ZaZ said: Thank you! I hope you get even more success! Expand
Thank you Im very old FM player and i always tried to create a tactic. Sometimes it works but usually it has mistakes and some lacks. I like offensive football. In this tactic no mistakes no lacks. Very successful. I just noticed 2 things. First, The opponent's greatest weapon is the counterattack. I only concede from counterattack but not every time. Second, individual mistakes and lack of fitness. It's not important, it should be So you inspired me for try to create a tactic And I opened an account here just for you. I will try it maybe i can. I wish you continued success. I'm following you!
zagor said: Thank you Im very old FM player and i always tried to create a tactic. Sometimes it works but usually it has mistakes and some lacks. I like offensive football. In this tactic no mistakes no lacks. Very successful. I just noticed 2 things. First, The opponent's greatest weapon is the counterattack. I only concede from counterattack but not every time. Second, individual mistakes and lack of fitness. It's not important, it should be So you inspired me for try to create a tactic And I opened an account here just for you. I will try it maybe i can. I wish you continued success. I'm following you! Expand
1 - The wingers - Does cross from byline get better results over the long term? Because i feel it makes wingers hold on to the ball longer and we miss chances as a result. I've had more short term success with removing the instruction and just letting the player decide.
2 - The wingers failing to close down opponents next to them, and instead going back to their position is sth that happens a lot. Is there a fix for this? The DWs just dont close down close to the centre circle areas.
3 - The IWBs and CBs on occasion clash. An example is when a cross comes in from the left side, the IWB instead of the RCB takes it upon himself to come clear the ball. So what happens is that the RCB basically leaves his marker and waits for the IWB to come clear the header/the ball and what ends up happening is that we concede. Because that switch cant happen fast enough. But i've never really seen this interaction in any of my formations. So i'm just curious if there's a fix for it? or its just part of it all.
1 - The wingers - Does cross from byline get better results over the long term? Because i feel it makes wingers hold on to the ball longer and we miss chances as a result. I've had more short term success with removing the instruction and just letting the player decide.
2 - The wingers failing to close down opponents next to them, and instead going back to their position is sth that happens a lot. Is there a fix for this? The DWs just dont close down close to the centre circle areas.
3 - The IWBs and CBs on occasion clash. An example is when a cross comes in from the left side, the IWB instead of the RCB takes it upon himself to come clear the ball. So what happens is that the RCB basically leaves his marker and waits for the IWB to come clear the header/the ball and what ends up happening is that we concede. Because that switch cant happen fast enough. But i've never really seen this interaction in any of my formations. So i'm just curious if there's a fix for it? or its just part of it all. Expand
I tried lots of things to improve this tactic and that version got me the best results. There was almost a whole year with people trying to get better results, with all sort of different tactics and tweaks, but it seems that performance is very close to the limit of the match engine. Unfortunately, there are no more tests for FM21.
Hello mate. I tried so many tactics, only 2 tactics I found successful. One is yours and the other is "Afterlife 5.0"
First of all, the flaws I see in your tactic -from my point of view-:
-The man is running behind the defense, although my defense is fast, it can't catch up. -When the opponent makes a quick pass from the corner, inward from the ground, the opponent suddenly hits the ball and our defense cannot even intervene; he looks stupid. -You said "Use Solid Blue against strong opponents in the first half, and use Dark Blue or Blue 3.0 in the second half". I could not understand this: I am Beşiktaş, my team is strong; but my next match opponent is Rennes. I was defeated using Blue 3.0 even though the opponent was weaker than me. I did Save/Load, I used Solid Blue in the first half, I used Dark Blue in the second half and I was defeated again. I did S/L again, I did Solid Blue and this time I did Blue 3.0 in the second half and I was defeated again.
Can you tell me the exact way to do this?
What are the important features for positions?
The last thing I want to ask is:
I don't know how to squad "rotate", what should I do about it? My players are very tired.
channibalism said: Hello mate. I tried so many tactics, only 2 tactics I found successful. One is yours and the other is "Afterlife 5.0"
First of all, the flaws I see in your tactic -from my point of view-:
-The man is running behind the defense, although my defense is fast, it can't catch up. -When the opponent makes a quick pass from the corner, inward from the ground, the opponent suddenly hits the ball and our defense cannot even intervene; he looks stupid. -You said "Use Solid Blue against strong opponents in the first half, and use Dark Blue or Blue 3.0 in the second half". I could not understand this: I am Beşiktaş, my team is strong; but my next match opponent is Rennes. I was defeated using Blue 3.0 even though the opponent was weaker than me. I did Save/Load, I used Solid Blue in the first half, I used Dark Blue in the second half and I was defeated again. I did S/L again, I did Solid Blue and this time I did Blue 3.0 in the second half and I was defeated again.
Can you tell me the exact way to do this?
What are the important features for positions?
The last thing I want to ask is:
I don't know how to squad "rotate", what should I do about it? My players are very tired. Expand
About the flaws of Blue 3.0, it can't be helped much, that is the way most goals were scored for any team in that match engine.
About your results, it's very common for some people to have a series of poor results during a season and think the tactic stopped working. Below are ten reasons your team might stop winning for a while.
1. Complacency: When a team wins too much, players take victories for granted, not giving their best. To avoid that, you must motivate them with team talk, shouts and media handling.
2. Pressure: When playing against stronger teams, your players might feel pressured and perform worse. To avoid that, you need to relieve pressure on team talk, shouts and media handling.
3. Fatigue: When a player has high match and training loads, he builds fatigue. It's not the same of condition or match fitness and you need a sports scientist to see it in the medical centre. To avoid that, you need to rest from training and rotate your squad.
4. Morale: When you lose matches or certain events happen (like player getting unhappy), players lose morale. It is one thing that affects performance a lot, so it can create a bad spiral if not managed properly. To avoid that, praise and warn players based on last match score, form (last 5 matches) and training. You can also increase morale with team talk after matches, team meetings and other forms of interaction.
5. Poor form of players: Sometimes, strikers can get into a poor form that lasts a long time, like ten matches without scoring or more. I am not sure if there is an internal mechanic for that, but it certainly happens fairly often. If both your strikers get into poor form at once, it can get really hard to win matches. To avoid that, I believe you need to score to avoid the poor form, but it might also be just RNG.
6. Injuries: It is fairly common to have injuries by the mid of season, forcing you to use worse players or play in lower condition. To avoid that, you need good physios, lighter training during season, rest and rotate players.
7. Condition: By the middle of season, you usually have several championships being played at once, forcing you to play 2 or 3 matches a week for several weeks in a row. That can force you to rotate to players of lower quality or use players with lower condition. To avoid that, you need to rest players from training and build a balanced squad to rotate.
8. Match fitness: Injuries and lack of rotation can make your players lack match fitness, decreasing their performance. That can cause your team to suffer when you are forced to rotate because of injuries or tight schedule. To avoid that, either rotate your squad or use those players in reserve friendlies.
9. Hidden attributes: There are hidden attributes like consistency and important matches that make your players not have maximum performance during some matches. There are other attributes like injury proneness and dirtiness which can harm your chances of winning some matches. You cannot avoid that unless you hire players with better hidden attributes.
10. RNG (or randomness): Sometimes, your luck is just bad during certain matches. There is no way to avoid that, just keep playing and results should normalize eventually.
About rotation, I'll paste what I said in the thread of FM22 below.
To be successful in football manager, you need to manage your team's playing time, which affects happiness, match sharpness, fatigue (can only see with sports scientist) and condition. Manage happiness and sharpness by making sure each player is getting enough minutes, and fatigue and condition by avoiding giving more minutes per week than they should play. Note that you can use friendlies and reserve matches to keep players sharp, but those matches have no effect on happiness.
My suggestion to manage the squad properly is to add two columns to selection info: "fitness and injuries > fatigue" and "stats (general) > general > games missed in a row". You can do that by right clicking any column name in squad screen, e.g., name, position, and selecting insert column. Make sure you don't use players with high fatigue and don't let any player reach too many games missed in a row (between 3 to 5 depending on your squad size).
After matches in tight weeks, you can rest the most tired players from training so they can recover condition to the next match. To do so, select any players you want to rest, then right click, training > rest > 1 or 2 days. That should be enough to have your most important players in shape for big matches. When you have 8+ days between matches, it's often a good idea to send players on holiday to prevent fatigue. You can do that in training screen > rest > click on training intensity > send on holiday > 1 week.
Morale is another characteristic that needs management. The easiest way to increase morale is by winning, but you can also praise last (official) match, recent form (last 5 games) and training level, as well as criticize the same things. I recommend praising anyone with a rating above 9 and criticize anyone with rating below 6. After defeats, I recommend complimenting any player with recent form or training with rating 8.1+.
Finally, you also need to manage complacency and anxiety. Do that through team talks and shouts. The effect is based on players' hidden status and match odds, but some talks and shouts are usually more positive than others. For example, praising a winning team with shouts usually gives a positive response, as well as encouraging your team when not winning (losing or tie).
For team talk, I usually prefer to relieve pressure by telling them to play their natural game, then tell them individually that I have faith in them. At half time, I praise them if winning by at least two goals, otherwise I tell them I'm not happy. After match, I praise them for victories, tell them I'm unhappy when we don't win and sometimes warn against complacency after big wins. Keep in mind that you should be a little lighter with your team when playing against stronger opponents.
If one of your players gets a yellow card during a match, it might be a good idea to change his player's instruction to Ease Off Tackles to avoid being sent off. To do so, click on the player card by the bottom of match view, then click player instructions. You can also do the same for exhausted players if you run out of subs, as well as reducing his individual pressing trigger, to avoid injuries.
About the flaws of Blue 3.0, it can't be helped much, that is the way most goals were scored for any team in that match engine.
About your results, it's very common for some people to have a series of poor results during a season and think the tactic stopped working. Below are ten reasons your team might stop winning for a while.
1. Complacency: When a team wins too much, players take victories for granted, not giving their best. To avoid that, you must motivate them with team talk, shouts and media handling.
2. Pressure: When playing against stronger teams, your players might feel pressured and perform worse. To avoid that, you need to relieve pressure on team talk, shouts and media handling.
3. Fatigue: When a player has high match and training loads, he builds fatigue. It's not the same of condition or match fitness and you need a sports scientist to see it in the medical centre. To avoid that, you need to rest from training and rotate your squad.
4. Morale: When you lose matches or certain events happen (like player getting unhappy), players lose morale. It is one thing that affects performance a lot, so it can create a bad spiral if not managed properly. To avoid that, praise and warn players based on last match score, form (last 5 matches) and training. You can also increase morale with team talk after matches, team meetings and other forms of interaction.
5. Poor form of players: Sometimes, strikers can get into a poor form that lasts a long time, like ten matches without scoring or more. I am not sure if there is an internal mechanic for that, but it certainly happens fairly often. If both your strikers get into poor form at once, it can get really hard to win matches. To avoid that, I believe you need to score to avoid the poor form, but it might also be just RNG.
6. Injuries: It is fairly common to have injuries by the mid of season, forcing you to use worse players or play in lower condition. To avoid that, you need good physios, lighter training during season, rest and rotate players.
7. Condition: By the middle of season, you usually have several championships being played at once, forcing you to play 2 or 3 matches a week for several weeks in a row. That can force you to rotate to players of lower quality or use players with lower condition. To avoid that, you need to rest players from training and build a balanced squad to rotate.
8. Match fitness: Injuries and lack of rotation can make your players lack match fitness, decreasing their performance. That can cause your team to suffer when you are forced to rotate because of injuries or tight schedule. To avoid that, either rotate your squad or use those players in reserve friendlies.
9. Hidden attributes: There are hidden attributes like consistency and important matches that make your players not have maximum performance during some matches. There are other attributes like injury proneness and dirtiness which can harm your chances of winning some matches. You cannot avoid that unless you hire players with better hidden attributes.
10. RNG (or randomness): Sometimes, your luck is just bad during certain matches. There is no way to avoid that, just keep playing and results should normalize eventually.
About rotation, I'll paste what I said in the thread of FM22 below.
To be successful in football manager, you need to manage your team's playing time, which affects happiness, match sharpness, fatigue (can only see with sports scientist) and condition. Manage happiness and sharpness by making sure each player is getting enough minutes, and fatigue and condition by avoiding giving more minutes per week than they should play. Note that you can use friendlies and reserve matches to keep players sharp, but those matches have no effect on happiness.
My suggestion to manage the squad properly is to add two columns to selection info: "fitness and injuries > fatigue" and "stats (general) > general > games missed in a row". You can do that by right clicking any column name in squad screen, e.g., name, position, and selecting insert column. Make sure you don't use players with high fatigue and don't let any player reach too many games missed in a row (between 3 to 5 depending on your squad size).
After matches in tight weeks, you can rest the most tired players from training so they can recover condition to the next match. To do so, select any players you want to rest, then right click, training > rest > 1 or 2 days. That should be enough to have your most important players in shape for big matches. When you have 8+ days between matches, it's often a good idea to send players on holiday to prevent fatigue. You can do that in training screen > rest > click on training intensity > send on holiday > 1 week.
Morale is another characteristic that needs management. The easiest way to increase morale is by winning, but you can also praise last (official) match, recent form (last 5 games) and training level, as well as criticize the same things. I recommend praising anyone with a rating above 9 and criticize anyone with rating below 6. After defeats, I recommend complimenting any player with recent form or training with rating 8.1+.
Finally, you also need to manage complacency and anxiety. Do that through team talks and shouts. The effect is based on players' hidden status and match odds, but some talks and shouts are usually more positive than others. For example, praising a winning team with shouts usually gives a positive response, as well as encouraging your team when not winning (losing or tie).
For team talk, I usually prefer to relieve pressure by telling them to play their natural game, then tell them individually that I have faith in them. At half time, I praise them if winning by at least two goals, otherwise I tell them I'm not happy. After match, I praise them for victories, tell them I'm unhappy when we don't win and sometimes warn against complacency after big wins. Keep in mind that you should be a little lighter with your team when playing against stronger opponents.
If one of your players gets a yellow card during a match, it might be a good idea to change his player's instruction to Ease Off Tackles to avoid being sent off. To do so, click on the player card by the bottom of match view, then click player instructions. You can also do the same for exhausted players if you run out of subs, as well as reducing his individual pressing trigger, to avoid injuries. Expand
You're perfect, mate! I will try, thank you very much <3
Sorry, I don't understand what you want me to say. It's good to have high intensity, but that also gets your players tired. It has positives and negatives.
ZaZ said: Sorry, I don't understand what you want me to say. It's good to have high intensity, but that also gets your players tired. It has positives and negatives. Expand
I think he want to ask how do you set the "intensity" in the Training - Rest tab
ta2199 said: I think he want to ask how do you set the "intensity" in the Training - Rest tab Expand
Ohh, that? I leave it on auto, but feel free to set it to double if you want more attribute gain by the end of season. However, be warned that more injuries will come, so maybe you should double only for players without much match time, or for the whole team if your squad is deep enough.
ZaZ said: Ohh, that? I leave it on auto, but feel free to set it to double if you want more attribute gain by the end of season. However, be warned that more injuries will come, so maybe you should double only for players without much match time, or for the whole team if your squad is deep enough. Expand
İts amazing tactic on FM21 ever. @ZaZ Thank you for your working. İts working on every team everywhere everytime.. its amazing
zagor said: İts amazing tactic on FM21 ever. @ZaZ Thank you for your working. İts working on every team everywhere everytime.. its amazing
Thank you! I hope you get even more success!
ZaZ said: Thank you! I hope you get even more success!
Im very old FM player and i always tried to create a tactic. Sometimes it works but usually it has mistakes and some lacks. I like offensive football. In this tactic no mistakes no lacks. Very successful. I just noticed 2 things. First, The opponent's greatest weapon is the counterattack. I only concede from counterattack but not every time. Second, individual mistakes and lack of fitness. It's not important, it should be 
And I opened an account here just for you.

Thank you
So you inspired me for try to create a tactic
I will try it maybe i can. I wish you continued success.
I'm following you!
zagor said: Thank you
Im very old FM player and i always tried to create a tactic. Sometimes it works but usually it has mistakes and some lacks. I like offensive football. In this tactic no mistakes no lacks. Very successful. I just noticed 2 things. First, The opponent's greatest weapon is the counterattack. I only concede from counterattack but not every time. Second, individual mistakes and lack of fitness. It's not important, it should be 
And I opened an account here just for you.

So you inspired me for try to create a tactic
I will try it maybe i can. I wish you continued success.
I'm following you!
Best of luck to your tactic, then!
Hi. I've got a couple of questions please.
1 - The wingers - Does cross from byline get better results over the long term? Because i feel it makes wingers hold on to the ball longer and we miss chances as a result. I've had more short term success with removing the instruction and just letting the player decide.
2 - The wingers failing to close down opponents next to them, and instead going back to their position is sth that happens a lot. Is there a fix for this? The DWs just dont close down close to the centre circle areas.
3 - The IWBs and CBs on occasion clash. An example is when a cross comes in from the left side, the IWB instead of the RCB takes it upon himself to come clear the ball. So what happens is that the RCB basically leaves his marker and waits for the IWB to come clear the header/the ball and what ends up happening is that we concede. Because that switch cant happen fast enough. But i've never really seen this interaction in any of my formations. So i'm just curious if there's a fix for it? or its just part of it all.
Grimsby FC said: Hi. I've got a couple of questions please.
1 - The wingers - Does cross from byline get better results over the long term? Because i feel it makes wingers hold on to the ball longer and we miss chances as a result. I've had more short term success with removing the instruction and just letting the player decide.
2 - The wingers failing to close down opponents next to them, and instead going back to their position is sth that happens a lot. Is there a fix for this? The DWs just dont close down close to the centre circle areas.
3 - The IWBs and CBs on occasion clash. An example is when a cross comes in from the left side, the IWB instead of the RCB takes it upon himself to come clear the ball. So what happens is that the RCB basically leaves his marker and waits for the IWB to come clear the header/the ball and what ends up happening is that we concede. Because that switch cant happen fast enough. But i've never really seen this interaction in any of my formations. So i'm just curious if there's a fix for it? or its just part of it all.
I tried lots of things to improve this tactic and that version got me the best results. There was almost a whole year with people trying to get better results, with all sort of different tactics and tweaks, but it seems that performance is very close to the limit of the match engine. Unfortunately, there are no more tests for FM21.
Hi @ZaZ
I am trying to use your tactics
So, on 3rd version, there are 4 tactics
Blue 3.0, Solid Blue 3.0, Light Blue 3.0, Dark Blue 3.0
And you wrote that by default, you use Blue 3.0, Solid Blue 3.0 and Light Blue 3.0
My question is, what about the Dark Blue 3.0 ?
because FM21 only allowed to train maximum 3 tactics
keanurefresh said: Hi @ZaZ
I am trying to use your tactics
So, on 3rd version, there are 4 tactics
Blue 3.0, Solid Blue 3.0, Light Blue 3.0, Dark Blue 3.0
And you wrote that by default, you use Blue 3.0, Solid Blue 3.0 and Light Blue 3.0
My question is, what about the Dark Blue 3.0 ?
because FM21 only allowed to train maximum 3 tactics
I didn't use it, it was just there because people requested it.
çok iyi
Hello mate. I tried so many tactics, only 2 tactics I found successful.
One is yours and the other is "Afterlife 5.0"
First of all, the flaws I see in your tactic -from my point of view-:
-The man is running behind the defense, although my defense is fast, it can't catch up.
-When the opponent makes a quick pass from the corner, inward from the ground, the opponent suddenly hits the ball and our defense cannot even intervene; he looks stupid.
-You said "Use Solid Blue against strong opponents in the first half, and use Dark Blue or Blue 3.0 in the second half".
I could not understand this: I am Beşiktaş, my team is strong; but my next match opponent is Rennes.
I was defeated using Blue 3.0 even though the opponent was weaker than me.
I did Save/Load, I used Solid Blue in the first half, I used Dark Blue in the second half and I was defeated again.
I did S/L again, I did Solid Blue and this time I did Blue 3.0 in the second half and I was defeated again.
Can you tell me the exact way to do this?
What are the important features for positions?
The last thing I want to ask is:
I don't know how to squad "rotate", what should I do about it? My players are very tired.
channibalism said: Hello mate. I tried so many tactics, only 2 tactics I found successful.
One is yours and the other is "Afterlife 5.0"
First of all, the flaws I see in your tactic -from my point of view-:
-The man is running behind the defense, although my defense is fast, it can't catch up.
-When the opponent makes a quick pass from the corner, inward from the ground, the opponent suddenly hits the ball and our defense cannot even intervene; he looks stupid.
-You said "Use Solid Blue against strong opponents in the first half, and use Dark Blue or Blue 3.0 in the second half".
I could not understand this: I am Beşiktaş, my team is strong; but my next match opponent is Rennes.
I was defeated using Blue 3.0 even though the opponent was weaker than me.
I did Save/Load, I used Solid Blue in the first half, I used Dark Blue in the second half and I was defeated again.
I did S/L again, I did Solid Blue and this time I did Blue 3.0 in the second half and I was defeated again.
Can you tell me the exact way to do this?
What are the important features for positions?
The last thing I want to ask is:
I don't know how to squad "rotate", what should I do about it? My players are very tired.
About the flaws of Blue 3.0, it can't be helped much, that is the way most goals were scored for any team in that match engine.
About your results, it's very common for some people to have a series of poor results during a season and think the tactic stopped working. Below are ten reasons your team might stop winning for a while.
1. Complacency: When a team wins too much, players take victories for granted, not giving their best. To avoid that, you must motivate them with team talk, shouts and media handling.
2. Pressure: When playing against stronger teams, your players might feel pressured and perform worse. To avoid that, you need to relieve pressure on team talk, shouts and media handling.
3. Fatigue: When a player has high match and training loads, he builds fatigue. It's not the same of condition or match fitness and you need a sports scientist to see it in the medical centre. To avoid that, you need to rest from training and rotate your squad.
4. Morale: When you lose matches or certain events happen (like player getting unhappy), players lose morale. It is one thing that affects performance a lot, so it can create a bad spiral if not managed properly. To avoid that, praise and warn players based on last match score, form (last 5 matches) and training. You can also increase morale with team talk after matches, team meetings and other forms of interaction.
5. Poor form of players: Sometimes, strikers can get into a poor form that lasts a long time, like ten matches without scoring or more. I am not sure if there is an internal mechanic for that, but it certainly happens fairly often. If both your strikers get into poor form at once, it can get really hard to win matches. To avoid that, I believe you need to score to avoid the poor form, but it might also be just RNG.
6. Injuries: It is fairly common to have injuries by the mid of season, forcing you to use worse players or play in lower condition. To avoid that, you need good physios, lighter training during season, rest and rotate players.
7. Condition: By the middle of season, you usually have several championships being played at once, forcing you to play 2 or 3 matches a week for several weeks in a row. That can force you to rotate to players of lower quality or use players with lower condition. To avoid that, you need to rest players from training and build a balanced squad to rotate.
8. Match fitness: Injuries and lack of rotation can make your players lack match fitness, decreasing their performance. That can cause your team to suffer when you are forced to rotate because of injuries or tight schedule. To avoid that, either rotate your squad or use those players in reserve friendlies.
9. Hidden attributes: There are hidden attributes like consistency and important matches that make your players not have maximum performance during some matches. There are other attributes like injury proneness and dirtiness which can harm your chances of winning some matches. You cannot avoid that unless you hire players with better hidden attributes.
10. RNG (or randomness): Sometimes, your luck is just bad during certain matches. There is no way to avoid that, just keep playing and results should normalize eventually.
About rotation, I'll paste what I said in the thread of FM22 below.
To be successful in football manager, you need to manage your team's playing time, which affects happiness, match sharpness, fatigue (can only see with sports scientist) and condition. Manage happiness and sharpness by making sure each player is getting enough minutes, and fatigue and condition by avoiding giving more minutes per week than they should play. Note that you can use friendlies and reserve matches to keep players sharp, but those matches have no effect on happiness.
My suggestion to manage the squad properly is to add two columns to selection info: "fitness and injuries > fatigue" and "stats (general) > general > games missed in a row". You can do that by right clicking any column name in squad screen, e.g., name, position, and selecting insert column. Make sure you don't use players with high fatigue and don't let any player reach too many games missed in a row (between 3 to 5 depending on your squad size).
After matches in tight weeks, you can rest the most tired players from training so they can recover condition to the next match. To do so, select any players you want to rest, then right click, training > rest > 1 or 2 days. That should be enough to have your most important players in shape for big matches. When you have 8+ days between matches, it's often a good idea to send players on holiday to prevent fatigue. You can do that in training screen > rest > click on training intensity > send on holiday > 1 week.
Morale is another characteristic that needs management. The easiest way to increase morale is by winning, but you can also praise last (official) match, recent form (last 5 games) and training level, as well as criticize the same things. I recommend praising anyone with a rating above 9 and criticize anyone with rating below 6. After defeats, I recommend complimenting any player with recent form or training with rating 8.1+.
Finally, you also need to manage complacency and anxiety. Do that through team talks and shouts. The effect is based on players' hidden status and match odds, but some talks and shouts are usually more positive than others. For example, praising a winning team with shouts usually gives a positive response, as well as encouraging your team when not winning (losing or tie).
For team talk, I usually prefer to relieve pressure by telling them to play their natural game, then tell them individually that I have faith in them. At half time, I praise them if winning by at least two goals, otherwise I tell them I'm not happy. After match, I praise them for victories, tell them I'm unhappy when we don't win and sometimes warn against complacency after big wins. Keep in mind that you should be a little lighter with your team when playing against stronger opponents.
If one of your players gets a yellow card during a match, it might be a good idea to change his player's instruction to Ease Off Tackles to avoid being sent off. To do so, click on the player card by the bottom of match view, then click player instructions. You can also do the same for exhausted players if you run out of subs, as well as reducing his individual pressing trigger, to avoid injuries.
ZaZ said: Thanks!
About the flaws of Blue 3.0, it can't be helped much, that is the way most goals were scored for any team in that match engine.
About your results, it's very common for some people to have a series of poor results during a season and think the tactic stopped working. Below are ten reasons your team might stop winning for a while.
1. Complacency: When a team wins too much, players take victories for granted, not giving their best. To avoid that, you must motivate them with team talk, shouts and media handling.
2. Pressure: When playing against stronger teams, your players might feel pressured and perform worse. To avoid that, you need to relieve pressure on team talk, shouts and media handling.
3. Fatigue: When a player has high match and training loads, he builds fatigue. It's not the same of condition or match fitness and you need a sports scientist to see it in the medical centre. To avoid that, you need to rest from training and rotate your squad.
4. Morale: When you lose matches or certain events happen (like player getting unhappy), players lose morale. It is one thing that affects performance a lot, so it can create a bad spiral if not managed properly. To avoid that, praise and warn players based on last match score, form (last 5 matches) and training. You can also increase morale with team talk after matches, team meetings and other forms of interaction.
5. Poor form of players: Sometimes, strikers can get into a poor form that lasts a long time, like ten matches without scoring or more. I am not sure if there is an internal mechanic for that, but it certainly happens fairly often. If both your strikers get into poor form at once, it can get really hard to win matches. To avoid that, I believe you need to score to avoid the poor form, but it might also be just RNG.
6. Injuries: It is fairly common to have injuries by the mid of season, forcing you to use worse players or play in lower condition. To avoid that, you need good physios, lighter training during season, rest and rotate players.
7. Condition: By the middle of season, you usually have several championships being played at once, forcing you to play 2 or 3 matches a week for several weeks in a row. That can force you to rotate to players of lower quality or use players with lower condition. To avoid that, you need to rest players from training and build a balanced squad to rotate.
8. Match fitness: Injuries and lack of rotation can make your players lack match fitness, decreasing their performance. That can cause your team to suffer when you are forced to rotate because of injuries or tight schedule. To avoid that, either rotate your squad or use those players in reserve friendlies.
9. Hidden attributes: There are hidden attributes like consistency and important matches that make your players not have maximum performance during some matches. There are other attributes like injury proneness and dirtiness which can harm your chances of winning some matches. You cannot avoid that unless you hire players with better hidden attributes.
10. RNG (or randomness): Sometimes, your luck is just bad during certain matches. There is no way to avoid that, just keep playing and results should normalize eventually.
About rotation, I'll paste what I said in the thread of FM22 below.
To be successful in football manager, you need to manage your team's playing time, which affects happiness, match sharpness, fatigue (can only see with sports scientist) and condition. Manage happiness and sharpness by making sure each player is getting enough minutes, and fatigue and condition by avoiding giving more minutes per week than they should play. Note that you can use friendlies and reserve matches to keep players sharp, but those matches have no effect on happiness.
My suggestion to manage the squad properly is to add two columns to selection info: "fitness and injuries > fatigue" and "stats (general) > general > games missed in a row". You can do that by right clicking any column name in squad screen, e.g., name, position, and selecting insert column. Make sure you don't use players with high fatigue and don't let any player reach too many games missed in a row (between 3 to 5 depending on your squad size).
After matches in tight weeks, you can rest the most tired players from training so they can recover condition to the next match. To do so, select any players you want to rest, then right click, training > rest > 1 or 2 days. That should be enough to have your most important players in shape for big matches. When you have 8+ days between matches, it's often a good idea to send players on holiday to prevent fatigue. You can do that in training screen > rest > click on training intensity > send on holiday > 1 week.
Morale is another characteristic that needs management. The easiest way to increase morale is by winning, but you can also praise last (official) match, recent form (last 5 games) and training level, as well as criticize the same things. I recommend praising anyone with a rating above 9 and criticize anyone with rating below 6. After defeats, I recommend complimenting any player with recent form or training with rating 8.1+.
Finally, you also need to manage complacency and anxiety. Do that through team talks and shouts. The effect is based on players' hidden status and match odds, but some talks and shouts are usually more positive than others. For example, praising a winning team with shouts usually gives a positive response, as well as encouraging your team when not winning (losing or tie).
For team talk, I usually prefer to relieve pressure by telling them to play their natural game, then tell them individually that I have faith in them. At half time, I praise them if winning by at least two goals, otherwise I tell them I'm not happy. After match, I praise them for victories, tell them I'm unhappy when we don't win and sometimes warn against complacency after big wins. Keep in mind that you should be a little lighter with your team when playing against stronger opponents.
If one of your players gets a yellow card during a match, it might be a good idea to change his player's instruction to Ease Off Tackles to avoid being sent off. To do so, click on the player card by the bottom of match view, then click player instructions. You can also do the same for exhausted players if you run out of subs, as well as reducing his individual pressing trigger, to avoid injuries.
You're perfect, mate!
I will try, thank you very much <3
"I do player roles for individual"
You said.
My players have been complaining about excessive quickness training.
Should I also train for the "best role of the player" or "the role suitable for tactics"?
do you suggest an "extra training" as well?
Can you tell more details about this ?
channibalism said: "I do player roles for individual"
You said.
My players have been complaining about excessive quickness training.
Should I also train for the "best role of the player" or "the role suitable for tactics"?
do you suggest an "extra training" as well?
Can you tell more details about this ?
Let them complain about quickness training, they should still be happy in dynamics screen despite of that.
About roles, train the same role as he will play in the tactic.
ZaZ said: Let them complain about quickness training, they should still be happy in dynamics screen despite of that.
About roles, train the same role as he will play in the tactic.
What do you say about "Intensity"?
channibalism said: Well...
What do you say about "Intensity"?
Sorry, I don't understand what you want me to say. It's good to have high intensity, but that also gets your players tired. It has positives and negatives.
ZaZ said: Sorry, I don't understand what you want me to say. It's good to have high intensity, but that also gets your players tired. It has positives and negatives.
I think he want to ask how do you set the "intensity" in the Training - Rest tab
ta2199 said: I think he want to ask how do you set the "intensity" in the Training - Rest tab
Ohh, that? I leave it on auto, but feel free to set it to double if you want more attribute gain by the end of season. However, be warned that more injuries will come, so maybe you should double only for players without much match time, or for the whole team if your squad is deep enough.
çok iyi
ZaZ said: Ohh, that? I leave it on auto, but feel free to set it to double if you want more attribute gain by the end of season. However, be warned that more injuries will come, so maybe you should double only for players without much match time, or for the whole team if your squad is deep enough.

Yes, I mean that.
Thank you for responding
does this tactic still hold up with FM22?
NiD2103 said: does this tactic still hold up with FM22?
Can still be used, but not the most effective in FM-Arena test anymore.
thanks boy