Delicious said: Dude as i said you have to decide whatever you like what you see on the pitch or not, i am not fun of TF because simply putting it AF do everything and better, it is broken? Yes, but major problem of those roles are their hidden passive more then anything.
But i have to check it again to be 100% sure after patch. At the very moment the most impactefull thing i see are the Oi's and set pieces. Defensive one are really important

Gotcha. I love TF type of strikers but don't really like TF role in FM either guess I'll keep using those big strikers as AF! I use your set pieces and always work great, haven't used any OIs so far but I'll make sure to try your suggested OIs.
Delicious said: i guess you can change the role about what is your preference, i am waiting the patch and after some test to understand if i am on the right direction gonna start even to mix some stuff,but sad point is if you want to max out the output of the tactic you are forced to play some "meta" or ever green role (call it whatever you like). So if you wanna just play the higher "tactic" rate that's it.
For example if you put TF instead of AF you might lose like 1 point average but if you prefer what you see who cares to be honest.

Oi's seem really impactefull as well this year.

Thanks! I'm ok with AF role for a better performance the important for me is to play big tall strikers :D My favorite partnership is tall, slow, creative striker + tall, fast, scoring striker (think Zlatan+Haaland) you stil recommend to use both as AF? Also waiting for next patch and your new tactics :D
Hey big fan of your tactics here your set pieces are amazing! I like two strikers formations esp with a supporting striker but I see all tactics use two AF's now. Any luck with a more classic striker partnership like DLF(s)/AF with a more creative type together with a pure goalscorer? TF(s)/TF(a) is my dream because you know I'm a Target Person :D