I've made a very interesting experiment and I think many of you would be interested to see the results of it
I made an attempt to measure the game RNG(Random Number Generator) and in order to do that I picked Southampton in EPL and played the 1st season 6 times using the same tactic.
I chose Southampton because the team is predicted to finish the 10th place so it isn't the strongest team in the league and also isn't the weakest which means there a good way to move up and down.
I used the default Gegenpress tactic 4231 wide tactic.
TESTS: The 1st run: 68 pts, the 5th place
The 2nd run: 45 pts, the 14th place
The 3rd run: 59 pts, the 7th place
The 4th run: 45 pts, the 13th place
The 5th run: 57 pts, the 6th place
The 6th run: 47 pts, the 12th place
Using the same tactic the highest points I got was 68 points and the highest place I got was the 5th place and the lowest points I got was 45 points and the lowest place I got was 14th.
So in theory during the 1st season using the same tactic with Southampton you can get as high as 68pts/5th standing and as low as 45pts/14th depends on your luck/RNG/Random Number Generator.
The reason for this difference is that the tactic you use is not very efficient. Using a higher quality tactic will result in less difference in results, and results will often exceed media expectations.
For example, if you do this test using the "Amazing False Nine" tactic, we will see that the results may be all over the media expectation
Hi everybody,

I've made a very interesting experiment and I think many of you would be interested to see the results of it
I made an attempt to measure the game RNG(Random Number Generator) and in order to do that I picked Southampton in EPL and played the 1st season 6 times using the same tactic.
I chose Southampton because the team is predicted to finish the 10th place so it isn't the strongest team in the league and also isn't the weakest which means there a good way to move up and down.
I used the default Gegenpress tactic 4231 wide tactic.
The 1st run: 68 pts, the 5th place
The 2nd run: 45 pts, the 14th place
The 3rd run: 59 pts, the 7th place
The 4th run: 45 pts, the 13th place
The 5th run: 57 pts, the 6th place
The 6th run: 47 pts, the 12th place
Using the same tactic the highest points I got was 68 points and the highest place I got was the 5th place and the lowest points I got was 45 points and the lowest place I got was 14th.
So in theory during the 1st season using the same tactic with Southampton you can get as high as 68pts/5th standing and as low as 45pts/14th depends on your luck/RNG/Random Number Generator.
The reason for this difference is that the tactic you use is not very efficient. Using a higher quality tactic will result in less difference in results, and results will often exceed media expectations.

For example, if you do this test using the "Amazing False Nine" tactic, we will see that the results may be all over the media expectation
A very interestign test

Thank you
There are million factors other than your tactic that greatly affect your results so the test results don't surprise me...
Rince said: There are million factors other than your tactic that greatly affect your results so the test results don't surprise me...
no doubt about that and the test proves it
Lucky - unlucky factor is necessary part of the game, you can't measure it with that way. Not even with freezing things.
Hi there,

I find that Team Cohesion has a great impact on the performance stability
Team Cohesion cannot be freeze with FMRTE or other tool BTW