Oh my, nvm @Delicious focus ocus on the mid raises de rng chance of sucess 🤗
Delicious said: Go. Be a real man and do it!

owright but I've 50 tactics w8nng to be tested
@Delicious its time to hammer them all
Mid focus play seems kinda cosmetic too. Maybe is working with system with alot of players on mid (narrow ones). U guys must change shape for 14222 or 141212
Senjutsu XI

Base Tactic: It's XMAS_twkd3 -

Changes made to the base tactic:

- focus  play down the flanks added
- passing shorter PI's removed
- keeper distribuction changed + sk (d)

I want to see how it behave without passing shorter/low crosses

Delicious said: @crizeKOS 100% rng striked! :cry:

crizeKOS said: now u gotta test it with the regista

the regista version im testing has overlaps
Delicious said: @crizeKOS 100% rng striked! :cry:

now u gotta test it with the regista
Hi guys I was sad in this XMAS morning coz I didnt received any XMAS gift then I looked down at my XMAS tree and I saw it:

A gift from @Delicious. It was a beautiful Khabib unbeaten special with a tiny regista on it. I loved my gift. Now I ll share my gift with u :love:

Delicious said: i will try it :)

I am certain u r the most qualified person to the task. Btw, you must send ur CV to SI Games haha
Delicious said: you still missing the point,it's not even about the template because you see others with same template and doing not even near to this. Later gonna post 4-2-4 and stuff like that

improve 424 and 4231 above 4123 ill be tough
@Delicious everything is working with this khabibi teamplate u should test defensive full backs with wide target man 🤣🤣
Senjutsu X

Base Tactic: Senjutsu VIX -

Changes made to the base tactic:

- changed the W by the IW

Senjutsu VIX

Base Tactic: Senjutsu VIII -

Changes made to the base tactic:

- pushed W higher to the field

This probably wont lead to anything but I want to ratify how much Khabib tactical teamplate is OP.

Delicious said: Mate,the line doesn't matter, i've proven it with those test... you can put even put sticked to the goalkeeper. The thing we don't know is how and IF the IA Assistant Manager is adapting it during game. In order to test it,you have to take 2 teams:

Basically do something like that : Since you know that pool and city are going to play CS, took them apply one normal tactic to the "choosen one" and put the tactic you want actually test to the other "one". Save before you going into the game (so you won't waste more time then you actually doing) and run this game like 50/100 times, you have to do nothing just watch the game and see what is happening.

But is basically useless if your ultimate goal is to get more point on a test league,because it will be always managed by IA and you don't really know what is happening during that game.
That's why many test league are forced to players (20) stat on play role on multiple players,because the Assistant Manager tent to move your players/swap them etc etc,that alter the result conduct of the test if you don't setup that way.
That's why the "xMas" is basically working,because players that knows how to play that role and position are like Unicorns. But once again Arena is proving that if you understand what you actually doing you can make work almost every shape. (if you find the right configuration, you can basically hit 55/56 without problems)

But if your ultimate goal is to get the highest numbers possible you just go HARD.
I've literally explained everything,because my ultimate goal is to help every player to even make their tactic from ground 0 just following those "rules" that were made by Arena, I am just simply translating them.
We can ask how RNG hitted those tactics to @Zippo,that's something he can for sure tell us in dettail.
Imho if i were you i would focus on sp's and roles more then a "cosmestic" line.

Ty, finally a proper answer about the matter
@senna can u tweak this shape with the Poirer XVIII logic behind it?
@AlexJV can u tweak this tactic with WBs and apply the khabib teamplate that is on Poirer XIII?
crizeKOS said: Coz Poirer XIII is on a higher line

I know u ll say that is a cosmetic stuff, but I think you should try it anyway. If u dont I ll 🤡
crizeKOS said: This tactic took lesser amount of goals despite scoring lesser. But this probably wont mean anything due rng stuff... @Delicious you tried this one with the WBs?

Coz Poirer XIII is on a higher line
This tactic took lesser amount of goals despite scoring lesser. But this probably wont mean anything due rng stuff... @Delicious you tried this one with the WBs?
Senjutsu VIII

Base Tactic: Senjutsu VII -

Changes made to the base tactic:

- run at defence removed
- be expressive added
- removed passing shorter from everyone
- whipped crosses added
