dongchungVN said: Thanks @ZaZ Great tactics>>>Great Result :thup:

Thank you for testing, those are good results!
Alexis said: I didn't say this was a matter between the USA and Russia. I'm saying the USA is partly responsible for the situation (although of course Putin is the guilty one here). The USA instigated a coup in 2014 and has been encouraging Ukraine to turn away from Russia and look towards the EU and the West. This is a matter between Russia and Ukraine, and the ones paying the price of course are the Ukrainian people. NATO is a mutual defence pact against the USSR. Now that the USSR is gone and that Russia has a GNP smaller than that of Texas, there is no need for NATO anymore. Like you said, their army is no longer a threat to us, but we still have to be careful because they have many nuclear weapons. Don't forget, also, that it is in the USA's interest to create tensions between the EU and Russia. That way, they profit economically.

The Russian army might be incompetent, but it is still powerful. You seem to be very anti-Russian and looking to dismsiss them in any way possible, you are not being objective here. Of course it is not strong enough to attack the EU or the USA, but it is powerful enough to crush Ukraine and take whatever territories they want. They know the West is going to let them take over Ukraine, or at least the East of Ukraine. And by giving weapons to Ukraine, without helping them with actual soldiers, we are encouraging the massacre that is happening. Ukrainians are very brave, but they are going to get massacred if things continue like this.

Your view about the situation is the 'conventional' one, fed to us by mainstream media, by the USA and the EU. But in diplomacy, you have to make an effort to see things from your 'opponent's' perspective too. And if you listen to many experts on Russia and Ukraine, diplomats and geopoliticians, they are saying what I am saying.

You compared Putin to Hitler, and I disagree. Hitler wanted to take over the world and committed a genocide. Putin has not tried to do either of those things. He is not stupid or crazy, like you seem to think, he knows full well that he will never be able to invade the EU or even recreate the Soviet Union. But he does want to recreate a Great Russia, yes, and that involves taking back part of Ukraine, and also Belarus, so that the population of Russia reaches a critical point, which is 200 million people. Right now it has 'only' 144 million, with a huge territory and small population density. He wants more population, and I am pretty sure he will be happy with 200 million. And we are going to let him do that.

Again, I disagree with you. NATO is a pact of mutual defense against any threat, not only against Russia. It's a permanent alliance that allows countries to feel safe without spending too much on militar budget. NATO is not something bad and it's definitely needed.

About me being manipulated by the mainstream media, that's your opinion and I respect it. I also think you are being manipulated by the Russian propaganda, but none of us will admit being manipulated, right? I still hold that Putin is a dictator genocide.
HeavyPunch said: This tactic is the highest scoring tactic I have encountered since fm14, which I have tested countless of plug ins. I wouldn't say it is the best but the goals are insane! I wanted to test the tactic with the very best team to see the maximum potential of it so I picked Liverpool as they are in all competition with one of the strongest squad in the game. With real proper management game play without simulation, the result is incredible, the best I have seen in so many years. The best season I have with them, they have scored an overall 335 goals, 194 in league. Keep up the good work sir ZAZ.

HuwL said: Is there a way to do anything about the amount of yellow cards on 4.0? I'm getting 5+ per game and inevitably end up with 10 men regularly.

Se players to Ease Off Tackles if they get a yellow card. If you have a comfortable lead, switch to Light Blue.
I don't wanna argue since I can't change the way you think, but it seems like you think this is a matter between USA and Russia. There seems to be a misconception that EU needs USA to protect them, but in reality, USA gets more from NATO than the other way around. You should check what NATO really is and when it can be activated. It's not an alliance to protect the world peace as some people might think, but simply a pact of mutual defence.

Anyway, I won't argue with you about the war, I'll just say I disagree with your points and keep it like that.

At least this war is useful to show how incompetent is the military of Russia and how outdated is their technology. They might have a handful of top grade equipment, but not enough to be a threat to anyone.
Madundwa said: I don't disagree with most of your comments, I don't agree with war either. History will paint him as it will, I really didn't want to comment more on the political issue but here goes: What is the Casus Belli for Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Correct me if I am wrong, Isn't it due to an agreed upon treaty whereby Ukraine was not allowed to join NATO and thereby not having NATO bases in Ukraine which would result in NATO missiles within close proximity of Russian soil?

That's bullshit. Ukraine joining a defensive alliance is not enough reason for Putin to order a genocide. The only countries that voted in favour of Russia were Eritrea, North Korea, Belarus and Syria. All rest of the world condemned the attack (except some that abstained, like China and Venezuela), and you can bet they don't take their information from Twitter or normal media, all of them have intelligence services and embassies to help make decisions.
Madundwa said: War is never okay, especially when innocent people get hurt, but please let's stay away from politics on a gaming forum.

There isn't politics here. Putin is an idiot that will be painted in history books together with dictators like Stalin, Hitler and Mao. He kills opposition, arrests protesters and journalists that talk against him, controls media with propaganda, has his oligarch corrupt friends that support him in exchange for monopoly, among other several issues. Nothing against Russians, people there are innocent, but Putin is just evil.
JohnBoy1993 said: Has anyone used the ZAZ 3.3 with the DW in this patch? It was my go to for months & only just started playing the new patch today.

Try Blue 4.0 DW.
Cav said: ZAZ - curious as to what training schedules you use my man? Are they available for download anywhere?

You can see pictures in the first post of the tactic. It's under "Training".
Wardie37 said: Hey Zaz, I'm kinda in a similar journey having just been promoted to the VNL with Chesham. Just wondered how close to the new season you usually leave it to confirm your new squad and signings. Most of my players from last seasons contracts are up in a week and dont want to run the risk of losing anybody decent enough to stay in the league above? 😬

To be honest, you can start hiring as soon as league is over, which increases your reputation and allows you to hire new players. I usually try to choose who stays and who goes before pre-season, but sometimes some transfer goes wrong and I keep trying to hire someone deeper in pre-season.

About renewing contracts, I never leave players with less than six months unless I'm planning to replace that player. However, if some player has only one week of contract and no one tried to hire him yet, then it's very unlikely that you will lose him to some other team.
WesleySniper said: Will this tactis be tested? I wonder if it is better than Blue 4.0 or not.

It's probably not better, and I think it will be tested after others that are in the queue.
Nabby1987 said: Gave this a whirl, granted its Bayern but 31/2/1 with 132 goals, 26 against
Only change I made was to suit Lewandowski, CF instead of F9, he got 44 all comps

Thank you for testing!
leopfv said: Hi my friend! How are you? First, congratulations for your tatics. Best of FM right now. Because of it I have a request if got interest:
this tatic is a beast for the striker. Score loads of goals. But it's not very good. Could you try to improve it and keep de amazing striker performance? Thanks in advance!

I guess it's better for you to create a thread for that, so more people can help. It would also help if you put a picture of the tactic so people can give some input.
avonseller said: What tactic specifically did you run with each team in the tests or were they both rotating throughout the season? That 3331 looks interesting, one of my fav shapes

The one with two strikers.
I just hope the war ends and Russian can get rid of Putin, their dictator.
Yellow updated with two versions.
b1b2b3 said: For certain amount of time I'm trying to create a tactic that works as a shutter against AI with lots of support duty players and lots of passing, downside of this adventure this kind of tactics have lesser amount of goals produced and usually point totals are just abysmal.

It just doesn't work with

SK (sup)

IWB (sup) 2CDs or 2BPDs - IWB (sup)

Regista or RPM

2CM (sup) or 1 BBM (sup) + 1 RPM (sup)

2IW (sup)

F9 (sup) or PF (sup) or TF (sup)

Why even bother about having defenders? Go all the way with wide defenders on support and a libero!
After the success of Positive Tiki Taka - CMs (Attack), many people asked me to update Green to use IF-At after the patch. There it is, as well as a variation with SS instead of CM.
This is actually better with IF-At and F9, as someone posted before.
Bradjc94 said: Has anyone tried this with the new Match Engine? The changes to IF's should, in theory, have made this even better.
ZaZ - Green 4.0.fmf
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