@Diabolo4480, hi.

Look at this - https://fm-arena.com/thread/2733-how-to-get-your-tactic-tested/

Please, fix all your previously posted tactics to meet the requirements.

Vadimousique said: Hi! Yes, I get this message

Please, try to click the button once more. It should work properly this time.

Vadimousique said: Hi! Yes, I get this message

Ok, I see. We'll into it. Once I have more info I'll let you know.

Vadimousique said: @Zippo  I'm sorry for taking your time, but I've edited screenshots, why I have no permission to test the tactic?


Have you tried to click the button below after fixing your post?

@akumacy, hi.

Please, review all your previously posted tactics and change the description from "Some PI changes." to the exact PI changes you made.

Germaniac said: The biggest problem in my opinion, is sorting the table by GD will be inaccurate. For example:
First of all, we always can sort tactics in the tables on "raw" values(not rounded), probably, that happens right now but I'm not 100% sure about that. Anyway, it's really isn't a big deal taking into consideration the RNG.

Germaniac said: just round GD after calculating GF-GA.

Germaniac said: For example, 64.4-47.6 will be rounded (to nearest integer) to 64-48=16, but if you calculate 64.4-47.6=16.8 first it'll be rounded to 17.

We had the tables the way you say before but it was quite confusing. For example, people were looking at a table and seeing that GF = 64 and GA = 48 so сertainly the GD should be equal to "16" in this case because 64-48=16 but somehow it was "17" in the table so they were reporting to us about a "wrong" calculation and so on. So after some consideration we decided that the current approach is better. :)
Germaniac said: Not sure if this should go here, but it seems that GD on the table is calculated from the GF-GA after each of them are rounded? If it's true then it can be less accurate than rounding the GD after you calculate GF-GA first. For example, 64.9-48.1 will be rounded (to nearest integer) to 64-48=16, but if you calculate 64.9-48.1=16.8 first it'll be rounded to 17.


We are aware of such rounding might happen but still we think that adding decimal numbers to G.F., G.A. and G.D. would be "overkill" because when in the testing the minimal RNG is +/- 1-2 points when it comes to Pts and +/- 2-3 G.D. when it comes to G.D. then having decimal numbers for G.D. doesn't make sense. Yes, we added decimal numbers for Pts but still we aren't 100% sure they are needed even for Pts.
dzek said: @Zippo & @Droid

I uploaded the wrong tactic. Can I re-upload the right one and get a new test?

Sorry guys.

Hi, @dzek. Our system doesn't have such functionality, sorry, we can't do that.
A Smile said: Can this tactic be retested? This state has been going on for two days, but has not been tested.

Hi, @A Smile.

Can you try to add it for retesting again?

If you still have an issue then let us know.

Xeno94 said: @Zippo Is there a way to request tactics to be tested in DB3? I'd love to see these 343 3ST tactics tested

Only the person who posted a tactic can make a request to retest it.

So it's up to @Jae whether he want to see this tactic retested or not.
Guys, I just want to let you know that the switching to the new DB 3.0 didn't go smoothly and few small bugs managed to lurk in but don't worry, we already have found and fixed them.

It's just don't be surprised to see some tactics that already have been tested under the new DB 3.0 get retested once more, we retest them because we want to be sure the result aren't affected by the small bugs that I mentioned.
opq said: @Zippo Can you open the thread for edit?
I can only edit post w/o the tactic and its name :)


I've "unlocked" it, you can edit the name.
daldridge said: @alex thanks I'll reupload it in the right section


I've moved it into FM24 section for you, no need to reupload it.
Hi, @Gerrard.

It seems that you accidently uploaded the same tactic again.

Please, compare this tactic and your other tactic - https://fm-arena.com/thread/10498-ton-v9-424-th-p100/

Let's me know if I miss something here.

Sebastian33 said: ke ai de xiaoxiao !:thup: 干得好!


Only English language is allowed here. Please, edit your post or it'll be removed.

Gianaa9 said: Hi, don't need to rush obviously, just thought it because having uploaded both at same time i believed that they would have been tested together, but if it isn't the case it isn't absolutely a problem, i'm not hurry at all ahah

The queue is based on "Round-Robin" algorithm you can read more about it here - https://fm-arena.com/thread/3198-test-order/
Gianaa9 said: @Zippo sorry for it, but was it skipped or what?


What does make you think that it was skipped? :)
Dovahkiin2B said: j'ai tout gagner avec cette tactique, elle est vraiment incroyable bravo et merci pour cette tactique de fou furieux :)

Only English language is allowed.

Please, translate your post or it'll be removed.

CBP87 said: What would you like me to do with this one? Do you want me to run my own test on the 104p v3.1.17 and upload the screenshots for that one?

Thanks and apologies again


I really tried to figure out what happened here and what you say but it's too complicated so I failed. :D

I can say only one thing every thread must have correct screenshots and if there's something wrong just fix it and it's the end of the story.

Lapidus said: Hi,

I wonder why don't you say exactly what PIs you added/removed.

@Zippo @Droid according to this - https://fm-arena.com/thread/2733-how-to-get-your-tactic-tested/ people must write up the changes they make but I've been noticing some people ignore that requirement. I think there must be some kind of "punishments" for that.


Unfortunately, we not always have time to carefully inspect every tactic posted but I agree with you, we should apply some "restrictions" to those people who systematically ignore the requirements.

@Cherknam, you're "in the crosshair", pal. :) I suggest you to revisit your previously posted tactics and make sure they meet the requirements.