Uploaded Date
Apr 18, 2024
latest patchPatch 24.4.0 (DB3.0)
Patch 24.4.0 (DB2.0)
Patch 24.4.0 (DB3.0) tests
Patch 24.4.0 (DB2.0) tests
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Based on https://fm-arena.com/thread/10775-4213-striker-madness-v5-fwxm-tweak/ , but CFs -> PFs.

3rd in PL and won FA Cup as Luton.
Players instructions plz bud
Mblagg9 said: Players instructions plz bud

Brother I have a question...
Do you collect PIs? The reason I ask is because you have 33 posts within the forum and 30 are for requesting PIs in a 30 day period.
He just wants to try every tactic possible!

Players instructions for this bro
The master said: Players instructions for this bro

attacking width please