Really excessive saving the game 79 times when you've probably during that period played approx 50 - 55 games and I don't understand your point about the tactic being made in China
CBP87 said: Really excessive saving the game 79 times when you've probably during that period played approx 50 - 55 games and I don't understand your point about the tactic being made in China Expand
Just kind of aggressive-***hole words. Leave them away and I have to say sorry if you feel offended. Meanwhile, I still hold my stand on the legality of my 79-times-saving game save.
You're missing the point, you say you save after every game. You played 50 games and saves 79 times, all I'm asking is why you saved so many times? Very defensive and if anyone is being aggressive, it's you with the swearing
CBP87 said: You're missing the point, you say you save after every game. You played 50 games and saves 79 times, all I'm asking is why you saved so many times? Very defensive and if anyone is being aggressive, it's you with the swearing Expand
No more conversation with a cheater like me plz. As long as I finished my whole shaming season, I will put my ugly screentshots onto this thread and maybe at that time more people would stand by u and shout ' WHY YOU SAVED SO MANY TIMES'.
I swipe out something I would like to say/complain/argue, cos I find out what I am doing is just what u did to me. Frankly speaking, I have no obligation or right to bend ur will, nor do u. So I apologize for my offence and leave u free to dig the truth of this 79-times-game-saving case.
Sincere thanks to everyone who downloaded, used, and leaved comments, and I would never reply to any posts about the game saving times or sth else about CHEATING.
Human beings only believe in what they want to see.
MakeSuRE said: No more conversation with a cheater like me plz. As long as I finished my whole shaming season, I will put my ugly screentshots onto this thread and maybe at that time more people would stand by u and shout ' WHY YOU SAVED SO MANY TIMES'.
I swipe out something I would like to say/complain/argue, cos I find out what I am doing is just what u did to me. Frankly speaking, I have no obligation or right to bend ur will, nor do u. So I apologize for my offence and leave u free to dig the truth of this 79-times-game-saving case.
Sincere thanks to everyone who downloaded, used, and leaved comments, and I would never reply to any posts about the game saving times or sth else about CHEATING.
Human beings only believe in what they want to see. Expand
Honestly, if we put aside the extreme number of saves you made and the indication of using the in-game editor then your team stats look very unrealistic.
Your tactic is extremely attacking, it's about outscoring your opponents and even if it's used with a top clubs such as Liverpool or Man City then you always have the worst defense in the league, yes, the attack is the best but the defense is the worst but look at your West Ham stats, you've got the best defense and attack in the league.
C'mon, do you really think someone can believe that with this tactic it's possible to have the best defense in the league with West Ham? With this tactic you can expect conceding 2-3 times more than you did even if it's used with a much better team than West Ham.
MakeSuRE said: No more conversation with a cheater like me plz. As long as I finished my whole shaming season, I will put my ugly screentshots onto this thread and maybe at that time more people would stand by u and shout ' WHY YOU SAVED SO MANY TIMES'.
I swipe out something I would like to say/complain/argue, cos I find out what I am doing is just what u did to me. Frankly speaking, I have no obligation or right to bend ur will, nor do u. So I apologize for my offence and leave u free to dig the truth of this 79-times-game-saving case.
Sincere thanks to everyone who downloaded, used, and leaved comments, and I would never reply to any posts about the game saving times or sth else about CHEATING.
Human beings only believe in what they want to see. Expand
I think there are already a number of people who are thinking the same as me, you've saved the game 79 times, someone has called you out on potentially "cheating". My questioning is trying to help you ascertain that you're not, so if you would explain why you've saved 79 times for 50 games then I'm sure it would go somewhere to easing peoples opinions. But you haven't done that, you've become very defensive and abusive which to be honest in my opinion makes it look like you are cheating
Chewbacca said: Honestly, if we put aside the extreme number of saves you made and the indication of using the in-game editor then your team stats look very unrealistic.
Your tactic is extremely attacking, it's about outscoring your opponents and even if it's used with a top clubs such as Liverpool or Man City then you always have the worst defense in the league, yes, the attack is the best but the defense is the worst but look at your West Ham stats, you've got the best defense and attack in the league.
C'mon, do you really think someone can believe that with this tactic it's possible to have the best defense in the league with West Ham? With this tactic you can expect conceding 2-3 times more than you did even if it's used with a much better team than West Ham. Expand
Rational players won't believe the result, even myself. I'm not a boring man who jumped out arrogantly to show the wolrd how good my tactic is. Anyway, thank u for ur rational thinking & analysis.
I think this is a pointless discussion. It's pretty irrelevant if he saved or not before matches for his screenshot, the only thing that counts for score is the test on FM-Arena. I have lost account of how many people come with titles like "won all trophies", "unbeatable in 300 matches", "999 goals", "best tactic in fm22" or so on, and in the end they are just average tactics, but no one complains.
CBP87 said: I think there are already a number of people who are thinking the same as me, you've saved the game 79 times, someone has called you out on potentially "cheating". My questioning is trying to help you ascertain that you're not, so if you would explain why you've saved 79 times for 50 games then I'm sure it would go somewhere to easing peoples opinions. But you haven't done that, you've become very defensive and abusive which to be honest in my opinion makes it look like you are cheating Expand
Why I have to defend myself on proving my saving action to be irrelevant to any cheating method. Can I say that I just like clicking the save button once I leave my office desk for a drink of coffee? Besides, I don't believe a SL cheater would wasting his time to fake a whole season result like mine, let alone quite a few dramatic matches. Here comes one of the dramatic match. Though West Ham losed the 1st round, but I really enjoyed the dramatic second half because my halftime tactic changes worked. For a cheater this might be the start of another attempt to SL, but for me, Lille teached me a lesson and deserved to win. Next round, West Ham hammered Lille so badly as Lille did in 1st round. This is football manager, and this is why I love this game.
ZaZ said: I think this is a pointless discussion. It's pretty irrelevant if he saved or not before matches for his screenshot, the only thing that counts for score is the test on FM-Arena. I have lost account of how many people come with titles like "won all trophies", "unbeatable in 300 matches", "999 goals", "best tactic in fm22" or so on, and in the end they are just average tactics, but no one complains. Expand
Just cannot agree more. BTW,my West Ham United might join the self-called-won-all-trophies club So far by the game date of 2022/05/06, I've already won EFL Cup and PL champion.
I save my game at least two or three times a week in game time as I have previously lost saves due to power outages or PC crashes. So my saves for a season would be much higher than 79. I don't cheat in my game saves so I think it doesn't necessarily follow that a lot of game saves equals cheating. And as @ZaZ said it is largely irrelevant as all that really counts is the result of the test on this site.
I get your points but I'm sorry I don't agree with the only thing that counts is the score from the test. If he had stated in the OP that he had used the editor then fair enough but he didn't and in a way to me that is a way of trying to con us that the tactic is better than what it actually is. All I was asking is why he had saved the game an excessive number of times and he became defensive and abusive. I was actually trying to help him by asking him about the excessive saving as people were showing that he had potentially cheated.
One thing I don't like is people misleading others, whether you see it as wrong or right or the fact that the only thing that is relevant is the test results. We should be honest about our own testing
CBP87 said: One thing I don't like is people misleading others, whether you see it as wrong or right or the fact that the only thing that is relevant is the test results. We should be honest about our own testing Expand
I complete agree with that but if you think about it, there's no way to be 100% certain whether someone cheated or not even he had saved the game 1000 times and it shows that he used the in-game editor, but when you see that the result posted by the author is drastically different from fm-arena rating then it gives serious reason to doubt. Anyway, everyone is free to make their own opinion about it.
Tsubasa said: I complete agree with that but if you think about it, there's no way to be 100% certain whether someone cheated or not even he had saved the game 1000 times and it shows that he used the in-game editor, but when you see that the result posted by the author is drastically different from fm-arena rating then it gives serious reason to doubt. Anyway, everyone is free to make their own opinion about it. Expand
Yeah I agree, there is no way of knowing whether or not he did. As you said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I'm just sharing my thoughts on the matter
CBP87 said: I get your points but I'm sorry I don't agree with the only thing that counts is the score from the test. If he had stated in the OP that he had used the editor then fair enough but he didn't and in a way to me that is a way of trying to con us that the tactic is better than what it actually is. All I was asking is why he had saved the game an excessive number of times and he became defensive and abusive. I was actually trying to help him by asking him about the excessive saving as people were showing that he had potentially cheated.
One thing I don't like is people misleading others, whether you see it as wrong or right or the fact that the only thing that is relevant is the test results. We should be honest about our own testing Expand
Well, everyone has a different way to show results here. Some people post holiday tests, some people test with lower leagues, some people test with a godly team in 2026 while others just play normaly and show how their season is going. Maybe he used saves to backtrack in case of bad luck, or maybe he just saves a lot since he says he doesn't have much time. I don't see all this witch hunt in other posts with deceiving results, it's borderline bullying.
ZaZ said: Well, everyone has a different way to show results here. Some people post holiday tests, some people test with lower leagues, some people test with a godly team in 2026 while others just play normaly and show how their season is going. Maybe he used saves to backtrack in case of bad luck, or maybe he just saves a lot since he says he doesn't have much time. I don't see all this witch hunt in other posts with deceiving results, it's borderline bullying. Expand
I haven't seen any other posts with deceiving results? Borderline bullying?? how, by asking him why he saved his game excessively, how is that borderline bullying! come off it
ZaZ said: I don't see all this witch hunt in other posts with deceiving results, it's borderline bullying. Expand
Honestly, the result posted here by author is way off and that's why it got my attention.
Not often I see that people post result like they win every trophy with West Ham( 1st season ) and they had the best defense in the league with a tactic that can't have the best defense even if it's used with the best team like Liverpool or Man City and the same time he post his save where he saved the game 76 times but haven't finished the season yet and the game status shows that he used the in-game editor and the tactic got quite average rating. I'd say there are a lot of reasons to be a bit suspicious about the results.
ZaZ said: I think this is a pointless discussion. It's pretty irrelevant if he saved or not before matches for his screenshot, the only thing that counts for score is the test on FM-Arena. I have lost account of how many people come with titles like "won all trophies", "unbeatable in 300 matches", "999 goals", "best tactic in fm22" or so on, and in the end they are just average tactics, but no one complains. Expand
That's true but most of time people achieve their "amazing" results with top teams like Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd and so on and that's somehow believable but when you post like you destroy EPL with West Ham... C'mon something like that was possible when we had a ton of exploits like strikerless tactics, long throw-ins, short corner, near post corner and so on... but now? That's hardly believable.
ZaZ said: Well, everyone has a different way to show results here. Some people post holiday tests, some people test with lower leagues, some people test with a godly team in 2026 while others just play normaly and show how their season is going. Maybe he used saves to backtrack in case of bad luck, or maybe he just saves a lot since he says he doesn't have much time. I don't see all this witch hunt in other posts with deceiving results, it's borderline bullying. Expand
Thank you but I do think the talk about my suspicion of cheating has to be shut down. I don't want anyone to be involved in such a ******** which was caused by me, especially u, in some kinda way as my idol. BTW, I've decided to make my next tactic based on your ZaZ-Yellow Hope it would work better than this 4231.
I know the discussion is dead, but I decided to check my run to see how many times I saved after 14 official matches. A total of 21 times. Don't ask me how it happened, I have no clue. They are all during pre-season, so I guess it happened when I was doing hundreds of trials (in groups of thirty players) to reveal their attributes.
ZaZ said: I know the discussion is dead, but I decided to check my run to see how many times I saved after 14 official matches. A total of 21 times. Don't ask me how it happened, I have no clue. They are all during pre-season, so I guess it happened when I was doing hundreds of trials (in groups of thirty players) to reveal their attributes.
Really excessive saving the game 79 times when you've probably during that period played approx 50 - 55 games and I don't understand your point about the tactic being made in China
Metal said: Just hold your hands up and admit you cheated so we can move on!

76 times while holidaying
Plz don’t shot. I will commit every single crime you put on me. Sir, easy to leave your knee away from me plz.
CBP87 said: Really excessive saving the game 79 times when you've probably during that period played approx 50 - 55 games and I don't understand your point about the tactic being made in China
Just kind of aggressive-***hole words. Leave them away and I have to say sorry if you feel offended. Meanwhile, I still hold my stand on the legality of my 79-times-saving game save.
You're missing the point, you say you save after every game. You played 50 games and saves 79 times, all I'm asking is why you saved so many times? Very defensive and if anyone is being aggressive, it's you with the swearing
CBP87 said: You're missing the point, you say you save after every game. You played 50 games and saves 79 times, all I'm asking is why you saved so many times? Very defensive and if anyone is being aggressive, it's you with the swearing
No more conversation with a cheater like me plz. As long as I finished my whole shaming season, I will put my ugly screentshots onto this thread and maybe at that time more people would stand by u and shout ' WHY YOU SAVED SO MANY TIMES'.
I swipe out something I would like to say/complain/argue, cos I find out what I am doing is just what u did to me. Frankly speaking, I have no obligation or right to bend ur will, nor do u. So I apologize for my offence and leave u free to dig the truth of this 79-times-game-saving case.
Sincere thanks to everyone who downloaded, used, and leaved comments, and I would never reply to any posts about the game saving times or sth else about CHEATING.
Human beings only believe in what they want to see.
MakeSuRE said: No more conversation with a cheater like me plz. As long as I finished my whole shaming season, I will put my ugly screentshots onto this thread and maybe at that time more people would stand by u and shout ' WHY YOU SAVED SO MANY TIMES'.
With this tactic you can expect conceding 2-3 times more than you did even if it's used with a much better team than West Ham.
I swipe out something I would like to say/complain/argue, cos I find out what I am doing is just what u did to me. Frankly speaking, I have no obligation or right to bend ur will, nor do u. So I apologize for my offence and leave u free to dig the truth of this 79-times-game-saving case.
Sincere thanks to everyone who downloaded, used, and leaved comments, and I would never reply to any posts about the game saving times or sth else about CHEATING.
Human beings only believe in what they want to see.
Honestly, if we put aside the extreme number of saves you made and the indication of using the in-game editor then your team stats look very unrealistic.
Your tactic is extremely attacking, it's about outscoring your opponents and even if it's used with a top clubs such as Liverpool or Man City then you always have the worst defense in the league, yes, the attack is the best but the defense is the worst but look at your West Ham stats, you've got the best defense and attack in the league.
C'mon, do you really think someone can believe that with this tactic it's possible to have the best defense in the league with West Ham?
MakeSuRE said: No more conversation with a cheater like me plz. As long as I finished my whole shaming season, I will put my ugly screentshots onto this thread and maybe at that time more people would stand by u and shout ' WHY YOU SAVED SO MANY TIMES'.
I swipe out something I would like to say/complain/argue, cos I find out what I am doing is just what u did to me. Frankly speaking, I have no obligation or right to bend ur will, nor do u. So I apologize for my offence and leave u free to dig the truth of this 79-times-game-saving case.
Sincere thanks to everyone who downloaded, used, and leaved comments, and I would never reply to any posts about the game saving times or sth else about CHEATING.
Human beings only believe in what they want to see.
I think there are already a number of people who are thinking the same as me, you've saved the game 79 times, someone has called you out on potentially "cheating". My questioning is trying to help you ascertain that you're not, so if you would explain why you've saved 79 times for 50 games then I'm sure it would go somewhere to easing peoples opinions. But you haven't done that, you've become very defensive and abusive which to be honest in my opinion makes it look like you are cheating
Chewbacca said: Honestly, if we put aside the extreme number of saves you made and the indication of using the in-game editor then your team stats look very unrealistic.
With this tactic you can expect conceding 2-3 times more than you did even if it's used with a much better team than West Ham.
Your tactic is extremely attacking, it's about outscoring your opponents and even if it's used with a top clubs such as Liverpool or Man City then you always have the worst defense in the league, yes, the attack is the best but the defense is the worst but look at your West Ham stats, you've got the best defense and attack in the league.
C'mon, do you really think someone can believe that with this tactic it's possible to have the best defense in the league with West Ham?
Rational players won't believe the result, even myself. I'm not a boring man who jumped out arrogantly to show the wolrd how good my tactic is. Anyway, thank u for ur rational thinking & analysis.
I think this is a pointless discussion. It's pretty irrelevant if he saved or not before matches for his screenshot, the only thing that counts for score is the test on FM-Arena. I have lost account of how many people come with titles like "won all trophies", "unbeatable in 300 matches", "999 goals", "best tactic in fm22" or so on, and in the end they are just average tactics, but no one complains.
CBP87 said: I think there are already a number of people who are thinking the same as me, you've saved the game 79 times, someone has called you out on potentially "cheating". My questioning is trying to help you ascertain that you're not, so if you would explain why you've saved 79 times for 50 games then I'm sure it would go somewhere to easing peoples opinions. But you haven't done that, you've become very defensive and abusive which to be honest in my opinion makes it look like you are cheating
Why I have to defend myself on proving my saving action to be irrelevant to any cheating method. Can I say that I just like clicking the save button once I leave my office desk for a drink of coffee?
Besides, I don't believe a SL cheater would wasting his time to fake a whole season result like mine, let alone quite a few dramatic matches.
Here comes one of the dramatic match. Though West Ham losed the 1st round, but I really enjoyed the dramatic second half because my halftime tactic changes worked. For a cheater this might be the start of another attempt to SL, but for me, Lille teached me a lesson and deserved to win. Next round, West Ham hammered Lille so badly as Lille did in 1st round. This is football manager, and this is why I love this game.
ZaZ said: I think this is a pointless discussion. It's pretty irrelevant if he saved or not before matches for his screenshot, the only thing that counts for score is the test on FM-Arena. I have lost account of how many people come with titles like "won all trophies", "unbeatable in 300 matches", "999 goals", "best tactic in fm22" or so on, and in the end they are just average tactics, but no one complains.
So far by the game date of 2022/05/06, I've already won EFL Cup and PL champion.
Just cannot agree more.
BTW,my West Ham United might join the self-called-won-all-trophies club
I save my game at least two or three times a week in game time as I have previously lost saves due to power outages or PC crashes. So my saves for a season would be much higher than 79. I don't cheat in my game saves so I think it doesn't necessarily follow that a lot of game saves equals cheating. And as @ZaZ said it is largely irrelevant as all that really counts is the result of the test on this site.
I get your points but I'm sorry I don't agree with the only thing that counts is the score from the test. If he had stated in the OP that he had used the editor then fair enough but he didn't and in a way to me that is a way of trying to con us that the tactic is better than what it actually is. All I was asking is why he had saved the game an excessive number of times and he became defensive and abusive. I was actually trying to help him by asking him about the excessive saving as people were showing that he had potentially cheated.
One thing I don't like is people misleading others, whether you see it as wrong or right or the fact that the only thing that is relevant is the test results. We should be honest about our own testing
CBP87 said: One thing I don't like is people misleading others, whether you see it as wrong or right or the fact that the only thing that is relevant is the test results. We should be honest about our own testing
I complete agree with that but if you think about it, there's no way to be 100% certain whether someone cheated or not even he had saved the game 1000 times and it shows that he used the in-game editor, but when you see that the result posted by the author is drastically different from fm-arena rating then it gives serious reason to doubt. Anyway, everyone is free to make their own opinion about it.
Tsubasa said: I complete agree with that but if you think about it, there's no way to be 100% certain whether someone cheated or not even he had saved the game 1000 times and it shows that he used the in-game editor, but when you see that the result posted by the author is drastically different from fm-arena rating then it gives serious reason to doubt. Anyway, everyone is free to make their own opinion about it.
Yeah I agree, there is no way of knowing whether or not he did. As you said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I'm just sharing my thoughts on the matter
CBP87 said: I get your points but I'm sorry I don't agree with the only thing that counts is the score from the test. If he had stated in the OP that he had used the editor then fair enough but he didn't and in a way to me that is a way of trying to con us that the tactic is better than what it actually is. All I was asking is why he had saved the game an excessive number of times and he became defensive and abusive. I was actually trying to help him by asking him about the excessive saving as people were showing that he had potentially cheated.
One thing I don't like is people misleading others, whether you see it as wrong or right or the fact that the only thing that is relevant is the test results. We should be honest about our own testing
Well, everyone has a different way to show results here. Some people post holiday tests, some people test with lower leagues, some people test with a godly team in 2026 while others just play normaly and show how their season is going. Maybe he used saves to backtrack in case of bad luck, or maybe he just saves a lot since he says he doesn't have much time. I don't see all this witch hunt in other posts with deceiving results, it's borderline bullying.
ZaZ said: Well, everyone has a different way to show results here. Some people post holiday tests, some people test with lower leagues, some people test with a godly team in 2026 while others just play normaly and show how their season is going. Maybe he used saves to backtrack in case of bad luck, or maybe he just saves a lot since he says he doesn't have much time. I don't see all this witch hunt in other posts with deceiving results, it's borderline bullying.
I haven't seen any other posts with deceiving results? Borderline bullying?? how, by asking him why he saved his game excessively, how is that borderline bullying! come off it
ZaZ said: I don't see all this witch hunt in other posts with deceiving results, it's borderline bullying.

Honestly, the result posted here by author is way off and that's why it got my attention.
Not often I see that people post result like they win every trophy with West Ham( 1st season ) and they had the best defense in the league with a tactic that can't have the best defense even if it's used with the best team like Liverpool or Man City and the same time he post his save where he saved the game 76 times but haven't finished the season yet and the game status shows that he used the in-game editor and the tactic got quite average rating. I'd say there are a lot of reasons to be a bit suspicious about the results.
ZaZ said: I think this is a pointless discussion. It's pretty irrelevant if he saved or not before matches for his screenshot, the only thing that counts for score is the test on FM-Arena. I have lost account of how many people come with titles like "won all trophies", "unbeatable in 300 matches", "999 goals", "best tactic in fm22" or so on, and in the end they are just average tactics, but no one complains.
That's true but most of time people achieve their "amazing" results with top teams like Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd and so on and that's somehow believable but when you post like you destroy EPL with West Ham... C'mon something like that was possible when we had a ton of exploits like strikerless tactics, long throw-ins, short corner, near post corner and so on... but now? That's hardly believable.
ZaZ said: Well, everyone has a different way to show results here. Some people post holiday tests, some people test with lower leagues, some people test with a godly team in 2026 while others just play normaly and show how their season is going. Maybe he used saves to backtrack in case of bad luck, or maybe he just saves a lot since he says he doesn't have much time. I don't see all this witch hunt in other posts with deceiving results, it's borderline bullying.
Hope it would work better than this 4231.
Thank you but I do think the talk about my suspicion of cheating has to be shut down. I don't want anyone to be involved in such a ******** which was caused by me, especially u, in some kinda way as my idol. BTW, I've decided to make my next tactic based on your ZaZ-Yellow
I know the discussion is dead, but I decided to check my run to see how many times I saved after 14 official matches. A total of 21 times. Don't ask me how it happened, I have no clue. They are all during pre-season, so I guess it happened when I was doing hundreds of trials (in groups of thirty players) to reveal their attributes.

ZaZ said: I know the discussion is dead, but I decided to check my run to see how many times I saved after 14 official matches. A total of 21 times. Don't ask me how it happened, I have no clue. They are all during pre-season, so I guess it happened when I was doing hundreds of trials (in groups of thirty players) to reveal their attributes.

Busted! I knew that!!!