ZaZ said: I guess he read "can someone explain the importance of trainings in FM"?

Anyway, just go to training > schedules > select schedule... > custom schedules > import schedule

You still need to set the training manually in calendar, week by week. It's one of the parts FM needs to improve the most.

that is one of my questions, the manual set of the training wek by wek. tahnk you for the explain
ZaZ said: If all you want is to avoid injuries, then you can set them to rest automatically from training when they are tired. Just set "no pitch or gym work" for everyone below excellent condition and your injuries should drop by at least 50%, without needing to touch anything else. It's the "do and forget" solution for injuries.

thank you, i will try it
yes, i now that, but i have a lot of injuries, so i wont to import some training to fm
hello, can someone explain how to import the trainings to fm?