Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/12202-424cbp87t-v3/

AF to PFa
Added move into channels to PFs
Added roam from position to IF

Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/12193-424cbp87t-v2/

Removed roam from position from IF
Removed move into channels from PF
Added shoot less often to DM
Removed take more risks from FB

The Brazilian box by Steelwood? If so, yes that was pretty good to watch. I'm not going to mention other tactics on this post as I feel its disrepectful but Ill tag you in some 4231s where the number 10 is allowed to pulled the strings but please remember it also depends on the type of player you have
magiyij155 said: I appreciate the tactic but it's another example of how broken the game is.

Every top tactic is a slight variation of getting the front players to force the opposition defense to go narrow so your fullbacks have space.

The 4 up front accomplish this and the fullbacks get a free run every time.

The one-twos and the through balls are virtually non-existent and it's very predictable and boring to watch. Also unbelievably unrealistic, crossing has gone almost extinct IRL because of how ineffective it is. Not to mention corners. IRL teams always favor keeping possession instead of crossing and short corners for a reason.

Every other style of play pales in comparison and makes the game very unfun for lack of options. They claimed counter-attacking was buffed but it's a cruel joke.

It's particularly worse for me because I love a number 10 and not only is this position unsuited for narrowing the opposition defense it's also just fundamentally useless in the game itself regardless of the tactic/role/instructions. I've yet to get a single 7+ average rating throughout a season on a 10 no matter how good he is. He just gets lost and hardly receives the ball ever.

This game forces you to play the only viable tactic or get left behind.

It's sad.

Very well written and I agree, but unfortunately there has always been 1 dominant shape per game for as far as I remember. Hopefully with the new match engine from next year we will say a different variation of top tactical shapes and instructions allowing people to play a different style of football that will achieve similar results.

By number 10, I assume you mean an AM role, if so, there are a lot of very good 4231s out there that will get the best out of your number 10
Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/12192-424cbp87t/

Removed dribble more and take more risks from DM

424 using the 'Meta' instructions of the top tactics, added dribble more and take more risks to DM and shoot less often to FB

Best XI selected. AM in charge of training, set pieces left to SP coach

4231 that uses the 'meta' 4231 instructions.

Holiday tested, best XI selected, AM in charge of training, SP handled by SP coach

Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/9025-katana-4231-104p-v3-1/

Added invite crosses

Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/11518-katana-4231-att-98p-v1-9-8/

Removed underlap
Added roam from position to IF
Added dribble more to FB
Added shoot less often to FB and DM

Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/11922-4231-suckerpunch-v1-4/

Added underlap
Added hold up ball to IF
Removed dribble more and take more risks from FB

Bradjc94 said: Who would be some of the players in the game that would be ideal to fill the Pressing Forward role for this tactic?

You want someone with good acceleration and pace to start with. Aggression and work rate too. Think of a Gabriel Jesus type of player, like Watkins. Tell you who is good, Josh Sargent from Norwich
Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/12120-4231-suckerpunch-v1-14/

SK duty back to defend
Added cut inside and dribble more to FB
Added roam from position to IF and AM

Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/12118-4231-suckerpunch-v1-13/

Added mark tighter to DM
Added close down more to IF
SK duty changed to Attack

Aim for the mark tighter and SK to attack was to reduce the number of through ball assisted conceded goals

Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/12070-4231-suckerpunch-v1-12/

Removed dribble more from FB

Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/12090-alohomora-v1/

Right DM to Half Back
Left DM to Volante

Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/12087-alohomora/

CF to PF

You'll unlock defenses with this one :)  (That's for all the Harry Potter fans!)

A 424 that won all but 1 competition, scores plenty and concedes little. Holiday tested. Best XI selected. AM in charge of training and SPs left to SP coach.

Using similar PIs to the current top 424 but added close down more to all but positions bar BPD and GK. PF changed to CF.

A fantastic outcome for 2 PFS on support. Well played
Nice. Well done
Tweaked version of https://fm-arena.com/thread/10629-katana-4231-att-103p-v1-9/

Replaced underlap with overlap
Removed invite crosses
Removed be more disciplined
Removed more direct passes and take more risks from FB
Removed roam from position from IF
Added cross from byline and dribble more to FB
Added mark specific position to IF