From 4231 PirateHu Roam , with 'Stay Wider' on FBs and 'Pass Into Space'.
Just like 4231 PirateHU, but using 'Roam From Position' on AM and IFs
4231 Pirate HU

Tested on FmTouch like last tactic
Based on some of the popular 4231 META tactics.
Tested on FMTouch but M.E. should be the same.
so is SS better than AM? Would like to delve deeper into this

Tackle Harder on everyone

BPDs: Dribble More
WBs: Stay Wider, Cross More Often, Dribble More, Take More Risks
DMs: Take More Risks
AM: Take More Risks, Roam From Position, Move Into Channels
Just try it with Take More Risks on WBs and DMs, it's amazing, i tested it on FMTouch and it seems better. If only was possible to get a tactic tested with a season completed on FMT :/
love that shape, PI for touch users? e.e
dzek said: If you can, put it up for test on FM-Arena; mentioned the original creator and changes ;)

i'm on FMTouch, i can't i guess. If i could, i'd test a lot of tactics, i've built many variants of this one
dzek said: Did you change focus play and overlap instructions too or only positions of your players?

yes, i swapped PIs, roles and TIs
alex said: I think this one should be tested as well. We have to see if there are differences between the sides of the attack and how much of a difference if there are any

I tried both cause i had more lefty players in my team, surprisingly i had worse results, when i went back to the original one it returned to be amazing, don't know why
AM instruction pls?
Could you post PIs please? Gonna try it on FMTouch tomorrow e.e
Thank You