Tweaks based on this tactic by @Blau.

  - Balanced  -->  Positive

Team Instructions:
  - Removed:
      IN POSSESSION:  Underlaps, Focus Play Down The Flanks
      IN TRANSITION:  Distribute Quickly
      OUT OF POSSESSION:  Lower Defensive Line, Get Stuck In
  - Added:
      IN TRANSITION:  Distribute to Centre-Backs, Slow Pace Down

Roles and Duties:
  - DM(Su) -> DLP(Su)
  - AM(At) -> SS(At)

(FM23) Anola V1 by Dzek
(FM23) Ovest V1 by Dzek
@Zippo it will be really helpful if you test "Run At Defence" too.
I saw that they produce the same amount of goals but AM have more assists
Hi @Delicious, with your tested tactics did you find AM role operates better than SS in goals and assists?
CBP87 said: The top 2 have been tested for 5760 matches, did the scores improve from the original score? Reason I ask is because if they did and another tactic scores higher than what they did originally but currently sits third in the table then that tactic won't get tested over 5760 matches will it?

This is not sure. It may be go down as it eliminates RNG to 1 point away from the "true score".
This is a problem i have noticed too. Maybe SI developers include some factors and maybe complicated factors for each position to be able to get high average ratings. Or this is a bug which will updated in next patch. Maybe this year we have the worst ME in FM history.

I have tested many tactics, mine and others, and the most goals i have conceded were from one way(central positions - penalty box) which may represent real life football but as someone says in SI official forum, we have to play defensively against weaker teams so we can win matches, with whatever team we manage. This is not real.

I can't imagine for example Man City to play defensively in away matches with Fulham, Nottingham Forest etc, including home matches too. There are many users that say that their teams have 30 shots and no one go inside and the weaker team get 2 goals from counter attacks so easily. If this scenario happens once in every 15-20 matches(with weaker teams) it will be okay as it will represent the real football but this is more often.

Thats why we struggle to get a very well balanced team and we have to reduce mentality of tactics.
If I understood well the request from @Mark, he means that some tactics underneath the first have the potential to reach 60+ rating with eliminating RNG. It will be nice if we test only those tactics at first which are 7-10 for now and then we can stick with a fix number for all the other tactics, including previous ones.
How do you choose the best AI tactics in the testing league?
crizeKOS said: Then @senna built this, DLP has passing shorter as PI.

This seems good. A good tip that make senses is that if you choose in DM position a creative player its better to look on pass completion rate and key passes instead of assists. This is actually his task in the game if he is involved in the build up.
crizeKOS said: This is just an example of how things are going in this moment just a specific sector of the field. We could discuss alot of other stuff, like the best back 3 config interactions for instance. WHY whe cant produce a back3 tactic to endure in the top of the table? Anyway, hope u guys understand what I'm trying to do here...

I'm working in this kind of play and i get some good results on my testings. I hope in FM Arena Test League too.
@Zippo In the game save in the OP, Inter and Milan share the same stadium so league reschedule some matches in different days. This maybe a problem on "freezing" attributes/morale/condition/injuries etc.

Maybe this is a problem and has an influence on the results.
Hello everyone,

I have read what you have written and I think this year things have changed a bit with the game's match engine. Besides the bugs in the defensive approach, this year they have split the defensive formation directive into 4+2 different pieces:

Trap Inside / Trap Outside
Stop Crosses / Invite Crosses
+ Step Up More / Drop Off More

They have changed the way the mentality of the tactics work and have tweaked various roles within the game.

So with what we know officially, I'm coming to the conclusion that this year it's more about pairing the roles together and with some team instructions that might work better to give tactics a boost.

crizeKOS said: I think may things can be discussed and be tangible. As we seeing frequently on the tests tactics with the RPM underpeforming alongside two BPDs while tactics with the DM (D) doing better. But there is one tactic on the table that made RPM perform and it was alongisde two regular CDs. So, we have to consider some interactions tiers too.
This has been logically explained. Now BPDs with the "Dribble More" instruction (and maybe without) go higher on the pitch, with the ball at their feet and thus overtake RPM (This also applies to IWBs) - which means he stays out of the build up to the game. Whereas DM is a more defensive player who will play more simply.

And with the opposite is that CDs are not involved in building the game from behind and so they pass to the more creative players in front of them.
@crizeKOS  can you tell me the statistics of SS in β€œit’s XMAS_twkd2”. I mean Goals and Assists.
ZaZ said: Thank you for the suggestion. I am now working on Fire 2.0. trying to get different shapes because the 424 has too many variants. Even just the shape with almost no instructions is enough to get 55 points here, which makes me think it is probably the best shape from this version.

Indeed but i think that there are also different approaches that may give higher ratings. Keep testing πŸ˜‚
Hi @ZaZ, try to set your WB to Support duty and change the mentality to Positive. I think this will be a more stable and more suitted. Keep up with the good work!
Rince said: I don't get what you mean, if you need to know how PI "Tackle Harder" works without "Get Stuck In" TI then it's been tested already -

Yes. I didnt notice it.
It will be helpful if you can add in this test "Get Stuck In" OFF and in each player PI "Tackle Harder" so we can see the differences and effectiveness of both equal instructions.
@Zippo can you explain us a little bit further this test? I mean with "No Specific Distribution" you untick/disable "Distribute To Centre Backs" and "Roll It Out" and stick only with "Play Out Of Defence"?