yet another underlapping 433

go bananas + byline crosses for FBs

trying channels w/o forward runs PI for CMs

yet another attacking 433

results on holiday tests are much lower compared to digital7 tho :(
and even no more gun-ho mentality in terms of scoring
this with right dm -> vol

4231 relying on cutting wings and fbs

experimenting with some kind of possession yet counter-pressing football

424 with cutting FBs and tight mark for attacking 4
meta 433 with underlaps and cutting FBs
just a 3421 christmas tree style

424 with normal wings, FBs with hold position
does this thing work only because of short forwards and with Beto-type forwards we would be against inviting crosses?
flying bananas with IFB+IWB combo

flying bananas  with double fullbacks w/o forward runs

just like into feet but with balanced team mentality and forward runs removed from right DM

attacking 4231 w/o into space and run onto defence TIs, and overlaps/underlaps
an attacking 433 with 5 man upfront on attacking duty

4231 with normal wings and attacking volantes double pivots

just like inverted one, but with normal 433 setup