This is the version XII with a Balanced mentality. Check to see if we can concede fewer goals, especially when we are ahead.
Testing F9 in a 4-3-3 tactic, starting from "Over 100 - WB (A)".

Changed AF(At) => F9 and some PI
Changed PI for almost all players
Last combination between midfielders and full backs, this time it's the turn of 2 VOL(Su) together with WB(At). Promising combination for the results obtained in this tactic, also considering that many are using this combination successfully.
In the latest version BWM worked well alongside VOL(At). So now let's try it next to VOL(Su) and WB(At):

VOL(At) => VOL(Su)
Thanks for the feedback, I'm trying all possible combinations for this tactic. Now I'm uploading version XI. For now the one with the highest rating seems to be version X. My favorite was version VI, but for some reason it scored low here on FM ARENA...
WB(At) + BWM(Su)
Just to try all combination and be sure that VOL is always better then BWM
Changes: WB(Su) => WB(At)
Changes: 2 BPD(De) => 2 WCB(De)

I try this role which I really like, but the results, unfortunately, seem to be terrible...
Changes: VOL(At) => VOL(Su)
Sixth version that combines the good of the fourth and fifth versions. The first version was born as a tweak of @Delicious tactic: 343 italian ko III, it has now achieved its independence.
Delicious said:

Even tho was with overlap, the margin is abysal :woot:

Yes indeed! There are too many strange results, I'm afraid that the random component in the test league is really too high!
Original Tactic: 343 Italian KO III
From: Delicious
Tweaks: 2 AM, "Much Higher Defensive Line", "Step Up More", mentality: Balanced => Attacking, 2 AM => 2 SS
Chris said: That was incredible! Congratulations :)

Now we need to understand if it's worth testing it again with "Attacking" :blink:
Original Tactic: 343 Italian KO III
From: Delicious
Tweaks: 2 AM, "Much Higher Defensive Line", "Step Up More", mentality: Balanced => Attacking, 1 VOL(A) => BWM(S)
Original Tactic: 343 Italian KO III
From: @Delicious
Tweaks: 2 AM, "Much Higher Defensive Line", "Step Up More", mentality: Balanced => Attacking
Original tactic: Over 100
From: @Chris
Tweak: Changed WB(S) => WB(A)
Zippo said: Hi,

I think it'd be safe to say that this year in FM24 higher Mentalities ( for example, "Attacking" ) once more give a slight result boost to any shape and if you ask me it makes sense because back in FM23 higher Mentalities didn't give any boost to the result and that didn't make any sense to me because higher Mentalities increase intensity so they drain more Conditions of your players and if they don't give a boost to the result so there's no point in using them at all.

When it comes to the Intensity then there's one important difference between our tactic testing and normal gameplay - in our tactic testing every player gets 100% Conditions before every match but when you play the game in normal way then you have to manage the Conditions of your players if you want to achieve the best result with your team.

So when you play the game in normal way then using the Attacking mentality all the time might be not the best idea because it would burn the Conditions of your player at very fast rate. In order to get the best result from your team you have to wisely choose when to use Attacking mentality and when it would be more beneficial to use less intensive mentalities such as Caution, Balanced and other.

Let's imagine in some match your team already got a 2 goals lead and you play with a highly intensive tactic that uses Attacking Mentality so it would be a good idea to preserve the Conditions of your players by changing your tactic to something less intensive that implies "Time Wasting" and uses a less intensive mentality such as Caution, Balanced and other.

Or other example, let's there's an unimportant cup match ahead for your team so it would be a good idea to use a low intensity tactic to preserve the Conditions of your players for some other more important matches.

Here's some useful read about the Intensity:


This is true most of the time, we have found a tactic that does not respect this behavior, as discussed here:
Over 100 Attacking
Aahahaha you're welcome! However, the result was completely unexpected! Especially if we compare "Over 100" results with the results of @Delicious tactics:
Original Tactic: 343 Italian KO III
From: @Delicious
Tweaks: 2 AM, "Much Higher Defensive Line", "Step Up More"