Moved CM to DM strata, cleaned many PI's also PF on support, so a very good 352 with 3dm's lets see if it can get 50 points or more.
Last try for this 352 pretty weak in the meta, added some TI like narrow, focus on flanks, underlaps, invite crosses, and cleaned abit the PI's also PF on support added don't expect much to be fair the back 3 seem very bad.
Basically here, I changed alot of stuff this is based on this https://fm-arena.com/thread/12012-svonnstem-3-4-3-libero-mid-focus/  so just AM instead of strikers seem more realistic IRL also focus play on flanks performed better than middle also many fantastic overloads on the wing is a joy to watch, also some PI changes and minor tweaks, looks very strong
Alexandru said: @infxamus  posted great info about traits for problem solving. I am copying it here as it is in his thread:

######### START
Traits that are contrasting to team/player instructions will lead to the tactic being less effective

A negative trait for ALL POSITIONS: "Does Not Dive Into Tackles" affects the "Tackle Harder" instruction

Only try putting a trait on the player if he has the ability to do it (example: If a player has high technique and passing "tries killer balls often" trait is a good one


For PF -
Positive Traits: "Comes Deep to Get Ball" or "Moves Into Channels", "Plays With Ball Back To Goal"
Negative Traits: "Runs With Ball Through Centre". Avoid using players who also have "Will Try to beat Offside Trap" or "Gets Forward Whenever Possible" traits for the role because then they'll basically turn into another AF when there's no other playmakers

For IFs -
Positive traits: "Runs With Ball Often", "Tries Killer Balls" "Cuts inside from *insert wing here*"
Negative Traits: "Likes ball played into feet" (affects "pass into space" team instruction), "Comes Deep To Get Ball", "Dwells On Ball"
########  END

Though as I understood due to changes in "roam from position", new traits will be as following:

For PF -
Positive Traits:  "Moves Into Channels", "Plays With Ball Back To Goal"

For IF - "Comes Deep to Get Ball" or "Moves Into Channels", "Runs With Ball Often", "Tries Killer Balls" "Cuts inside from *insert wing here*"

Correct me if I am wrong.

The pressing forward is a very weird role, is it basically DLF(s) with pressing maxed ?
3421 the shape that made Leverkusen, Atalanta some of most exiting teams in europe irl.
This is another try for my favorite tactic 352, classic no narrow etc seems simpler and looks better
Went back to 433 this time added meta TI invite crosses and narrow to this shape this is based on https://fm-arena.com/thread/11990-433-minato-namikaze-ii/ so basically same stuff just mark tighter PI and mark specific also those 2 TI, also roam PI on wingers.
Moved from AM strate to M strate the wingers also added invite crosses and narrow TI, also roam from position PI to wingers to make them more movement based.
4231 which becomes 235 very strong and balanced just that in FM there is this meta WB IF which in real life is not but here is ...
235 with the ball classic IWB/S stuff.
Went back to classic 433 removed the narrow TI, mark specific for wingers didn't like dumbmarking all time, also the shape is very clear attacking with 7 players in the box, seems very strong
Here trying to make a super powerful wide play tactic with Wingers (A).
Back to my roots, the 352 tried to counter the weakness of the 352 in FM which is defending with only 8 players in the box which is pretty difficult also with no wingers so you get big burden on the defense, two strikers mark the two DM'S 90% of teams in FM play with double DM'S.
This time a 3-2-5 removed some TI to make it simpler, looks cleaner lets see those underlaps and narrow removed how it affects
Trying this classic 2-3-5 meta in real world not at all here, but i think is still very solid, META TI/PI very impressed with mark specific positions very solid.
We try 433 classic good shape but wanted to try in new fm arena league the iwb w which irl is 90% of teams right now so looks good.
If i am not here 352 is dead so lets see this in this new test format
Maybe a dumb question but how can you buy or get fm 13 now just curious, FM big problem is there is 1 way to really win and be strong this has been since forever, but ME feel wise the 24 is the best apart from some bugs.
Trying the 4312 based on this, changes on PI and some roles https://fm-arena.com/thread/9067-big-truck-4312/
Suprising the CM sucks in this ME, DM SV in attack can even attack better cause he is more present in build up while good going forward