Farinhoto said: Já reparei que é tuga, o que simplifica muito a conversa pk o meu inglês...

Tenho uma serie de perguntas que fazia gosto que me respondesse em relação a sua tática.

-- Estou no Newcastle 1ª época e tenho tentado aplicar a sua tática mas noto que é bastante inconsistente. (foto 1). Alguma dica??

-- Quando tens alguém expulso como  ajustas a tática??

-- A informação que tu colocas-te no que respeita aos jogos em casa, fora ou jogo difícil, é mesmo indispensável ser usado ou podemos ir sempre em ATACAR, faz alguma diferença??

Obrigado pela partilha da tática e boa continuação.

Please, use English.

Thank you.
BiTeL33T said: @Zippo can you test v4?


Specifically, the paragraph about adding new versions. :)
Patches and the ME have different numbers

The latest patch is 22.1.1 which was released about 1 day ago -

The latest M.E. number is v22.2.0.0. and it hasn't been changing since the release.

I hope that helps.

@Del Corsoooo, hi.

Please, add a screenshot of the tactic.

Thank you.
@A Smile, hi.

Please, add a screenshot of the tactic.

Thank you.
pixar said: Any chance of doing a test on height? For example, I wish to see results when players are 10 cm shorter.

@Zippo @Alexander

Yes, we're planning to test "Height" at some point.
@JB, hi.

Please, add a screenshot of the tactic.

Thank you.
KWONWOOJIN said: It's still in the middle of the season. Is it okay?

It's up to you, pal. :)

The better your tactic's presentation, the more likely it attracts attention and gets tested.

Please, add results with the tactic.

Thank you.
@Oski, hi.

Please, add results with the tactic.

Thank you.
@kly3654, hi.

Please, add a screenshots of the tactic and results with it.

Thank you.
@Filer974, hi.

I've changed the name of the tactic and thread.

Please, use English only.

Thank you.
@Brommers92, please add a screenshot of the tactic.

Thank you.
pixar said: We look forward to your tests to identify the most important attributes. What is your plan about this?
@Alexander @Zippo

Thanks for your efforts.

We're planning to give it some more time and see what highest rating is possible in FM22 and then we'll start testing the attributes.
@andreestalinho, hi.

Please, add a screenshot of the tactic.

cex said: ...

English, please.
liu bei said: @Zippo  l sent it to the wrong place(to the 21 sector)

Ok, I see.
CSTG KANE said: What should I do now?

Nothing :) Now you just need to wait until your tactic gets tested.