ZaZ said: Match engine seems broken right now (more than usual). If you check goals scored and goals conceded, most tactics are scoring around the same number of goals, but conceding around 50% more. That's probably because of the new animation system, that looks better but still needs some refining. Because of that, tactics get more unstable and have lower points per match compared to last year. For comparison, a 5.8 tactic last year was considered below average, while now it's the best we have. It should hopefully improve after next patches. Expand
Thx man. Guess i can just wait. Btw, to me on 2d extended your old SS blue of FM2021 works better than any new tactic. Did u run it?
NeOnHD92 said: @ZaZ and @bwig i will improve this tactic after next patches for sure. At this moment it will be like that Expand
Yea absolutely no critism to you here. In fact u see how well it works when I play international. The lack of development just doesn´t show the potential in the league to me which is weird. Its even worse for me on ZaZs tactic. And i know from own testing that "instant result" and "2d extended" offer complete different results in early stages of a new FM manager. So thx for your work and dedication in terms of updating training schedules and taking your time to answer !
btw also this bug of "max coaches allowed" is back. i have like 3 times the amount of coaches in 2nd and u19 squad compared to my first squad... while constantly being rated b+-a+ by the club. They just wont allow me to add coaches, while stretching it to the last possible argument given.
bwig said: Thx man. Guess i can just wait. Btw, to me on 2d extended your old SS blue of FM2021 works better than any new tactic. Did u run it? Expand
It was tested here. I am currently playing with a version of Blue with strikers, but since this one was posted before and they are very similar, I thought it didn't make much sense to post my version.
Earlier we used to get the match odds now its not there anymore so it gets tricky sometimes to select the mentality. If someone experienced could clarify the same, many thanks!
Tejash said: @ NeOnHD92 can you please explain how to select if we are underdog or a hard game as it sometimes becomes tricky so as to which mentality to use. Expand
Hover over a couple of players from your opponent and see how the compare to yours. If they are better, then you are underdog.
Tejash said: Earlier we used to get the match odds now its not there anymore so it gets tricky sometimes to select the mentality. If someone experienced could clarify the same, many thanks! Expand
Before the 1st match of the season the teams are ranked by their average CA take a picture of this and use it during the season to determine the strength of your opponents in the league
Got it thanks everyone, this page you posted is the most accurate I feel as the odds are changing time to time depending on whose playing well so its giving a very accurate picture
Hey, For the DL and DR as IWB, does it matter a lot that they are set on opposite foot? (like strong left foot for the right one and strong right foot for left one) or having them using the same foot as the side they are on doesnt matter?
KordBZH said: Hey, For the DL and DR as IWB, does it matter a lot that they are set on opposite foot? (like strong left foot for the right one and strong right foot for left one) or having them using the same foot as the side they are on doesnt matter? Expand
KordBZH said: Hey, For the DL and DR as IWB, does it matter a lot that they are set on opposite foot? (like strong left foot for the right one and strong right foot for left one) or having them using the same foot as the side they are on doesnt matter? Expand
Left foot on left and right foot on right to crossing to area @KordBZH
Já reparei que é tuga, o que simplifica muito a conversa pk o meu inglês...
Tenho uma serie de perguntas que fazia gosto que me respondesse em relação a sua tática.
-- Estou no Newcastle 1ª época e tenho tentado aplicar a sua tática mas noto que é bastante inconsistente. (foto 1). Alguma dica??
-- Quando tens alguém expulso como ajustas a tática??
-- A informação que tu colocas-te no que respeita aos jogos em casa, fora ou jogo difícil, é mesmo indispensável ser usado ou podemos ir sempre em ATACAR, faz alguma diferença??
Obrigado pela partilha da tática e boa continuação.
Farinhoto said: Já reparei que é tuga, o que simplifica muito a conversa pk o meu inglês...
Tenho uma serie de perguntas que fazia gosto que me respondesse em relação a sua tática.
-- Estou no Newcastle 1ª época e tenho tentado aplicar a sua tática mas noto que é bastante inconsistente. (foto 1). Alguma dica??
-- Quando tens alguém expulso como ajustas a tática??
-- A informação que tu colocas-te no que respeita aos jogos em casa, fora ou jogo difícil, é mesmo indispensável ser usado ou podemos ir sempre em ATACAR, faz alguma diferença??
Obrigado pela partilha da tática e boa continuação. Expand
Farinhoto said: Já reparei que é tuga, o que simplifica muito a conversa pk o meu inglês...
Tenho uma serie de perguntas que fazia gosto que me respondesse em relação a sua tática.
-- Estou no Newcastle 1ª época e tenho tentado aplicar a sua tática mas noto que é bastante inconsistente. (foto 1). Alguma dica??
-- Quando tens alguém expulso como ajustas a tática??
-- A informação que tu colocas-te no que respeita aos jogos em casa, fora ou jogo difícil, é mesmo indispensável ser usado ou podemos ir sempre em ATACAR, faz alguma diferença??
Obrigado pela partilha da tática e boa continuação. Expand
You can use private messages to talk in foreign language.
NeOnHD92 said: Im trying make something to hard games. What team are you @LaXatiif? How is your team performance on Champions League with my tactic mate? Expand
Season 5 with OGC Nice (Ligue 1). Managed to beat PSG over the last 2 years and won the Ligue 1. I'm no longer an "underdog" and my reputation has reached 8100. In Champions League, I never managed to pass the 1/8 final but in a few days I'll play for the 1st time the 1/4 vs Liverpool. i.e., I can win 4-0 home vs Man City and lose the away game 6-1. I've tried bringing the popular SUS tweaks, etc... but have not been that successful - reason why I wonder if you'd have some tweaks ideas for hard away games or even a 2nd cautious/Positive tactic.
Not to forget that a new update has been launched, so let see if your Fanecas 4132 will still be as successful Big wish and thanks!
LaXatiif said: Season 5 with OGC Nice (Ligue 1). Managed to beat PSG over the last 2 years and won the Ligue 1. I'm no longer an "underdog" and my reputation has reached 8100. In Champions League, I never managed to pass the 1/8 final but in a few days I'll play for the 1st time the 1/4 vs Liverpool. i.e., I can win 4-0 home vs Man City and lose the away game 6-1. I've tried bringing the popular SUS tweaks, etc... but have not been that successful - reason why I wonder if you'd have some tweaks ideas for hard away games or even a 2nd cautious/Positive tactic.
Not to forget that a new update has been launched, so let see if your Fanecas 4132 will still be as successful Big wish and thanks! Expand
Im glad you using my tactic @LaXatiif. Im making various testings to have the best performance in this new update
ZaZ said: Match engine seems broken right now (more than usual). If you check goals scored and goals conceded, most tactics are scoring around the same number of goals, but conceding around 50% more. That's probably because of the new animation system, that looks better but still needs some refining. Because of that, tactics get more unstable and have lower points per match compared to last year. For comparison, a 5.8 tactic last year was considered below average, while now it's the best we have. It should hopefully improve after next patches.
Thx man. Guess i can just wait. Btw, to me on 2d extended your old SS blue of FM2021 works better than any new tactic. Did u run it?
@ZaZ and @bwig i will improve this tactic after next patches for sure. At this moment it will be like that
NeOnHD92 said: @ZaZ and @bwig i will improve this tactic after next patches for sure. At this moment it will be like that
Yea absolutely no critism to you here. In fact u see how well it works when I play international. The lack of development just doesn´t show the potential in the league to me which is weird. Its even worse for me on ZaZs tactic. And i know from own testing that "instant result" and "2d extended" offer complete different results in early stages of a new FM manager. So thx for your work and dedication in terms of updating training schedules and taking your time to answer
btw also this bug of "max coaches allowed" is back. i have like 3 times the amount of coaches in 2nd and u19 squad compared to my first squad... while constantly being rated b+-a+ by the club. They just wont allow me to add coaches, while stretching it to the last possible argument given.
bwig said: Thx man. Guess i can just wait. Btw, to me on 2d extended your old SS blue of FM2021 works better than any new tactic. Did u run it?
It was tested here. I am currently playing with a version of Blue with strikers, but since this one was posted before and they are very similar, I thought it didn't make much sense to post my version.
Earlier we used to get the match odds now its not there anymore so it gets tricky sometimes to select the mentality. If someone experienced could clarify the same, many thanks!
@ NeOnHD92 can you please explain how to select if we are underdog or a hard game as it sometimes becomes tricky so as to which mentality to use.
Tejash said: @ NeOnHD92 can you please explain how to select if we are underdog or a hard game as it sometimes becomes tricky so as to which mentality to use.
Hover over a couple of players from your opponent and see how the compare to yours. If they are better, then you are underdog.
Tejash said: Earlier we used to get the match odds now its not there anymore so it gets tricky sometimes to select the mentality. If someone experienced could clarify the same, many thanks!
Before the 1st match of the season the teams are ranked by their average CA take a picture of this and use it during the season to determine the strength of your opponents in the league
Got it thanks everyone, this page you posted is the most accurate I feel as the odds are changing time to time depending on whose playing well so its giving a very accurate picture
Hey, For the DL and DR as IWB, does it matter a lot that they are set on opposite foot? (like strong left foot for the right one and strong right foot for left one) or having them using the same foot as the side they are on doesnt matter?
KordBZH said: Hey, For the DL and DR as IWB, does it matter a lot that they are set on opposite foot? (like strong left foot for the right one and strong right foot for left one) or having them using the same foot as the side they are on doesnt matter?
Regular wingbacks work for me just fine.
KordBZH said: Hey, For the DL and DR as IWB, does it matter a lot that they are set on opposite foot? (like strong left foot for the right one and strong right foot for left one) or having them using the same foot as the side they are on doesnt matter?
Left foot on left and right foot on right to crossing to area @KordBZH
The DM rating is so bad what do i need to do to get it better
jayZ said: The DM rating is so bad what do i need to do to get it better
The rating of DM position has been lower than the ratings of other positions for very long time in FM.
You can't do anything about, it's just how the game works.
Já reparei que é tuga, o que simplifica muito a conversa pk o meu inglês...
Tenho uma serie de perguntas que fazia gosto que me respondesse em relação a sua tática.
-- Estou no Newcastle 1ª época e tenho tentado aplicar a sua tática mas noto que é bastante inconsistente. (foto 1). Alguma dica??
-- Quando tens alguém expulso como ajustas a tática??
-- A informação que tu colocas-te no que respeita aos jogos em casa, fora ou jogo difícil, é mesmo indispensável ser usado ou podemos ir sempre em ATACAR, faz alguma diferença??
Obrigado pela partilha da tática e boa continuação.
Farinhoto said: Já reparei que é tuga, o que simplifica muito a conversa pk o meu inglês...
Tenho uma serie de perguntas que fazia gosto que me respondesse em relação a sua tática.
-- Estou no Newcastle 1ª época e tenho tentado aplicar a sua tática mas noto que é bastante inconsistente. (foto 1). Alguma dica??
-- Quando tens alguém expulso como ajustas a tática??
-- A informação que tu colocas-te no que respeita aos jogos em casa, fora ou jogo difícil, é mesmo indispensável ser usado ou podemos ir sempre em ATACAR, faz alguma diferença??
Obrigado pela partilha da tática e boa continuação.
Please, use English.
Thank you.
Farinhoto said: Já reparei que é tuga, o que simplifica muito a conversa pk o meu inglês...
Tenho uma serie de perguntas que fazia gosto que me respondesse em relação a sua tática.
-- Estou no Newcastle 1ª época e tenho tentado aplicar a sua tática mas noto que é bastante inconsistente. (foto 1). Alguma dica??
-- Quando tens alguém expulso como ajustas a tática??
-- A informação que tu colocas-te no que respeita aos jogos em casa, fora ou jogo difícil, é mesmo indispensável ser usado ou podemos ir sempre em ATACAR, faz alguma diferença??
Obrigado pela partilha da tática e boa continuação.
You can use private messages to talk in foreign language.
Zippo said: Please, use English.
Thank you.
Sorry for bothering you!! It doesn't repeat!!
Tested on my Tactic Testing Discord Server - Please join for some interesting results!
Hi all! Im testing my original Fanecas in a 424 formation. Let's see how it goes
NeOnHD92 said: Hi all! Im testing my original Fanecas in a 424 formation. Let's see how it goes
Looking forward - Your Fanecas 4132 is absolute killer! Are you implementing tweaks on away hard games?
LaXatiif said: Looking forward - Your Fanecas 4132 is absolute killer! Are you implementing tweaks on away hard games?
Im trying make something to hard games. What team are you @LaXatiif?
How is your team performance on Champions League with my tactic mate?
can we use tactic test league
NeOnHD92 said: Im trying make something to hard games. What team are you @LaXatiif?
Big wish and thanks!
How is your team performance on Champions League with my tactic mate?
Season 5 with OGC Nice (Ligue 1). Managed to beat PSG over the last 2 years and won the Ligue 1. I'm no longer an "underdog" and my reputation has reached 8100. In Champions League, I never managed to pass the 1/8 final but in a few days I'll play for the 1st time the 1/4 vs Liverpool. i.e., I can win 4-0 home vs Man City and lose the away game 6-1. I've tried bringing the popular SUS tweaks, etc... but have not been that successful - reason why I wonder if you'd have some tweaks ideas for hard away games or even a 2nd cautious/Positive tactic.
Not to forget that a new update has been launched, so let see if your Fanecas 4132 will still be as successful
Big wish and thanks!
LaXatiif said: Season 5 with OGC Nice (Ligue 1). Managed to beat PSG over the last 2 years and won the Ligue 1. I'm no longer an "underdog" and my reputation has reached 8100. In Champions League, I never managed to pass the 1/8 final but in a few days I'll play for the 1st time the 1/4 vs Liverpool. i.e., I can win 4-0 home vs Man City and lose the away game 6-1. I've tried bringing the popular SUS tweaks, etc... but have not been that successful - reason why I wonder if you'd have some tweaks ideas for hard away games or even a 2nd cautious/Positive tactic.
Not to forget that a new update has been launched, so let see if your Fanecas 4132 will still be as successful
Im glad you using my tactic @LaXatiif. Im making various testings to have the best performance in this new update