Tried Top1 tactic (4312 masters zhow) and changed some instructions and roles .
-PF to DLF
-IF from sup to ATk
-Inverted winger to wing back
Trying DLF
can this one be retested in v2? :D
can this one be tested again in v2?
Same as Jordan Roam V5 but added 'Hold position' on DM and removed 'sit narrower' from IF's ,results were better.
Same as "jordan roam" but changed 'dm' to sup. Results were way better at test league.
And this one aswell, can get a retest at v2?
can this one get test at v2?
dzek said: I've updated my first post with instructions on how to use the test league for those who requested it. :)

Can we do the same with in-game FM editor? Also, if you freeze atributtes, what's happening with IA teams, do they freeze too? Ty for your time, as always, this tool is great :)
Seems like your league test points are higher than fmarena. I've tested 'Grand vol' (currently 61 points at 2'4k games) and your league gave me 73 points at 1'5k games ^^. The thing I don't know is which one is more close to a regular season hehe :)
dzek said: I don't know that. I've made some changes that may have changed the approach to the results a little bit and I think they lean more towards the regular season but you can measure it yourself. With that in mind though, you won't always get the exact same score because of the RNG and the different nature of the test league.

If you are willing to take some time to measure it yourself and write it here then I will look forward to it! :D

I've already tested 'Jordan Roam v2' tactic 4'5k matches and it had 65p. Let's compare with fmarena 1200 games. This one had 62 at 1500 games :)
How close do you think the results will be from fmarena tests?
dzek said: Yes, of course! I've already used it in the save file to make human managers become unsackable. I don't know if it will remain for those who don't have the InGame Editor though.

Thank you a lot for your time and your test database. The point you gave us the excel too is awesome btw :)
dzek said: If you want to get more accurate results then you have to use FMRTE tool to freeze players’ attributes, conditions, morale etc. I will be more transparent and explain it when is out.

Thanks for your interest! :)

Works with the official in-game editor from FM?
Why this one and the other 2 versions are delaying so long to get approved? @Droid . Thank you for tour time and sorry for asking
Same as Jordan Roam v2 but Put the cm-su to cm atk and the IF-at to IF-SU
Trying assymetric 433 formations
Trying a new 433 with FB to see how it works.
New king, gz  =)
RuffyPuf said: Exactly what I was looking for with my current batch of players. One question, could I change the CF(su) to a F9(su) here? My player that would go in that position is a Messi tier F9, but is also very small and has low strength like Messi so he gets bullied off the ball if I use him as a CF(su) sadly enough.

Yeah, probably if we do that in FMarena will be less points, but in a normal save, for sure you can ^^