, here is a screen shot of the filter/attribute values for each position.
I hope this helps someone.
Original Default GS Ratings file
Here is my copy of the original default ratings file
Default Ratings File
ykykyky Ratings file
Here is the link to the balanced version ykykyk balanced ratings file
Adjustment for positional rating PLEASE NOTE
After looking at the percentage impact in the FM Arena Attributes testing table for Playing Position Rating over the last few years, it worked out to be very close to 2.5% per point or 1/40th. Then I calculated what Genie Scout uses for a reduction, which is quite a minor adjustment. I took a download of around 1000 wingers and looked at the differences in ratings against their positional ratings out of 20. Moving from 1/40th to 1/46th was the nearest to the adjustment.
Here is the formula for Excel =A1*(1-(20-B1)/46)
In the formula A1 is the location of the rating you want to manipulate and B1 is the location of the position score out of 20.
This is about 2.17% reduction for each point under 20.
In summary, you will need to allow for the adjustment for their positional rating out of 20 ie you need to multiply their GS Rating by 100% minus the difference between 20 and their positional rating multiplied by 2.17%. For example if their GS rating is 50% and their positional rating is 19, it is 20 - 19= 1 multiplied by 2.17% is 2.17%. Take this off 100% = 97.83% multiplied by 50.00% is 48.91%.
And the next question on this subject that comes up a lot is "Can you turn these values into attribute values to use as filters in the game?". This seems like an easy question, however when you think about it, its totally dependent on your save and what league you are playing. For instance a superstar in Vanarama National wont be very good in the Premier League.
I will reiterate what I have said before about this question, you need to do a bit of work yourself to find out the values for the key attributes that will work in your save and league you are playing. If you go to your Squad page in the game and then to Analyst Report and Comparison, you can see how your current squad compares to others in your League on each Attribute. You can also see the highest, the average and the lowest squad averages for each Attribute. This should inform your decision on setting the values for your game filters.
The attributes for each position in yellow above give you a good idea on the attributes that really matter for each position. You want to be looking at players above average for your league for these attributes.
I hope this helps.
My man
hey! amazing stuff! Just one question... in FM-ARENA testing table it shows that some attributes has very less impact like "Off the ball" or "Finishing" but in that Fmscout attributes table it shows that these attributes actualy very important for striker role... so where is the truth?
Wigo said: hey! amazing stuff! Just one question... in FM-ARENA testing table it shows that some attributes has very less impact like "Off the ball" or "Finishing" but in that Fmscout attributes table it shows that these attributes actualy very important for striker role... so where is the truth?

FMscout attributes weights on the pic were extracted from the official pre-game editor.
Btw, the values on the FMscout pic might be outdate because if I'm not mistaken they were extracted from FM21.
Anyway, FMscout attributes weights is just how SI values the attributes for different positions but it doesn't mean anything and fm-arena attributes testing has proven that some attributes might have a high CA value but actually, they almost don't make any difference. If you ask then I'd trust the actual test result.
got it! thanks!
Wigo said: hey! amazing stuff! Just one question... in FM-ARENA testing table it shows that some attributes has very less impact like "Off the ball" or "Finishing" but in that Fmscout attributes table it shows that these attributes actualy very important for striker role... so where is the truth?
It is somewhere in between. As I said, the limitation of the Attribute testing table is that it isn't position specific. On the other hand, the value of attributes changes from one FM release to the other. So I have attempted to blend these to get to a result that we can all use.
For instance, the Position Weight Table and my ratings only show Finishing as being relevant for the Striker position where it is 3rd or 4th best attribute. Whereas Acceleration and Pace are relevant to almost all positions and mainly top two for most positions.
Assuming that the attributes table results are the same for all positions is not correct. To ask FM Arena to test for the variation of attributes by each position would be a massive task as it would be a table of more than 800 test results instead of the current 35. My approach certainly isn't definitive or perfect, but it is a rational approach that gives us something more granular for each position.
I hope this helps
well i had general idea about how some attributes are more important then others, but different people talking different things and it makes confuse... for me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference :/ same as in my opinion other one of most important thing in football is DESITION making... test again shows that is not important attribute in FM... head skreching stuff... but in other hand if someone can test and find properly what attributes really makes difference and which ones not... it could be revolutionary! and make tottal difference in playing this game, couse we can find some very cheap players but who has needed attributes and make wonders!
Wigo said: well i had general idea about how some attributes are more important then others, but different people talking different things and it makes confuse... for me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference :/ same as in my opinion other one of most important thing in football is DESITION making... test again shows that is not important attribute in FM... head skreching stuff... but in other hand if someone can test and find properly what attributes really makes difference and which ones not... it could be revolutionary! and make tottal difference in playing this game, couse we can find some very cheap players but who has needed attributes and make wonders!
In FM21 there was some guy on Korean FM forum that won EPL with only 1 CA players. He did a test and set all the "unimportant" attributes ( according to the attributes rating table ) to 1 and few important to 20 and he easily won the EPL. He did a huge post about it on the Korean FM forum. So the attributes ratings table is real deal.
I've been picking players with accordance to the attributes rating table for long time and it's been working like a charm to me.
Wigo said: for me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference

Many times in FM we've had corners exploits, long throw-ins exploits, strikerless tactics were doing much better than anything else and you say that it surprises you to find out that there's some weirdness in the attributes...
Bogeyman said: Many times in FM we've had corners exploits, long throw-ins exploits, strikerless tactics were doing much better than anything else and you say that it surprises you to find out that there's some weirdness in the attributes...
good point mate!
Rince said: In FM21 there was some guy on Korean FM forum that won EPL with only 1 CA players. He did a test and set all the "unimportant" attributes ( according to the attributes rating table ) to 1 and few important to 20 and he easily won the EPL. He did a huge post about it on the Korean FM forum. So the attributes ratings table is real deal.
just i am concerned that for me FM22 is very random... i was testing some tactics and how some positions works so it was very random... like in test AML performs amazing and AMR not really and in test2 it was vice versa... so maybe these attributes not aquirred as well... i dont know :/
I've been picking players with accordance to the attributes rating table for long time and it's been working like a charm to me.
thats what i am talkin about! ok will start test tomorrow
Wigo said: Sofor me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference :/
It makes a difference but the difference is very small, especially, if you compare it with some other attributes such as Acceleration, Pace, Dribbling, Anticipation and other.
when you're choosing between 2 strikers, one has Acceleration 20 but Finishing 5 and other had Acceleration 5 but Finishing 20 then pick the first one, you'll get much better results
Rince said: In FM21 there was some guy on Korean FM forum that won EPL with only 1 CA players. He did a test and set all the "unimportant" attributes ( according to the attributes rating table ) to 1 and few important to 20 and he easily won the EPL. He did a huge post about it on the Korean FM forum. So the attributes ratings table is real deal.
I've been picking players with accordance to the attributes rating table for long time and it's been working like a charm to me.
I do recall that experiment. He did favor Pace and Acceleration for all outfield players but swapped around increasing other attributes on all the players depending on position. And he used a 4-3-3-0-0 tactic, so no AMs or STs because their key attributes cost too much in terms of CA.
I am not a fan of changing player attributes to win games. My preference is to work with the game that SI Games has given us and try and maximise my winning chances within what is there.
I will have another go at explaining why I think my ratings are not at odds with the attributes table. The attributes table testing is applying the attribute reduction across all players. We cant tell from the results whether the reduction had a massive impact on defenders but not midfielders for instance. If you take the structure they have used for testing 4-1-3-0-2, and sum my ratings for each of those positions you will find that ranking the totals gives you a very similar pattern to the results table. However the important attributes by position vary.
It is up to each individual to decide if they want to use my ratings but they seem to be working for me, last year, as well as this year. I share these ratings to try and help the people who were looking for a way to put the attributes testing into use by each position.
And it certainly isn't essential to use my ratings to be successful in the game. Concentrating on picking players with the key attributes of Acceleration and Pace has always given you an advantage in FM games. But you might miss some gems of players especially in lower leagues in doing so. These are the ones I am interested in.
To help those who are struggling to figure out how to save the default Ratings file and then load this one I have the following instructions with pictures:

Open your current FM save.
Download FM Genie Scout if you don't already have it. I recommend the g version which requires a small donation. I like to keep such helpful tools going.
Make sure you have downloaded my Ratings file called MDW22.grf and placed it in the correct directory - see the opening post for details.
Open Genie Scout and load your game into the tool.
Open up Edit Player Ratings.
A dialogue box will open up with the ratings information. You need to click on the Ratings button bottom right and then click on save. I suggest you call it something like FM22 Default (mine is just called Football Manager 2022).
Then load my rating file.
Now your Genie Scout should show ratings as per my calculations.
If you simply drop the file in the Ratings folder, you can simply click "Rating" in Genie Scout and the file will be there to select. No need to Edit and save as your own file name.
saycarramrod said: If you simply drop the file in the Ratings folder, you can simply click "Rating" in Genie Scout and the file will be there to select. No need to Edit and save as your own file name.
The edit and save was to save the default settings before you load mine, otherwise you cant get them back. I have a copy so can make it available if anyone forgets and wants it.
hello, can your new file be used on genie scout 21?
thepunisher23 said: hello, can your new file be used on genie scout 21?
Yes. These files seem to be able to be used across games. Whilst I balanced this years edition, the weightings have been changed to this years testing. I suspect they will be fine for last years game but I haven't tested it. Let us know how it goes. At some stage I intend to complete last years save.
Mark said: Yes. These files seem to be able to be used across games. Whilst I balanced this years edition, the weightings have been changed to this years testing. I suspect they will be fine for last years game but I haven't tested it. Let us know how it goes. At some stage I intend to complete last years save.
i would be interested to see how this works out too
I have also redone my assessment of attributes that can be be improved for each position through training for this year. And the winners are (drum roll please):

These are in order. You should check each of your players to see where the best improvements can be made and then set their individual training focus. These attributes are not always easily identifiable. In individual training focus they are sometimes hidden eg Decisions for a DC is Defensive Positioning. Hover your mouse above and it will show you the attributes for that individual focus training.
This is based on the cost and importance of each attribute. I am not convinced about the Acc for GKs but time will tell.
I'm gonna take the freedom to add the filters I use. They are mainly based on FM-Arena performance tests, dividing players in three groups:
- Defense: central defenders.
- Transition: wingbacks and defensive midfielders.
- Attack: wingers, central midfielders, advanced midfielders and strikers.
Goalkeepers are also there, but they use my personal feelings instead of any tests, since it's hard to evaluate the most important attributes for goalkeepers.
Link here, since I can't upload as attachment.
Are these for GS? Or for FM?
ZaZ said: I'm gonna take the freedom to add the filters I use. They are mainly based on FM-Arena performance tests, dividing players in three groups:
- Defense: central defenders.
- Transition: wingbacks and defensive midfielders.
- Attack: wingers, central midfielders, advanced midfielders and strikers.
Goalkeepers are also there, but they use my personal feelings instead of any tests, since it's hard to evaluate the most important attributes for goalkeepers.
Link here, since I can't upload as attachment.
Ohh please can you upload as FM suited files??? that would be fantastic from you! (same as your tactics
stefanopt said: Are these for GS? Or for FM?
It's for Genie Scout. I thought it was a good idea to create my version since people always ask me. Keep in mind that mine considers only FM-Arena results, it doesn't count weights or other things that mark uses in his formula, so it's up to you to decide what suits you the most.
Wigo said: Ohh please can you upload as FM suited files??? that would be fantastic from you! (same as your tactics
Like Mark said above, it's hard to decide that because values can be different depending on the league. Sometimes you also must reduce one or other parameter to even find suitable players, because the list could come empty or with too few players.
ZaZ said: It's for Genie Scout. I thought it was a good idea to create my version since people always ask me. Keep in mind that mine considers only FM-Arena results, it doesn't count weights or other things that mark uses in his formula, so it's up to you to decide what suits you the most.
in link its only GRF file :/
Like Mark said above, it's hard to decide that because values can be different depending on the league. Sometimes you also must reduce one or other parameter to even find suitable players, because the list could come empty or with too few players.
i get it, but can you upload filters for the game not for Genie scout?
Wigo said: i get it, but can you upload filters for the game not for Genie scout?
in link its only GRF file :/
There isn't much what to do there. Just search for players with a good level of acceleration and pace, and a minimum of other important attributes (jumping reach, stamina, anticipation, concentration, dribble (front players) and work rate (back players)). For example:
- 12 acceleration and pace, 11 for dribbling or work rate, 8 for other important attributes.
- 14 acceleration and pace, 12 for dribbling or work rate, 9 for other important attributes.
- 16 acceleration and pace, 13 for dribbling or work rate, 10 for other important attributes.
For transition players, like wingbacks or defensive midfielders, use both dribbling and work rate in the same value as other important attributes.
P.S.: That's just my setup, Mark could very well be much better.
ok thnaks mate!
Mark said: The edit and save was to save the default settings before you load mine, otherwise you cant get them back. I have a copy so can make it available if anyone forgets and wants it.
Download copy. Please
Mark said: This question comes up a lot on the forum. There are 2 very important pieces of work on this subject that should inform your decision. The first is the attribute testing done by @Zippo This shows the testing of each attribute in FM22 and the impact of reducing the attribute score has on results. The limitation of this work is that it is not positional. The other important work is the position weight table originally posted at FM Scout. This gives a sense of the value of each attribute for each position.

I have used these pieces to calculate values or weightings for the Genie Scout tool. You can use these filters for comparison of players when you are buying players or to determine the best player for each role in your tactic from your squad.
Here is the download link to my updated ratings file for Genie Scout.
You should save the standard FMGS ratings file before loading and changing this file so you can reload the default if you are not happy with my ratings.
The standard place for Genie Scout ratings files is C:\FM Genie Scout 22g\Ratings. If you did a custom install it will be in a folder called Ratings under the FMGS install directory. Once you have copied the file to the correct location you should be able to select my ratings file by clicking on the GS symbol in the top left of the screen, and then clicking Ratings in the drop down menu, and then MDW22 from the sub menu.
I have adjusted the weightings this year to try and align all the positions, as previously the ratings were skewed with Wingers having a much higher rating.
A reminder here that Genie Scout doesn't take into account the positional ability of players in their ratings calculations. Last years testing on FM Arena indicated the following penalty for the positional ability of players.
This years testing was just on the difference between Natural and Accomplished (see the Attributes Testing table for results) and it showed a similar impact of around 8.5% penalty this year.
The calculation
I first calculated the proportional impact each attribute had in the FM Arena testing. For example Acceleration - default PPM was 1.648, reducing Acceleration by 4 points resulted in 1.039 PPM. The calculation was 1-(1.039/1.648) or 36.95%. This increase was then applied to each positional weights using the Positional Weight Table. Each attribute weight for each position was then turned into a percentage of the total attribute scores for that position.
Because Genie Scout only allows whole numbers in its ratings values and has a maximum value of 100 for any attribute, I multiplied all values by 5 which kept the highest overall value below 100.
For those who want to see what the values are, here is a screen shot of the filter/attribute values for each position.
I hope this helps someone.
is there on fmscout?