Uploaded Date
May 14, 2024
Not Tested Yet
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I'm a console player. I had to load an empty fmf file to be able to make this post. Apologies.
An asymmetric 4-1-4-1 which focuses play down one flank to create overloads via the opposite wingback. It has a solid defensive structure but is very formationally fluid, which allows a numbers advantage in every stage of play and goals/assists contributed from many positions on the pitch. Very effective. It also uses roles on the pitch that will suit most squads, making it very versatile and easy to adapt to. I hope someone will try it for me in FM24 and re-upload this for more rigorous testing.
It has a left and right isomer; use whichever fits your squad best.
Player instructions:
Every player has the tackle harder instruction
These 6 have more detailed instructions:
The Ball Playing Defender : dribble more
The Full Back : dribble less, sit narrower
The Complete Wing Back : Fewer risks, cross more, dribble more, shoot more
The Deep lying Playmaker: stay wider
The Central Midfielder: Roam, move into channels
Also, this position is instructed to swap positions with the LCM position
And finally, the Attacking Midfielder: Run wide with ball, Hold up ball
Here's the details of my last season, in which I used the primary formation (right wingback) 43 out of 50 matches (85%)
League table:
Player selection info:
I do have one artificial player on my team. This campaign let me create a son...he's an absolute worldie and can play almost any position, so a bit of a cheat.
I don't think I'll be getting FM 24, at least not any time soon. So, should anyone take sufficient liking to this set up that they want to try a season out in FM24 and upload it themselves, please feel free so this might be considered for a proper testing.
I'd love to see how it does.
Thank you.
P.S. I play on PS5 and so don't have access to a tactic file. I got no response on the forum when I asked about this problem. So, in order to be able to finally make this submission I grabbed a random file from another thread and deleted its contents.
So please disregard the file, it's empty.