Based on v3.1 and +Mark specific position & +Close down more on IFs.
Based on v3.1 and +Mark specific position on IFs.
Based on https://fm-arena.com/thread/11077-4114-xiaomeifeiwu-v3-smile/ but used more symmetric PIs for IF and FB.
Based on v2.1 but removed pass it shorter on FBs with some other minor tweaks (different from v2.2).
Based on v2.1 but removed pass it shorter on FBs with some other minor tweaks.
Trying an asymmetric 424 with two DMs.
Made some PIs and TIs adjustments.
3rd in PL as Luton.
An asymmetric 424 formation based on https://fm-arena.com/thread/10783-osmo-rpm-xi/ .
An asymmetric 424 formation based on https://fm-arena.com/thread/10962-424-mi-su7-underlap-pf/ .
Based on https://fm-arena.com/thread/11166-problem-solvin-v24/
+Roam from position for IFs
+More direct passing for FBs
Added a lots of PIs to v1, wonder if they works.
5th in PL as Luton.
A Smile said: Can this tactic be retested? This state has been going on for two days, but has not been tested.

I'll help you:) @Droid @Zippo
Based on v2.5 and removed focusing play down the flanks.
mikaty said: can u try won with different roles specially the IFs and the CMs

I have tried but unfortunately they did not work from my own tests (some of them even got Luton relegated:cry: ).
Based on v2.4 and +focus play down the flanks & underlaps.
Won FA Cup as Luton.
Last attempt to improve 433:goofy:
Based on v2.3 but +Close down more for IF.
Based on v2.2
+Mark Specific Position to IF
Won FA Cup as Luton
Y15ARG said: What's the thinking behind the different player instructions for each of the full backs please?

I am not @A Smile , so I could only guess:
This tactic (from my own test) relies heavily on FBs crossing to AF and VOL to score, and using these instructions would make left FB crossing more often to these two players instead of crossing randomly.
Based on @Gerrard 's https://fm-arena.com/thread/10355-ton-v10-451-mc-p103/
+cross more often for CM
SKs -> SKd