detroitrex said: I have spent a lot of time thinking about why diamonds are so crappy this year but the box is strong. They should be pretty similar systems, right?

-clearly, double dms are very strong
-2 strikers + 2 ams is also clearly very strong. I think it just overloads the defensive ai with numbers. If you get enough dudes in the box, someone's going to find a pocket of space
-cms just don't seem to do enough relative to other options. It's hard to get any system to score well if it has 2 actual cms: 433, 352, diamond, flat 442--all missing from the top of the leaderboard
-lack of defensive cover on the wings prob. ain't helping either. inside forwards or even amcs that aren't dead center will put at least some pressure on fullbacks during buildup.
-stylistically, the match engine this year just doesn't seem to like quick, intricate passing which a diamond should excel at.

so what can be done? You could maybe try to mimic a box setup and see how that goes: dm on some kind of support role, an mc on defend and one on attack, amc on attack or maybe even an ss, two strikers on stay wider, and fb(a) to maybe be a little more solid on the flanks. I haven't had the time to test it myself yet but it sounds reasonable.

Good write, but i think overall the reason why it is not strong is not offensively because both are not that far apart i have had some 51-52 diamond here tested and maybe can push a bit more, problem is defense the diamond is very bad at covering distances the AM is useless in the center, i had a 352 turned into a 3511 diamond and did worse and the AM was very useless in defense in the center, while outer AM do very well, also the 2 DM is very strong compared to 1 DM even 3 DM are very strong this year too they cover the half spaces much better than CM
Added this based on this https://fm-arena.com/thread/6407-redux-3322-v1/ i think this shape has big potential especially offensive wise will see, PI lots of changes, also AM on attack and some TI changes to.
Interesting the midblock didn't suffer huge drop just 1 point, maybe the much higher line and stuff made it more close to high press so the drop was very little but still interesting.
Only change is trying Mid block i mean if i go from the test is very good won the league but i expect a big drop here.
Going back to 352 so basically it is same as Amaterasu VI but has CF on support based on top tactic this year just to try, seems very solid and CF seems nice.
Even with the introduction of Low block, mid block wich are useless we cannot make the strikers to defend like an AM does, that is why striker less do quite well defensively, i mean high pres but when ball gets past midfield the 2 striker should drop deep and not stay 30-40 metres away from midfield like football pre 2014
GJ, the 4222 is very strong, also finally a meta with cross more often PI for WB i have used this PI since first tactic tested very rarely seen it here gj.
This is not tested ? it got skipped ?
Here just many PI changes, added get forward PI to DM and IWB and roam from position PI for Wingers and few drible more.
Dm defend to support the defend did very bad.
4141 version, just moved Winger one slot lower.
Added the Focus play down flanks and DM(s) => DM(d), so we have gone back to 325 like Uzumaki IV.
rfsm said: great work, skin please?

Skin is Mustermann Iconic you can google and find it in FMScout and other places too, but it has no attributes so there is divided into 4 categories and there is no attribute atlernative to this skin
Interesting to get 57 points in a 433 with FB(S) the wingers in attack seem to be quite strong
4231 with FB in support, result quite nice.
Screw positional play lets go with 2 players in the same line kinda, FB support seemed very solid with Winger attack.
325 shape with 433 out of the ball.
Removed focus play down flanks and some PI changes.
Achieving the 325 shape with an IFB and IWB combo, Winger in attack do quite well offensively.
Only change is IWB s to a.