Uploaded Date
Nov 20, 2021
Patch 22.2.0 tests
Patch 22.1.1 tests
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Hello everyone,

In this thread i shall put all Hybrid tactics that i have to share and hopefully you all get some enjoyment out of them,
Happy FM'ing
@Brommers92, hi.
Please, check this - https://fm-arena.com/thread/1661-how-fm-arena-picks-tactics-for-the-testing/
Thank you.
First off,let me just start by saying that his tactic is not fully my own tactic as a member of this forum called "Cyborg" created a tactic called "Electro" which was a great tactic nevertheless, however, i enjoy tweaking things and decided to see if i could make any tweaks to it that i felt would help my teams better. And with a number of specific changes i believe i have accomplished this. Again, a big shout out to Cyborg for creating the original tactic i just thought i should share my tweaked version making sure i give props to the person who shared the initial idea/tactic. Anyway...on with the tactic
) a team full of quality players, therefore the first test i have done has been with a selection of the bigger teams so that i could understand what the tactic could be like with a top team.

Lets be honest, at some point or another in our save games we will eventually assemble (end-game goosebump flashbacks haha
For the first test i holiday simulated the full first season with 5 teams ( MAnchester United, Paris Saint Germain, Juventus, Real Madrid & Bayern Munich and i also included Portugal national team aswell to see how it could fare on an international level. )
Below you will find screenshots from the test save along with the tactical set-up.
As you will see below i had three variations of the tactic, it is all the same as the one i have attached for download and the only changes i made between the teams are the following;
- Changed left IF to a RMD for Bayern Munich (to get most out of Mr Space invader himeself Muller)
- Changed IWBR to a CWB for PSG (to get most out of Hakimi)
- The tactic used by Manchester United is the tactic that is the main one in the download
Changes from the original Tactic

- Reduced passing level of directness
- Changed SS role to AM with some PI changes
- Changed some PI for the Inside forwards
- Changed DM roles for 2 Segundo Volantes to help close the space in between the front 4.
- Added new distribution choice for GK to allow the ball to be given to the WB and IWB more often to help aid with wide plays
- Changed the left WB to an inverted wingback (with the two SV's pushing forwards i wanted an extra man at the back in the defensive half spaces)
As you can see there are not many BIG changes more smaller tweaks if anything with the exception of the introduction of Segunda Volantes.
Some important notes to take away from the test save is the following:
- First place with every team apart from Juventus who narrowly lost out to Inter who had an astonishing season
- Scoring over 100 goals in every team apart from Juventus with 94.
- Conceding the least in every team
- Most clean sheets with almost every team
- Finishing with a great goal differance with every team
- Top goal scorers in the league in almost every team
- Many average high raitings spread throughout every team
- Many goals/assists spread throughout the team
- Many trophies won throughout the teams
I can also share the save game that i did the test with if anyone would like to see the stats in more detail for them self
@Brommers92, please add a screenshot of the tactic.
Thank you.
Zippo said: @Brommers92, hi.

Please, check this - https://fm-arena.com/thread/1661-how-fm-arena-picks-tactics-for-the-testing/
Thank you.
I have uploaded the initial screenshots of the tacitc in the opening post, hope this is sufficient along with stating the changes i have made to original
Right guys,

Here is the second Hybrid tactic that i have for FM22. Again, the reason i call these hybrid tactics is because i am making changes to a tactic that already exists therefore is a hybrid tactic that uses another tactic with my changes. I will never take full credit for someone elses work as i feel this is totally unfair on the person who takes the time to come up with the orignal tactics. Everyone on here has the same goal, to share success and credit those who warrent it
This one is using one of ZaZ's latest tactics the ZaZ Red tactic which was orignally a 4-2-2-2 shape and i have changed a few things to make it a functioning 4-2-3-1 as it is my perferred formation. A massive shout out to ZaZ who came up with this tactic in the first place doing some amazing work for the community with the amount of quality tactics.
Now on to the tactic.......
As you can see, i have tested it initially with a top team (perhaps the best team) with the intention of showing what it can achieve with having a very strong squad. With it bieng soo focused on attacking with the very attacing mentality im not sure if it would be suited to lower teams such as the high demand required for the tactic to work. However, i have never came across a tactic where i have scored anywhere near this amount of goals (there was that many goals that it broke the game, the season stats only said i had scored 6 goals in all competitions where tha actual total was an astonishing 264 !!!! Bare in mind this tactic only has 1 actual recognizable striker in place along with 1 SS in the attacking midfielder role and still managed to rack up 264 goals.

The changes i made was the introduction of the SS in the AM role taking away one of the AF's , changing some of the IW's and SS's player instructions aswell as a few minor team instructon changes, and i have also introduced some new set pieces into the tactic even though not that many goals actually came from corners which i was actually happy with, oh and i also moved the Inverted Wingers up to the Left and Right wings.
Unfortunately we had a wobble against Bayern Munich which sent us into the Europa League which we went on to win along with every other competetion as expected.
As you can see plenty of goals spread out the team and two players getting 40+ assists which i havent had before. Some great average ratings and some absolute demolishing scorelines to go with.
But that about wraps up the tactic now hopefully it brings others success as im sure actually playing the season instead of holidaying it would bring even more goals !!
Hello everyone,
I am back with another Hybrid tactic once again taking the base of the wonderful tactic maker Zaz this time with a tweaked version of the 4222 ZaZ Red tactic.
It is named the Hybrid Barrage 4-2-4 and the reason for this is that it a very attacking tactic focusing on barraging the opponents with the aim of scoring as many as you can which also means you will concede a fair amount of goals but for me it makes the game more exciting. There was quite a few high scoring games with the teams i have used in this test, some of the most notable was that i had ManU and Leipzig play out one leg in the UCL which finished 6-5 to leipzig, 11 goals in one game haha, and also 7-6 between PSG and Bayern. At the end of the day the main aim is to win the game regardless of scoreline, 1-0 games are boring anyway much prefer a 5-4 or 4-3 more fun to watch
you will notice from the screenshots i have uploaded that some of the differances are;
- Changed GK distribution options
- Changed to whipped crosses from floating crosses
- Moved the two Inverted wingers up into the winger positions.
- Changed IWB mentality to support (I felt support gave me more balance as the front 4 are all on attacking duty so have enough fire power.
- Changed one of the segunda volantes to a DLP on support duty which was to help me have another player in the middle of the field who wasnt too far forward all the time as it seemed the midfield was too open so i opted for a DLP and SV combination.
I have two versions but the only differance is that the one with Wolves (who achieved a stunning 3rd place !!) i dropped the two IW back to the Left and Right midfield positions.
I carried the test out with Porto, Manchester united, Wolves, Bayern, Leipzig, Napoli, Inter Milan, Salzburg, PSG and Atleitco with a title bieng won by every team apart from Manchester United who choaked on the last two games haha typical real life form atm
Inter Milan dominated what is nowadays an open Serie A only dropping 5 points all season and having a great goal differance finishing top scorers and best defence which is a great achievement. Napoli also came in 2nd place with over 100 goals scored again.
I am planning on creating my own tactics from scratch too soon now that i have a bit better of an understanding on how the game engine runs, but for now hopefully people can enjoy the tactics i release
Thanks guys.
Screenshots for the Hybrid Barrage 4-2-4