Something a bit different, Hb dropping into back 2.
Inspo from @Gianaa9 . 343 but with DMs.
LIbero in middle used.
Much more direct passing and WB on support.
More direct passes to WB and roam from position to IF.
Trap outside test
Trap inside test.
More Risks added to wing backs.
Rag  instead of DM.
Take more Risks removed from AF, IF to support.
WB Dropped
Distribute to CB and full backs.
LH444 said: Is that the 424 Icebreaker with the CF and AF? Am I right in thinking that is also a Balanced tactic? Do you not find that you still potentially don't create much when you're the favourite?

3322 Icebreaker narrow, still balanced but create a lot with only being 1 DM.
LH444 said: What do you do in games where you're the clear favourite and the Balanced mentality isn't quite working? Do you turn it up to positive or attacking, or just switch to a different tactic altogether?

Usually when I'm a clear favourite or at home I used the icebreaker narrow, 3ATB with 1 DM and I use this for away matches.
Inspo from Ton tactic.
IF sit narrow removed.
Hit early crosses
Sit narrow to IF