keithb said: Sesko and even Lucca being slower are incredible.

So, you'd choose Lucca over someone faster but with poor jumping reach?

I tried this strategy for a couple of seasons and noticed that my AF scored more goals when he had high jumping reach. I used Emegha, who had 16/17 pace and acceleration and 18 jumping reach. However, I realized that he rarely scored from open-play high crosses; most of his goals came from set-pieces because he was the main aerial threat.

After that, I stopped obsessively seeking strikers with high jumping reach because they are rare after 10-15 years into the save, and those that do appear often have low speed. However, having at least one striker who can jump and score 4-5 goals from random high crosses can be smart, but not as crucial as you suggest. You might as well get a center-back with high jumping reach who will score the 20 goals from set-pieces that my kangaroo striker would have otherwise.
pixar said: My friend, with your method, my injuries have decreased significantly and my players continue their physical-mental-technical development. I do not give my players individual training. I only provide weak foot strengthening training for my eligible players. They usually solve it in 1 season.
I do not give my players manual holidays. But I play in rotation. I play with my main squad in Europe, with my reserve squad in the matches I play at home before or after the European matches in the league, with my main squad in the remaining matches and finally with my reserve squad in the local cups.

The key to this program is to give players full rest (for 3 sessions) the day after match days. If there is no match on Wednesday-Saturday, it is just a corner routine or shot stopping training for goalkeepers. Additionally, if there is no match on Wednesday, I added team bonding training to the evening session to boost team harmony and motivation.

I played 6 seasons with 24.3.0 using this method.
I play my matches on Wednesday-Saturday.

Below is a preview of the training program and download links.


Why half intensity though?
Started doing this by implementing the changes @infxamus mentions in his thread about conserving the lead. It works.

once again - thank you for your work, Mark
Germaniac said: What's different with the new table?

Great post! Thanks for all your hard work over the years, I've been a big fan.

I have a question about Genie Scout ratings that's been on my mind. They consider all attributes, right? But something I don't quite understand is your preference for strikers with higher pace even if their overall rating is lower. For example, picking an 88% striker with 17 pace/acc over a 93% striker with 14 pace/acc.  Isn't pace already factored into the overall rating?

On another note, totally agree about center backs. My save has tons rated over 90% but with jumping reach below 14-15, which seems low for set pieces.

Also, could you please explain the logic behind the individual focus training? I was following Zaz's recommendations from a couple of years ago with Quickness for everybody, except the DMs and FBs which were assigned Endurance.
Loving all these tactics and tweaks, cheers for putting them together!

Quick question: are DMs just cursed in FM or am I picking the wrong guys?  Struggling to get them decent ratings, although I am winning pretty much everything.
Which one are you trying next?
Delicious has one posted. That's the one I've been using in my current save and I'm topping the "goals from corners" table.

Nice! That's something we were missing.

Can you tell me about the player attributes in the said database? What's the jumping reach of the players?
@alopes16 Hey,

Yeah, I've been through the same thing in FM23 and FM24 with training injuries. Honestly, there's not much you can do with the training itself to stop them. My trick is to avoid signing players who are prone to injury and to have a big squad. I try to have two players for every position and a couple of guys who can play different spots (like a fullback who can also be a DM, or an attacking mid who can play as a striker or winger). This way, if someone gets hurt, you've got backup. Good luck!
White Europe said: Guys, anyone try any match plans with success here? Not the ones included in game but did anyone use own match plans when playing with instant result?

Yeah, I've done that. Back in FM21, I used tactics from ZaZ. He had two alternative tactics besides the main one: a light one for when you're leading by a couple of goals to save player energy, and a darker, more aggressive one, for when you're behind by 2 goals. I set these up in my match plans and they worked pretty well.

I haven't used this approach in the latest version, though. I don't rely much on instant results now because my team ends up drawing or losing matches they should've easily won. This doesn't happen as much when I play the games myself. I'll probably give it another shot now that you mention.
filipss said: Do you guys also have some set piece routines or you just leave it for set piece coach?

Interesting stuff.

Have you actually tried this approach out yourself and got better results, or is it more like a theory you think might work? I'll definitely give it a go in my games. Though, I'm thinking of starting a new save with a weaker side to really see if it outperforms the standard plug & play approach of just using the top-rated tactic.
dzek said: I missed it guys! Did it get 66 points at 1200 or 2400 matches? :D
66 - 1200
64 - 2400
Well done!

Is this the first tactic to get 66 points after 1200 matches this patch?
crazyfmguy93 said: For lower leagues MDW22 and ykykyk is difference a lot. When I change calculations they recommend different players for positons in FM23. It is confusing.

Which one do you prefer? I haven’t tried MDW22.
dzek said: @kvasir check now and let me know if it's okay.

A bit bugged. Only the first row shows the ratings for all roles.


Also, can you explain the basis for the weightings? I'm wondering why tactical knowledge is as important as JCA and JPA for a scout. Didn't realize it mattered that much. What's up with that?
Good stuff!

Could you tweak the spreadsheet so it doesn't just stick to someone's preferred job? Like, if someone's top pick is 'Director of Football', they could still be a good fit for a 'Scout', right? But right now, the spreadsheet won't show how good they are for the scout job if their preferred job is different. It'd be cool if the spreadsheet could give us ratings for different roles, no matter what job they prefer.

letsgo9 said: for me wing backs and dms are key for this tactic, I never let them get tired

Yup. My WBs and the DLP are the ones getting most of the assists.

Off-topic: my DM with a defensive role is really struggling with his ratings every match, even though he's one of my best players according to his Current ability and Genie Scout rating for the DM position. Super weird. Do you experience the same in your games?
Mistakos said: Thank you for your feedback letsgo9, yes I imagine we can modify as we wish but I am afraid that the advice of the deputies will modify the tactics too much and that it will turn against me, because sometimes their advice is used to adapt to the situation. 'opposing team. Would you still have recommended changing certain things? as you said to take into account fatigue, fitness etc...

I'm not the original person you were talking to, but I'd like to share my opinion. I'm skeptical about changing the tactic based on staff advice before the match starts. Like you mentioned, these changes might backfire and weaken it. If my Assistant Manager really knows his stuff, say with a tactical knowledge of 17 or higher, I might consider his opposition instructions. But it's tough to know if these changes are actually effective. There is a test on here showing that tactics can perform worse with the OIs. However, during a match, especially when we're comfortably leading, I'd be more inclined to follow my Assistant's advice, if it would result in strengthening our defense or conserving our players' energy.