Itsyaboy420 said: yes that's what i meant, thank you. basically my team is decent and should have a chance against those giants but when using balanced mentality the xg table just make my team looked like they don't even have a chance. it's confusing to me as well, why balanced mentality just does not work against giants. another thing i want to say as well is that your tactics is awesome delicious and i never meant to disrespect or insult any of your tactics. i even used your 3-4-3 extreme suplex to the wind and 4-3-3N extreme swanton bomb and they were amazing.

Interceptions were buffed in this patch, so having a solid defense is more effective than having a strong attack. That's why the top tactics will have two DMs and even three defenders. More attacking approaches will lose more possession, causing more counter-attacks, which are also more effective since dribbling got buffed as well.

You can open FM22, load any tactic and take note of dribbles made and interceptions, then put the same tactic on FM23 and check the difference. FM23 will have at least double of those statistics.
Middleweight165 said: @ZaZ Hey mate, is there anything you would add to Solid Blue 4.0 from Green 5.0 to make Solid Blue more defensively stronger. I don't imagine you updated Solid Blue 4.0 so was just wondering if there's anything from the more defensive tactics that could be incorporated to make it more resilient? Thanks

Sorry, Green is better defensively and I added a version to use together with Blue. If you just want to use the same shape, then Solid is the best I could do.
Itsyaboy420 said: some people do be sensitive, alright then I'll make my statement, stop it with the balanced method and similar shape, get creative people. try making different shapes and method works. if anybody is hurt by this comment then I am truly very sorry.

Why are you so fixated on the mentality? What matters is how the tactic plays, not the overall team mentality. We have very defensive tactics and very offensive tactics without using Attacking or Defending mentality. Also, it's not like other mentalities are not being tested, they are just not scoring enough to be at the top.
Zippo said: 424 Alhamdulillah II

424 Alhamdulillah II
(W/O Focus Play Down The Flanks)

Yeah, I have been testing that for the past week and it was really bugging me, because it didn't seem to make difference.
Simplified version of Water. All players have tackle harder, dribble more, and flank players have stay wider.

Simplified version of Earth. All players have tackle harder, dribble more, and all defenders have stay wider.

The Beast said: why are you telling me this?

I quoted wrong, sorry. I was actually answering someone asking people to test other mentalities, but I guess I clicked wrong somewhere (it wasn't even this comment section).
The Beast said: Make your own tactic, no one is forcing you to read or download any tactic from a tactician. Don't go into bitchboy mode and complain when you're not putting up any tactics

People are testing other mentalities, they are just not getting good rates, so they don't appear at the top.
Milakus said: It could be the 4.2 hit the highest RNG. I think it can be as high as 3 points.

There is a good chance of that too. I will keep working on Water before I can play again the career on weekend, and I think it works better without shorter passing and with wide IF. However, after testing a bit more, I think Counter-Press gives some interesting moves in game that match what I am looking for. I also want to play without Roll It Out, because I want faster counter attacks. I hope things work well on that direction.

Keep in mind that it is possible that overlap is just better. I am exploring the other road because I think it matches more what I'm trying to accomplish on the field, and I believe it has potential to good results. However, my beliefs are worth nothing if tests prove me wrong.
keithb said: What about distribute quickly? I have removed it and find it better

No 'run at defence'?

Players already have dibble more, so no need for run at defense. That gives me more freedom to tweak them individually on testing. About distribute quickly, this patch is pretty counter-attack oriented, so the faster you get back to the game, the better.
Added Counter-Press and Pass It Shorter, to see if it actually makes a difference.

Sane said: Perhaps the standard pass was affected instead of the short pass.

And why do you always refuse counter-press?

Counter-press doesn't make much of a difference, so no reason to add it. About passing, I have also tried shorter and it usually is worse for me. I also don't see much reason to test what has already been tested extensively, which is why I am trying a route with less overlap.

P.S.: I will add a version with counter-press and shorter passing to see how it goes.
Milakus said: Why do you think like that?

I might be wrong and it might be better without wide IF, but every time I test IF wide in my experiments, it gives me better results.
Milakus said: Why do you consider overlaps as a bad thing?

Not necessarily bad, but I would like IFs to get closer to the area through the flanks instead of moving to the mid too early. That's the area where most of the interceptions happen.
I seriously can't identify why it's not working at least in the level of 4.2. It gets better results with IF wide instead of neutral or narrow. Is the Roll It Out making such a difference?
I think that is more related to training than players themselves. If you check the standard training sessions, you will see too much focus on technical attributes, and too little focus on physical. I also believe they only do individual focus for Quickness on very slow players, and that makes players fill their CA with other attributes instead of speed.
IF wider to reduce overlaps, and removed roll it to avoid situations like the one below. It should also allow goalkeepers to use their attributes to start counter-attacks more efficiently, using kicks or throws.

Also, players managing the team manually should achieve a few more points.
Some people have asked to try an attack mentality tactic, so here it is. I had to add shorter passing for it to work well, because attack mentality makes football more direct. It is based on Water 4.2.

Leave a comment below if you liked the tactic and make sure to share your results. Enjoy!
keithb said: Im doing a great save with SpVgg Bayreuth starting in Bundesliga3 and its been my best save in a long, long time. I do use downloaded tactics and fmscout though. I dont mind the tactics so much but I should try to switch over to not using fm scout. Back-to-back promotions and mid table in first Bundesliga 1 season. Get hammered in some games, but the late winners and comebacks are so enjoyable. RNG seems to have leveled out too, now im a better/higher rep side.

Glad to hear that! I hope you lift the trophy next year.

I don't see much problem on people using FM Scout, I just think it changes how you experience the game. When you use the tool, it becomes more focused in the long run, since you hire players thinking about their potential. When you don't use it, then it becomes more short run, thinking about their current attributes, and you get more attached to players. Both are valid ways of playing, and some people prefer one style more than the other.