Based on v1 but +hold up ball for IFs.
Based on v6 but -be more disciplined.
Based on v1 and:
+Roam from position & Hold up ball for IFs
-Dribble more for FBs
Based on v6 but with TIs from v2.3.
Based on v1 but added focus play down the ranks.
Based on v1 but removed closed down more.
Based on v6 but RW to attack.
Based on v2.4 but with focus play down the flanks.
Based on v2.3 but removed underlap/overlap and added focus play down right.
Based on v5 with more take more risks PIs.
Winger to attack with multiple other tweaks.
Based on v2.3 with CF moved to the right.
Based on v2.3 but removed take more risks from the right side.
Based on v2.3 with some PI tweaks (different from v2.33).
Based on v2.3 with some PI tweaks.
Based on v2 but removed hold position on DMs.
Based on v4 but removed Mark Specific Positions.
Based on v2.3 with mark specific positions.
Removed shoot less often from v2.