Uploaded Date
Apr 26, 2024
Patch 24.4.0 (DB3.0) tests
Patch 24.4.0 (DB2.0) tests
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Can PF replace CF to raise the upper limit?
Uhuuu, nice!
Players instructions plz bud
Mblagg9 said: Players instructions plz bud

Grimlock said:
LW and LB has different PI's than RW and RB.
TurtleKing said: LW and LB has different PI's than RW and RB.
What's the difference? Please tell me, bro🥲
RB - Stay wider, Tackle harder
RW - Sit narrower, Tackle harder
Smashed it!! Well done mate
smigler said: RB - Stay wider, Tackle harder
RW - Sit narrower, Tackle harder
Sorry.. but, it's the same as the PI in the Grimlock's comments, isn't it?
I wonder if there's a difference of PI between left and right, as TurtleKing said.
LB and LW have PI that are posted in the Grimlock screenshot
RB and RW have only PI that I posted nothing more
smigler said: LB and LW have PI that are posted in the Grimlock screenshot
RB and RW have only PI that I posted nothing more
Thank for your service, bro👍🏻
what about corners and free kicks my brother?
@A Smile props to you for this mate, I love the variation you've set with the PIs. Great work mate
Great job. I switched from Katana yesterday managing Danish Esbjerg for 10 years and difference is noticeable starting my 11th year. Though I have one issue - I play on PS5 and cannot adjust passing dor DR and DL.
did someone test this tac?
CBP87 said: @A Smile props to you for this mate, I love the variation you've set with the PIs. Great work mate

Thanks for your praise, SI will not change the current race engine, we will have to work on the engine that is almost studied. I think we're aiming for 70 now, so let's work together.
King is Back!
A Smile said: Thanks for your praise, SI will not change the current race engine, we will have to work on the engine that is almost studied. I think we're aiming for 70 now, so let's work together.
I agree, hopefully as a community we can get there
test with girona
Forgive me for my negativity, I just expected more
I used @Gerrard Azure v3 SP's
MrGreen said: Forgive me for my negativity, I just expected more
I used @Gerrard Azure v3 SP's
I cruised pass 1-st Ukrainian league with the weakest team into Premier league. And then 3 seasons struggled avoiding relegation. Then switched to striker madness and now is 3-rd. I think this one is stable but needs better players. I have a weak team and striker madness gives possibility to win big or to loose big but in the end on average I am better off.
Test with Luton, same set pieces as previous.
MrGreen said: Test with Luton, same set pieces as previous.
Am I missing set piece thats what I coneded from
Thank you for the tactic! I am on PS5, 3rd season with Spurs, using this tactics I have managed to only lost one game, at home againest Man U.
For the first two seasons previous, I was using a tactic very simular to this one, one by the creator, @CBP87, I managed to lose 4 games in the first two seasons with that tactic in total, my squad was weaker then.
The biggest difference for me was the VOL in this tactic, this role was very helpful, I used Tchoameni, he scores over 10 goals and assisted several, retrieving the ball all the time.
Really enjoyed these two tactics I have used, thank you!
EDIT: I usually use Maddision as my left Inside Forward, I forgot to switch him in when taking the screenshot to show my A and B teams.