at0myq said: Does the Complete Forward need to be the better striker?

I'd say: put your best finisher as AF and your "offensive regista" as CF, the idea is that your CF will lye between attack and midfield and will often drops to collect the ball, so it should have good passing attributes moreover pace/shooting like a normal striker. It isn't so easy to find a good CF (at least, it wasn't in my careers) but you have to think it like a false 9 merged with a finisher
Removed TakeMoreRisks from FBs
Using PlayOutOfDefence and DistributeToCBs + DistributeToFBs

From DataHub i noticed many errors in the beginning of the possession phase, i tried to reduce these errors with simpler options for GK and defenders
PIs for console users:
Tackle Harder on everyone (also GK)
Dribble More on BPDs
CrosseFromByline and TakeMoreRisks on FBs
bwig said: no, absolutely right. You have to test it. There should be a system, that those get tested but then not listed if providing no difference. But maybe it makes no sense at all :), because where to draw the line who was the creator.

Honestly from my point of view it isn't about finding who is creating the best tactic, but finding the tactic. I'm always happy when someone score +2 points from current best tactic and it doesn't matter if the outscored one was mine, i can't see it as a competition, we're just working together trying to improve more and more. By the way when i take some ideas from someone else i always try to mention him, as you can see in some of my tactic, obviously i can't do it everytime, sometimes i upload 10+ tweaks of the same tactic and i think it would be useless mention everyone whose ideas i saw in every tactic ahah
As you can see in my threads, i took inspiration from @CBP87 and @A Smile ideas
Trying to see if reducing the tempo to Slightly Higher could get an improvement
Adding CrossFromByline and TakeMoreRisks to FBs
Removing TakeMoreRisks from AF
bwig said: No offense to the creator, but to me, this is no new tactic. Especially not the new no1 Listing. If it provided any better results it would work for me. But one thing changed to no1 with no effect at all shouldn´t even be listed in my honest opinion. @FM Arena

Hi, dont'worry ahah, i just applied CF(S) + IF(A) from A Smile's tactic to previous versions of 424 Classic, with FBs, TakeMoreRisks on AF, etc... By the way i'm just trying to find out the best possible tactic, and by now 424 looks most promising way, so tweaking small PI/TIs is the only thing i can think to discover something better, i decided to invest my two daily uploads to explore this path, and it's normal that with the 9600 games accuracy some tactics show same results, but how can we know it before testing them?
Removing Hold Up from IF
Using FB instead of WB
Trying 424 Icebreaker with Shoot Less Often on WBs
Trying 424 Icebreaker with Positive mentality
Using PF(s) and IF(s) instead of CF(s) and IF(a) in respect to 424 icebreaker
Trying on current top tactic the defensive logic of 343 top tactic with stopper defenders
Very interesting BPD on St, tonight i'll try it on 4 atb tactics, let's see e.e
kp23 said: Has anyone tested with IW's instead of IFs?

Usually they perform worse than IFs, but it would be interesting to use them with WB and Underlaps like 424 Icebreaker imo
what a result!! Good job, having these scores with 3 atb looks amazing
BulldozerJokic said: Now add "invite crosses" to it

just uploaded it, let's see, pretty excited tbh ahah
Just like 424 Classic 1.7 but with IF(S) and PF(S) instead of IF(A) and CF(S)