sponsorkindest said: @Chris : if possible, please add what got changed to the OP, is it based on your previous tactic and all you changed was double vol or did you base it on another tactic in this platform and if so some changelog will be helpful. the only way to know how this is better than the 424 black ice (previous top scorer for 424) is to download the tactic.

I didn't check 424 black ice, so yes, it's based on my previous tactic.But as every top tactic it's so similar to previous best tactics.
Based on "Surprise" but with changes
-Both Wingers changed to IF
Just testing this knap tactic to see if there is any chance to get a good score without striker. If it does I will try to get a good rating by myself.
Same tactic as "Grand vol" but changed a few instructions:
-Removed "sit narrower" on IF's
-Added 'Mark tighter' on AF's
Four lines but changed one AF to SS
Trying DM with IW at the middle
Focusing in one side
Trying double VOL
What a downgrade
Great results with Sevilla
The Beast said: Nice job congrats

Thank you! Are you going to play this tactic?
Wow, that was unexpected
Same as 'Over SS balanced' but changed DLP to DM-su
'Over SS balanced' but changed 'SS' to 'MP'
Powerup BBM but changed mentality to 'Attacking'
Powerup 11 but changed CM to BBM and mentality to 'Balanced'
Powerup 11 but changed mentality to 'Attacking'
Changed mentality to 'Attacking'
Changed BWM to BBM and mentality 'Balanced'
Let's see if Wingers and different instructions can get a better score.