Based on 4231 Salad Days SS

-> right DM (S) -> RPM
-> Some PI tweaking on FBs, cleaned some on frontline
Gianaa9 said: That's because i started from my 4231 Pirate idea, which was very effective defensively but less in scoring, i wanted the Box Levante's amount of goals, so i tried to add offensive mood of this one to the former one, btw some new version are already in testing queue, so we'll see e.e

I still dont get it the defensive idea, can u explain it  better? Changelog not clear.
SK(A) became that much op? lmao
Based on 4411 Solid Kebub

AM (A) -> Poacher
Based on [url=`4231 Salad Days`]https://fm-arena.com/thread/8751-4231-salad-days/[/url]

+ balanced mentality
Based on 4231 Salad Days

+ Positive mentality
Based on 4231 Salad Days twk3

+ left focus on flanks added
Based on 4231 Salad Days RFocus

+ underlap left added
Based on 4231 Salad Days twk1

+ focus on left flank added
Based on 4231 Salad Days RFocus

+ overlap left added
Based on 4231 Salad Days

- left flank focus removed
Based on 4231 Salad Days

+ underlaps
Based on 4231 Salad Days

+ overlaps added
Based on 4231 Salad Days

AM (A) -> SS
Just a weirdo 14231 I wanna give a try
Gianaa9 said: Incredible how small tweaks like Counter, Distribute Quickly or Step Up More can change completely a tactic behaviour

The M.E is favoring Counters so heavily this year, even without the TI selected... even off this TI is making a huge difference
Based on 424 Occultist v2

+ pass into space added
Distribute quickly is that important? omg
Based on 424 Occultist

+ Underlaps on
- Pass into space off
Based on 424 CF Cabuloso

Building up throgh the flank expecting the play to end on left one