
4231 Nurmagomedov

Losing the battles(test),like no toworrow but once again here am i standing still. The arena test is asking for mercy,the computing power already used is already over 9000(won't even calculate mine because imma get an headache.


Spoiler -Stuck-in= i don't really understand why it's working for others tactics but the poor innocent 4231 can't...
-Overlaps over underlaps,maybe one SS isn't enough for it...:cry:
-GK on (DEF) guess it's self-explanotory after all of those test.
-Changed the pass distruibuition,standard over all expect WBs/IFs/SS/AF
-Sit Narrowed only for IF(i will think if is the case to put even on WB)
-Add Focus play down the left and right (because on positive test it gave some results and because i want to give some colors as well to the istructions :woot:)

The vacation test went decent even tho the wild beast haaland got injuried and didn't play like 11-12 games and the mini-gnome Alverez tried to do his job...





-Arena's server machine... in a while Spoiler
Zippo said: As people say "Don't hate the player hate the game".

FM is a quite random game and it also can be quite illogical, especially when it comes to the the tactics.

Our propose is to help people improving their tactic. I understand sometimes the result of our tests can be disappointing but it's really not our fault, we can't do nothing about how the game works.

Still you're the Dark Lord!:devil:

4141 Hardy

Waiting for the last result of 4231 but wanted to let it out.


Spoiler Basically like the 4231, i've reverted the sp's and adjusted the corner setup on attack right and left.
wingback putted on (SU)
Iverted Forward putted on (SU)
DM from (def) to (SU)
Added meta rules.

MemorizableUsername said: I don't understand, what am I missing from the submission ?

You need to create a index and link your tactics to it "first page" and put on every tweak/tactic the link to the first page/index. Like this qq. Zippo went full combo leg to me :devil:

Just follow the guide in that link and you must be fine
CBP87 said: FM23 Mongoose v4

Changes from

- Removed pass into space
- Removed overlap left and right
- Added underlap left and right

The main focus of this change was to see how the WBs would perform with underlap instead of overlap

I am pretty sure that underlap for this kind of shape is a must, pass into space is giving you free points,i can't really see what are the rules of the tactic from the screen,but at least since the "counter-press" was removed from "must to have options" things are even smoother.
You can try to check the differiecies with or without it.
Zippo said: For the previous FM versions we uploaded game saves for each test but we found people weren't too interest in that so we decided that it isn't worth bothering.

But if you're interested in some player data I can upload game saves for you.

If we see there's a great demand for game saves then we can consider uploading them again.

For me that's the most important thing,because you can actually see and compare, but i do understand even the "amount of work" that is behind that,i mean as i said it's really hard to say if a "role" is perfoming better then another if the only tool i have are "vacation" that's not even a method but people didn't notice that yet,or creating something like i did or a custom league were you can "try" to test things out,what i am gonna ask could sound crazy and stupid but what if Arena Staff create like a mini league example something 2 groups or something that we can use to run test with FMRTE or whatever to freeze,(because otherwise is gonna be like a normal vacation but with even more RNG inside).

About the past i really don't know nothing how it was or stuff like,it's sad to hear that people weren't interested on free data :|

crizeKOS said: Yeah, sometimes I feel like it just a math sheet. If u put a regista (s) instead a dm (d) u should changing something out there like iwb (s) to compensate something... sometimes im just lost and losing direction, im getting kinda tired. I ll try to improve my methods b4 put stuff into test.
That's good,imagine i am doing this since i've started to post the first tactic and still i need the massive support from the test otherwise i would be already lost in the space.
crizeKOS said: Yeah, we need to create our own metrics too. BWM is that way worse? @Delicious

unlikely yes, the only thing can be compared to a DM is the regista but i am not pretty sure if you can put it on def(tried only on (SU) way)and still you need to make a setup for it,if i were you i would have tried regista on this kind of tactic,since you protect him with iwb and dw.

But still,i have a league setuped similar to Arena,but it's not giving the same results,so if we trying to measure things with different parametrers it's just gonna lead it on a wrong direction,i might be wrong,i mean to be "sure" you should just change piece by piece, test piece by piece.
That's what i am doing but without the leading (arena test) it would be like nosense.
crizeKOS said: Senjutsu I is based on It's XMAS_twkd3 and the feedbacks that we had today be the tests made on the forum.

Senjutsu I

Base Tactic: It's XMAS_twkd3 -

Changes made to the base tactic:

- shorter passing for the attacking roles exchanged by shoot less often
- BWM (D) instead of DM (D) - nobody tried this
- AF's player swap like the Corsair tactic that endured so long at the #1 spot of the table
- FM arena set pieces routine added

As u guys may see by the results Chelsea underperformed along the season. So I may assume that the shoot less often PI weakens the tactic or the ball winning midfielder roaming and pressing around.

Ty once again ^^

I tried BWM alot ._. and it's not even near to a normal pivot (def),you can't really assume something from vacation,that run doesn't mean nothing,maybe was mega bad run you don't know that, but you can just compare your data (from the previous test) with this one. Would be great if we could see, player stats and team stats from the results!

4231 Jeff Hardy

It's basically a tweak of Islam Makhachev.

Changelog :

Spoiler -Added all meta rules,except one that i will if the thing is going to turn into a success or not.
At the moment the demon a.k.a Arena league is winning the game,is making The Assembler trembling,but fear not we got this!(maybe,almost sure we don't!But we can try again)
-Run at defence
-Stuck in
-Ball distribuition : Short Kick (because i might be lunatic,i saw the gk getting better score with this one)


4231 Islam Makhachev

Ok,so even if for the majority the last tests could might be seen as "failure", i see them in a different way, but i have to be sure about my last perplexities :


Spoiler GK:

Ok, so somehow GK(AT) did 1 point better then GK(SU)at least in one test(but it might be rng but at least we know that we are don't gonna lose that point), since we already know more or less how the GK(DEF)perfoming, we gonna see a setup similar to Islam Champ,but with differencies.

Ball playing defender : it's not about anymore suspicious or stuff like that, but somehow the dribble more option at least on 4231 (offensive) and this shape setup is somehow under performing the tactic like no logic.
So for the one didn't understand it, i've reverted it to just tackle more.

Set pieces: i've reverted the corner attack and adjustem them, as i said on other post,i've felt something wrong about it instastly. I've passed the last hours to just check set pieces and it's funny how the majority of the tactics using all the same setup. The biggest problem about those are the Inderect kicks and DFK, even conceding too many goals from corners. I will try to figure out but if there is a set pieces genius show up! Because atm we can say w/e we want but facts are the "meta" tactics using all the same setup. If someone wanna test those stuff with me or make a group dm me and we can try different setups alone will require really too much time and i have no that will.
But understand it carefully, at moment most of the tactics losing points on set pieces more then anything else.

Ball distribuition, changed back to roll out.

Or this getting above the Islam champ or is going to hit less (due the GK(AT))

Got another one with the meta rules on it.

Depends on the results i've one last idea,i will release it later.

Main post

4141 Khabib 14-0

Differencies between this and 4141 Khabib 13-0 :

IF moved to IW.

Maybe gonna rework set pieces for corners,not sure when. But it's at least on vacation it's scoring a bit less from corners
I will try to be honest,i don't know how it will score and that's not the point, but i saw many many people doing this kind of test with multiple teams on the same league(was doing the same on fm22), i am not trying to criticize your test at all,i hope the tactic will score tons but this kind of test always lead me on the wrong direction,it might mean nothing, but if you really wanna use vacation as a "attentible test" and that's already wrong on first sentence but you got me, pick at least team from the different leagues,so at least you can understand if you are moving on the right direction or not.

Ofcourse that's my way to see that.

Hope the best for result! Break a leg

4231 Islam Champ V3

Changes from 4231 Islam Champ

-Applied the Reliable Set pieces (Unfortunaly those stats are not showed on the results,but it might be interesting, for now i have noticed less goals from corners it's like -1/2 and didn't check yet on the maximum but those numbers are from vacation so i really don't know if we can call it "attendible".

-GK on (SU)

-Removed Stuck-in.

-Ball destribuition to full-backs.(Even if i really like long shot without any specific target,gonna test it more later)

Depends how the test will go, i have something more to show with different pivots!

4231 Islam Champ V2

Changes from 4231 Islam Champ:

-Applied the Reliable Set pieces (Unfortunaly those stats are not showed on the results,but it might be interesting, for now i have noticed less goals from corners it's like -1/2 and didn't check yet on the maximum but those numbers are from vacation so i really don't know if we can call it "attendible".

-GK on (attack) i know that from the screen it might seem that was on def (I can assure you it was me just checking the differicies on the description,if that's a problem i can redo another test without any problem)

-Removed Stuck-in.

-Ball destribuition to full-backs.(Even if i really like long shot without any specific target,gonna test it more later)

Gonna post the GK(SU) later. Most likely i am testing GK(ATTACK) if even him like the (DEF) is under acid.

4231 Khabib's choke

It's a tweak of 4231 Islam's Choke

The only change is : GK from (Attack) to (Support); i am trying to point out trough test that even on GK there is something more that we really don't know about. I won't post a version with GK (def), because it was already tested on positive and balanced.
4231 Islam's Choke


(I will remake the main post as well, to make some order)

So basically this version is :

-Applied the reliable Set pieces guideexcept the trown-ins because i found those one more affascinating. But since i am not really a set pieces expert, i might be wrong.

-GK changed to Attack (I've found out one of my old H137 now "focus striker", is doing pretty decent around the web even tho was old setup or even a mix between Pre and Post meta bibble(i know that is bible but i am italian so for me the double B sound more cool (i guess?))

-Applied all those rules that i've tested tons of time,but that found a place on the first rank, but since i am not really a fan of copy pasta i went trough my personal test and once again those results are (maybe yes? maybe no? I am talking about more then 10k games not 30)
So that's why i need something with more science in it then a thing i did homemade.
Talking about Underlaps,Stuck-in and Run to defense. UL is something i love, stuck-in is something i would prefer to live without it. Run to defense, i am not totaly sure if was tested on the bible, gonna check it later on.

Will follow 3 more.


With meta rules, the gk didn't perfom that different the (SU) and (DEF), but i am pretty sure the GK on (DEF) is doing weird things,i saw it with my eyes because i was sure something was wrong on it.
Eddie said: I am having problems with the expulsions. Despite withdrawing or aggressively disarming when they are with yellow cards, sometimes direct expulsions or hair second yellow happen.

Or what does it mean to do tactics with a lesser player? I retire which player or do I change my mentality?

That's the whole problem about this M.E. for some reason SI believes this way is more "realistic", depends what you are against,even if test scores i believe that you can move to positive/balanced without altering too much the Goaling score potential.
But most of the time you need to tweak around to find a balance, Example: most of time i would sub-out AF/SS. rest is the Skeleton of the tactic
and alot of goals conceded as well :P! Gonna work on it
i was sure it would score way more...
Eddie said: The test doesn't evaluate the effectiveness of tactics for low or medium teams, does it? I try all taties with 2 attackers up front, be it 424 or 41212 and I have a lot of failures against the big teams.

But with his tactics with just one striker and two defensive midfielders I get more consistency and positive results.

Sorry for the late response, i was under arrest... i am totaly glad that is working for you.
4231 is the most solid way to play and transition at the moment, that's why i am focused on it, because once i've found a good/optimal setup i will move on others things easily.