433 with 3stc upfront

+5 and 52 :blink:
dribble more for all positions

just added dribble more to all positions :)

bpds on cover
left back is iwb w/o forward runs

both BPD on cover
double IWB without forward runs
MHD again

Dinamo said: LB as IWB, will be perfect

I'll try, but with normal 433 wb/iwb combo was worse then double wb
just one bpd moved from cover to def
bpd changed to def + cover
added roam to 2nd cm
d-line dropped to higher
3atb, all on cover
wide wb and standard combo of DM(de)-Vol(at) as double pivot
will it be further testing of tactics from 23.4.0? since it's kinda stopped at some moment with only new tactics being tested
2dm+cm in center

tweak of 4231 structura ix by @Delicious
kept IWs instead of meta DWs on MR/L just to ease tackle hard management during matches
Sloth is the way

WB/IWB combo with IWB on attack
right CM on support + roaming

wb with removed underlaps

IWB + WB combo w/o underlaps

IWBs and removed underlaps

IWBs with forward runs instead of WBs

interim suggestion for a 433 after a while

BPDs on cover, 5 men on attacking duty, MHD to exploit corner routines and underlaps

topic's point doesn't even need testing tbh
we just can look at those tactics with 30- pts which are obviously not even average, but holiday runs screenshots with top teams shows that even with tactic being that bad you can win a lot
I've even got almost quadruple with Bayern and 28pts tactic :)