Fungi Bal
holy cow
Based on my previous 3AM version + tweaks inspired by

+ 2DMs instead of 2Vols
+ Am(c) instead of SS
+ shorter passing for AMs + AF
+ Play-out-of-defence
- Pass-into-space
Solaris said: Nope, it doesn't hurt the team.

Probably, it just does nothing and it got a lower score due to 1-2 points RNG that happens even when you test tactics for 2400 matches.

oh yeh, I forgot the margin of errors for 2.4k is still within 1-2
wow this is surprising. apparently + to Teamwork slightly hurt the team.
It's AN EGG ON A PLATE. After messing around with 3 AMs and 3 DMs, this is an attempt to reintroduce CM into the tactics after the low performance in FM23.
Corner routine used
Downloaded : 24 times
Uploaded : Nov 24, 2023
Last time I was messing around with 3AMs + no winger. Thus, it's only natural that 3DMs + no winger combo has to be addressed. The results look really promising. Although less goals were observed, defensive stability is greatly improved (which is reflected through the points tallied). However, Idk if results could be replicated @lower rating clubs. As always, Corner Routine can be found in one of the subsequent comments.
really really interesting
Remove sit narrower from WB, + add stay wider. The eye test suggests an increase in effectiveness.
the AI does not rotate but Donny van der Beek having 47 GA is kinda funny
Did a test with United, won the league with 97 though knocked out in all cups. Varane scored 33 goals with headers.
Also, since I know some members would be interested. Here's the Routine I used. LOTS OF GOALS FROM CORNERS. Just need to download and paste it to your set pieces folder.
Downloaded : 76 times
Uploaded : Nov 8, 2023
Inspired by Am-s focus tactics. Tbh, it works a lot better than expected. Wingers on AM roles does really well with lots of rotations with the SS.